Monday, April 30, 2018



King Solomon penned sage advice for all to live by.  In his memorable words, “He who walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” (Proverbs 13:20) Today’s key question to ponder is simply this: DO YOUR CLOSEST ASSOCIATES BRING HELP OR HARM INTO YOUR LIFE?  Consider the story of the powerful king who unwisely chose a monkey as his dearest companion and friend.

In a distant land, there was a king who had a monkey that was not only his pet; he was indeed his best friend. The king loved that monkey very much, so he fed him scrumptious fruits from the royal orchards and dressed him in the finest garments in the land.

In fact, the king trusted his monkey friend so much that he decided to make him his personal guard.  That way, he would have his good friend alongside at all times.  Once this decision was made, the king took his monkey friend everywhere, from the battleground to the court, and on every royal journey throughout the kingdom.

The monkey apparently loved the king with the same degree of intensity and was most delighted and proud to have been appointed as his personal guard.  He resolved to carry out his duties with utmost energy and devotion.  While the king slept, it was his monkey friend’s job to guard the royal bed chambers.  He would faithfully see to it that nothing would disturb the king from getting much needed rest.  He even fanned the king to maximize his comfort while he slept.

Daily, the royal bed chambers were bedecked with a variety of gorgeous and fragrant flowers.  Attracted by the alluring aroma of these flowers, a rather determined bee buzzed in through an open window while the king took his royal nap.  As was his custom, the monkey sat by the king’s bed, carefully protecting and fanning him.  Once the diligent monkey spotted the intrusive bee, he tried to chase it away by using his fan. But the bee lingered tenaciously, buzzing dangerously close to the king’s face.

After continuous efforts to discharge the bee, the monkey became rather angry.  At that moment, the bee settled itself on the king’s forehead.  By now, the monkey was totally outraged.  Caught up in his devoted zeal to protect the king, the monkey drew the king’s sword which had been laid on a nearby table.  He hoisted the sword high in the air to strike down the bee that now rested on the king’s forehead.  Alas, the unwise friend and appointed protector split the royal head in two, bringing on the king’s untimely demise.

Think.  We are not only known by the company we keep, our eternal destiny is directly impacted (for better or worse) by those with whom we closely associate.  What does your selection of friends reveal about your wisdom and your character, or lack of the same?  And how will those choices ultimately affect your God-ordained purpose, dreams and destiny?  Could there be a dangerous ‘monkey’ inside your chamber?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!



Now hear this!  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7)

When you truly ‘see’ the world around you through the open eyes of discernment, you soon observe that so many of the people whom you encounter daily are loaded down with a weighty and agonizing burden of FEAR.  The scriptures reveal that “fear involves torment.” (I John 4:18, NKJV) To wit, the majority of people around us are literally tormented (daily) by satanic attacks of fear.  Their negative self-talk includes such statements as:  ‘I’m not good enough.’ (or) ‘I will fail.’ (or) ‘Nobody likes me.’ (or) ‘They won’t accept or appreciate me.’

Truthfully, WE LIMIT AND JUDGE OURSELVES on a lower and harsher plain than how MOST PEOPLE ACTUALLY FEEL about who we are, what we do, or what we will become.  It’s a vicious cycle that perpetuates self-doubt and ultimately ends in defeat.

My friend, stop imprisoning your life and your potential in a self-constructed chamber of fear.  STOP TODAY…STOP NOW!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Thursday, April 26, 2018



When twelve disciples were dispatched by our Lord from one shoreline to another, Peter had no way of knowing that before the night ended he would literally go where no man had gone before.  While these twelve boat-boys huddled haplessly in desperation and fear, deadly winds, deep waters and devastating waves dashed against their vessel, threatening to overflow and sink them.  Peter had no clue that in just a few moments HE WOULD BE WALKING OUTSIDE THE BOAT…first confronting, then conquering crazy circumstances, literally striding along on top of terrifying waves!  Isn’t it just like GOD to transform our times of anxiety and anguish into opportunities to demonstrate that HIS POWER IS ON DISPLAY IN US?  What an awesome God!  I say it often: God is always up to something behind the scenes! 

Let’s revisit a pertinent portion of the scriptural passage for this devotional series: “And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.  And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.  But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.  And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.  And he said, Come.  And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.  But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.  And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?  And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.” (Matthew 14:25-32)

Some are prone to criticize Peter for failure to sustain that miraculous water walk.  My response to the critics is simply this: ‘Who among us can testify personally to having walked on water, like Peter?’  To be candid, most of us (myself included) would never have requested to exit that boat in the first place – especially in light of the horrifying sea experiences those disciples had been navigating – all in complete darkness!  A careful reading of this passage informs us that the storm was not abated until AFTER Jesus and Peter entered the boat together.  Think about it.  Peter had such great faith that he volunteered to head out INTO THE STORM, just to be in close proximity with Jesus!  Wow!  Skeptics suggest that Peter was only able to do this because JESUS WAS THERE.  My response to every shore-hugging-skeptic comes in the form of two key questions: (1) When you and I are HESITANT or REFUSE to launch out into the deep and fulfill our purpose and destiny, ISN’T GOD ALWAYS THERE?  (2) And any time we garner sufficient faith to move ahead and launch out (despite momentary setbacks), ISN’T GOD ALWAYS THERE?  We call Him JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH because “THE LORD IS THERE!” (Ezekiel 48:35)

Nevertheless, all of us would have gazed LONG AND HARD at the water BEFORE we got out of that boat, and most of us would fail to ever disembark.  In other words, we have the tendency to become psychologically and spiritually frozen – trapped in the paralysis of analysis – STUCK IN PLACE for days, or even decades.  Might I make a suggestion to ALL, myself included?  What we really need is A NEW ATTITUDE!  Please don’t judge me for highlighting a secular song, but years ago I listened to Patti LaBelle singing about “a new attitude.”  The lyrics went something like this: “I’m feeling good from my head to my shoes.  I know where I’m going, and I know what to do.  I’ve tidied up my point of view.  I’ve got a new attitude!”  Finishing with her uniquely stylish flair, Pattie crooned “OO-OO-OO-OO…I’VE GOT A NEW ATTITUDE!”

Sisters and brothers, I dare you (and me) to STEP OUT OF YOUR BOAT at the command of OUR Lord!  If we should somehow falter along the way, JEHOVAH SHAMMAH IS THERE for a rapid rescue; we only need to CALL HIS NAME!  The Word reveals that when Jesus and Peter finally came into the ship, the wind ceased.  I dare you to invite JESUS onboard your vessel; conditions will instantaneously change!  In the presence of His demonstrated power over their storm, the twelve disciples gathered around to worship the Son of the Living God.  And with JESUS on board, they sailed forward with strength, security, sensibility, stability and success.  

This scripture passage ends with a simple status report: “And when they were gone over, they came unto the land of GENNESARET.”  That name literally means “a garden of riches.”  Jesus knew the character and content of the place He had dispatched them to, but He also knew that their faith would be enhanced by encountering difficult challenges along the way.  GENNESARET was simply a divine appointment awaiting fulfillment.  Wherever God guides, God provides.  Therefore, if JESUS ever sends you anywhere…JUST GO…because HE has GREAT EXPECTATIONS THERE for your service and success.  “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018



Since Spirit-filled believers are endowed by OUR SOURCE with deeper understanding of situational times and seasons, we never need worry or stress about OUR RESOURCES.  OUR TIMES AND SEASONS are faithfully committed to (and controlled by) the LOVING AND SUSTAINING HANDS OF GOD.  So even while life-circumstances ‘appear’ to be dead or dying, the all-wise God has preordained ultimate victory and success.  According to Jude, HE is “the only wise God” and HE is to be accorded “glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.” (Jude 1:25) ONLY GOD knows the end from the beginning, and for that reason alone, we confidently commit total trust in HIM.  

Kingdom Principle Number Six: APPEARANCES NOTWITHSTANDING, THE ALL-WISE GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL!  Daniel gave an insightful praise report on the wisdom and power of God.  “Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God forever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: and HE CHANGES THE TIMES AND THE SEASONS: he removes kings, and sets up kings: he gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: HE REVEALS THE DEEP AND SECRET THINGS: He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” (Daniel 2:20-22)

This scripture passage suggests that any believer who operates out of reverential fear of God becomes a blessed benefactor of SECRET KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM.  The Psalmist David penned two closely related revelations concerning this.  First, he wrote “The FEAR OF THE LORD is the beginning of WISDOM.” (Psalm 111:10) And then, David revealed the direct result of such a reverential fear: “The SECRET OF THE LORD is with them that FEAR HIM; and HE WILL SHOW THEM HIS COVENANT.” (Psalm 25:14) As believers, we have a covenant relationship with God.  Never forget: GOD is a PROMISE KEEPER!  Every day, we walk hand-in-hand with THE ALL-SUFFICIENT ONE (who has already ordered and walked out our steps), so why should we worry?  Think about it.

This brings to mind our granddaughter, Sydney, who at the approximate age of five was fully capable of navigating stairs alone, but whenever Sydney was near me, she would always reach for my hand.  It was her way of feeling safe and secure – since she apparently believed that her ‘Pop-Pop’ would never let her fall.  Isn’t this an instructive lesson for us (believers) who should invest total trust and confidence in the hands of ‘Abba-Father’ to guide our way through challenging circumstances?  If we would only stop to reflect on the power of God, we would realize that our anxieties surface for no good reasons at all.  The seemingly major issues we encounter are minor matters to the Creator of Heaven and earth!  Too often, we doubt whether God will bring all His promises to pass.  The clock seems so fast, and our progress seems so slow.  One insight from yesterday’s devotional bears repeating: “Stop fuming, fretting and fussing about what TIME it is…GOD KNOWS YOUR SEASON!”

That is why the twelve disciples should never have surrendered to doubt and fear.  The ‘place’ they occupied and the ‘problem’ they experienced were directly connected to the ‘command’ of Christ, and therefore subject to the awesome power of The Living Lord.  So, when TROUBLE showed up – JESUS showed up!  

Kingdom Principle Number Seven: GOD IS OUR PRESENT HELP IN TIMES OF TROUBLE. (Psalm 46:1) Let’s look briefly at the text again.  “But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.  And in the fourth watch of the night JESUS went unto them, walking on the sea.  And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, it is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.  But straightway Jesus spoke unto them, saying, BE OF GOOD CHEER; IT IS I; BE NOT AFRAID.” (Matthew 14:24-27)

Kingdom Principle Number Eight: WHEN GOD SHOWS UP, DON’T DOUBT HIM.  Our Lord really knows how to make a grand entrance, doesn’t He?  Jesus is not only a water-walker; JESUS IS A WAVE-WALKER!  Be assured that there are NO tempestuous waves…NO life-circumstances…that are too hard or too heavy for Him to bear.  Take a mental snapshot of that stormy night on the sea.  The drama and noise of that night were literally off-the-chain!  Howling winds…tempestuous waves…fearful disciples crying out…it was loud and noisy beyond belief.  But the Lord of Heaven and earth strolled by (atop the wave caps) and whispered a Word of now-faith to those fearful boys in the boat: “BE OF GOOD CHEER…IT IS I…BE NOT AFRAID.”  

Sisters and brothers, I have noticed something similar in my own life.  Whenever my ‘boat’ tacks perilously close to troubled waters, somehow over the background noise of my personal storm, I can tune in to His calming voice speaking soothingly to my spirit: ‘Don’t worry…don’t be afraid.’  As one gospel hymn composer penned, whenever JESUS SPEAKS, “the sound of HIS VOICE is so sweet that the birds hush their singing!”   In tempestuous times like these…He still walks with me…and He talks with me…and He tells me I am His own!  David said it even better: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” (Psalm 56:3) Amen!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018



Wisdom dictates that, along this voyage called life, we anticipate and prepare for the unexpected.  In other words, LIFE HAPPENS.  Regardless of how seaworthy or stable your vessel might be, sooner or later challenging life-circumstances will appear on the horizon to rock your boat!  Sailors call them rogue waves.  They roll through at any moment, even in the calmest of seas; and their intensity and magnitude potentially disturbs or damages the best-of-the-best ships in any fleet.

However, never worry about rogue waves.  Since they are completely out of your control, you might as well relax and enjoy the ride.  Right?  Some choose to pass their days in a mindset riddled with paralyzing fear, high anxiety, or quiet desperation.  True believers choose balanced living, replete with peace and tranquility. The prophet Isaiah certainly understood God’s sovereignty and unending care for His children.  He wrote: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusts in Thee.” (Isaiah 26:3)

Kingdom Principle Number Three: GOD IS OUR SOURCE!  In financially troubled times, we are tempted to stress over our RESOURCES, instead of focusing attention on THE SOURCE.  “The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1) This means that despite any losses, of jobs, cars, homes, or even friends, Christ’s disciples recognize that these are mere RESOURCES.  If we don’t lose THE SOURCE, we will find shelter and security during our most vehement storms.  Unquestionably, “the name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)

It bears repetition: STOP WORRYING ABOUT RESOURCES!  Do you know who you are?  YOU are the “blessed man” (a truth that is gender-neutral) described in Psalm 1.  Since you consistently delight and meditate in the law of the Lord, your Creator declares this about you: “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” (Psalm 1:3) Allow me to share a powerful revelation with you – an encouraging truth the Lord deposited in me years ago.  Listen with your spirit.  Most of the things you have LOST are not FRUIT; they are just LEAVES.  And leaves were created to serve a very TEMPORARY FUNCTION – and then those leaves will inevitably fall off!

Kingdom Principle Number Four: LEAVES WILL LEAVE!  You need to declare this liberating Rhema aloud.  Say it: “LEAVES WILL LEAVE!”  But Jesus said, “I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, and ORDAINED YOU, that ye should go and bring forth FRUIT, and that your FRUIT SHOULD REMAIN.” (John 15:16) As long as we are “ROOTED and GROUNDED in LOVE” [God is love, Ephesians 3:17], we will never again worry about lost LEAVES.  As long as we abide in Him, Christ declares that we will bring forth “MUCH FRUIT!” (John 12:24) Always remember this: TREES ONLY ‘LOOK’ DEAD during winter.  And typically, fruit does not fully manifest during winter.  God says a blessed man will “bring forth his fruit IN HIS SEASON.” (Psalm 1:3) So stop fuming, fretting and fussing about what TIME it is…GOD KNOWS YOUR SEASON…and you WILL produce!

Understand this: Your winter season is analogous to your private ship sailing far away from shore.  What is the spiritual message in this?  God is simply saying, ‘Your ship has not YET come in’…but it WILL…if you learn how to WAIT (proactive waiting), with faith, fortitude, courage and consistency!’  The winter season of your natural or spiritual life is quite similar to the foreboding circumstances in which Christ’s twelve disciples found themselves.  They were far out “in the midst of the sea” (Matthew 14:24), and their remote location precluded help or hope as stormy conditions circumscribed their ship.  They felt alone, victimized by contrary winds and tossing waves.  Ironically, JESUS was close by.  Indeed, HE is “a very present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear.” (Psalm 46:1-2)

Kingdom Principle Number Five: YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM…YOU ARE A VICTOR!  Due to very dangerous and troubled waters, those disciples did FEEL seasick and heartsick – partly because these events occurred during “the fourth watch of the night” while they were enveloped in pitch-black darkness.  The disciples could see nothing!  Light was absolutely unavailable; the sun had long since set; the moon and stars were hiding in the obscurity of ominous clouds.  Their sails had been trimmed, and they were rocking, rolling and reeling in the middle of the sea, totally at the mercy of terrifying currents and horrific winds.

NEVERTHELESS…in their moment of deepest despair, along came JESUS CHRIST…the Author and Finisher of their fleeting, fading and failing faith!  Along came JESUS CHRIST, walking calmly over raging seas, through howling tempests!  Along came JESUS CHRIST on His life-or-death rescue mission, because (from a distance) He had heard the hapless cries of His children.  My friend, do not succumb to anxiety or fear.  JESUS CHRIST has already heard YOUR CRY, and help is on the way!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, April 23, 2018



Your faith-walk involves a PROCESS which arguably seldom involves instantaneous results.  That’s why Jesus Christ declares “in your PATIENCE possess ye your souls.” (Luke 21:19) Patience may be defined as the elapsed time between earth’s cry and heaven’s response.  Although Jesus hastened forthwith to lift ‘Water-Walking-Peter’ from troubled seas, perhaps (to the despairing sinker) it felt more like an eternity, while he was trapped in a terrifying moment of anguish and anxiety.  Nevertheless, despite any notion to the contrary in our human perspective, we serve a GOD who always shows up on time to transform tragedy into triumph. That’s why we wait (expectantly) on Him.  David declared, “I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1)

When Jesus issued the directive, ‘Get in the ship and go on to the other side,’ His disciples never hesitated. Hesitation is the equivalent of doubt.  They did not delay because numerous prior experiences produced a knowledgeable confidence that it was reasonable and right to invest total trust in THE MASTER.  What they did not know is that divine directives require both risk and sacrifice.  Nevertheless, our God clearly comforts us ahead of any testing times: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when you walk through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:2)  

However, after our initial call, with its subsequent and inevitable challenges, it is tempting to question whether we were ACTUALLY called by God, especially when we stand face-to-face with tenacious troubles. Our thoughts go something like this: ‘Lord, did you REALLY say we should get in the ship and go to the other side?  Was that YOU, or was that just our imagination working overtime?’  But since the Holy Spirit is a Comforter, He always breathes soothing and stabilizing Words of life into our spirits.  So, after Peter’s trial-by-water, he nailed it and later penned these insights: “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you.” (I Peter 5:10) My friends, YOU WILL make it through the storm; your perspective will change, and your faith will be strengthened.  The mere fact that you may experience danger or detours along your journey does not invalidate or nullify the original call of God.

Faith in God’s eternal Word ultimately produces fulfillment in the context of time.  But here’s the rub: We don’t know the precise ‘WHEN’ of God’s timing; which is to say that our CHRONOS is never intimately acquainted or precisely synchronized with God’s KAIROS.  Stated more simply and in the vernacular…‘God’s timing ain’t ours!’  In our foundational scripture (Matthew 14:22-34), there is what I call a ‘frustration gap’ between verse 22 and verse 34.  Jesus says “GO” in verse 22, and the disciples finally “LAND” in verse 34.  To wit, it’s the IN-BETWEEN-STUFF that is the real trial of our faith.  I smile at myself whenever I testify confidently and enthusiastically (after the fact) with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.  But the truth is that there are times WHILE I’m passing through troubled waters when I’m not sensing any real measure of victory.

There are several Kingdom principles in this scriptural passage that should be highlighted.  

Kingdom Principle Number One: When Jesus issued the command to cross over, He went up onto the mountain to pray.  This was surely a TARGETED PRAYER, with the express purpose of undergirding the disciples for whatever challenges they would confront while obeying Christ’s command.  I love the fact that JESUS CHRIST yet serves as our INTERCESSORY HIGH PRIEST!  Hebrews 4:14-15 informs and inspires us: “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”  I Timothy 2:5 confirms this fact: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”  His High Priestly function positions Him as our effective advocate, so why should we worry?  Think about it.  Jesus strongly advises against anxiety of any stripe, since Our Father is the Supplier of ALL we will ever need. (Matthew 6:25-32 and Philippians 4:19) Never forget, G--O--D HAS OUR BACKS!

The next Kingdom principle is found in verse 24.  

Kingdom Principle Number Two: When we decide to launch-out-into-the-deep, our obedience becomeS a moment-of-manifestation, ALBEIT VIA buffeting waves and contrary winds.  One of my friends is an excellent sailor, and he tells me that every proficient sailor lives in expectation of robust and hearty winds.  Indeed, smooth and polished seas are a death-knell to sailing forward with power.  Sisters and brothers, contrary winds do not come to break you; they show up for the express purpose of MAKING YOU, i.e. mobilizing you to GO and GROW!  God reconfigures tempestuous winds, divinely transforming them into gusts of dunamis (vigorous spiritual power) to move you forward with passion and purpose.  So, stop cursing any prevailing winds, and start blessing them via fervent prayer and faith-filled praise. (James 5:16) These are the unseen and unexpected vehicles that carry you THROUGH your tests and INTO your destiny.  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Sunday, April 22, 2018



The Gospel of Matthew (chapter 14) records a fascinating adventure story, one that begins with Jesus issuing a clear command to his disciples: ‘GO ON AHEAD…TO THE OTHER SIDE.’  I really love reading, but I confess that I never peruse the final pages of a novel ahead of time since I thoroughly enjoy navigating through the excitement and tension of tests and triumphs.  In this case, however, I will deviate from custom and reveal the conclusion of the disciples’ journey: “WHEN THEY HAD CROSSED OVER…THEY LANDED AT GENNESARET.” (Matthew 14:22-34) Their ultimate arrival at Gennesaret was never about the CONCLUSION OF THEIR JOURNEY; it was all about the FULFILLMENT OF CHRIST’S COMMAND.  


Here’s the thing.  In order to arrive at their final DESTIN-ATION, i.e. their place of divine destiny, the twelve disciples had to traverse through tremendous trouble.  It occurs to me that the corporate culture of the contemporary institutional church is reflective of what we might term a MICROWAVE MENTALITY.  That is, we seek (and require) instantaneous solutions to long-term problems.  We demand that GOD work out (in four minutes or less) situations which we could have created over the course of four years.  But please hear this with your spirit.  Our faith-walk involves process.  It bears repetition: OUR FAITH-WALK INVOLVES PROCESS!  It’s not that our God is incapable of RIGHT-NOW-MIRACLES.  After all, “He is ABLE to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”  However, the latter part of that scripture verse is key to our understanding of the ways and works of God.  In the final analysis, GOD operates in the earth realm “according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

This scripture could be interpreted in a couple ways.  It could mean that God works through the Holy Ghost power that is divinely given and resident within believers.  II Corinthians 4:7 says, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”  Also, it could mean that although our God is fully capable, He is fundamentally limited (by the practical application of OUR FAITH) in His capacity to reveal and fulfill His Word.  Consider this.  Even after Jesus had publicly presented his profound Parables of The Kingdom (Matthew chapter 13), he was rejected by those who knew him well during his formative years.  That is, when he went into the synagogue to teach “in his own country,” those who knew him the longest were “offended” because someone they ONLY saw as a fellow resident of Nazareth (a ‘homeboy’ if you will), had the audacity to try to teach them anything!  The result?  Jesus “did not [do] many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13:54-58) In truth, THE OMNIPOTENT GOD IS RENDERED POWERLESS TO IMPACT OUR LIFE-SITUATIONS whenever we allow doubt and fear to dominate and thereby cause us to place God in a ‘limiting box.’

Please tune in with your spirit.  Whenever Jesus commands His disciples to ‘GO’ anywhere, there is a 100% probability that TURBULENT WEATHER will show up at some point in the journey.  In your own faith-walk, whenever you move in the direction of the eternal, i.e. whenever you finally make up your mind to settle on God’s will and way, you can count on the manifestation of trouble.  An unfortunate myth is frequently perpetrated on new believers.  It suggests that decisions for Christ somehow culminate in flowery beds of ease.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  

Here is the real deal, according to the Word of God: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that TRIBULATION works patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope.  And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” (Romans 5:1-5)

Your personal TRIBULATION is merely one component of DIVINE PROCESS. defines “tribulation” as “grievous trouble; severe trial or testing; affliction; hardship; distress; adversity.” Nevertheless, pain, pressure and problems are always PREGNANT WITH PURPOSE.  Some years ago, God revealed something vitally important while I was throwing a private pity party disguised as personal prayer.  Heaven’s advice for me?  “Stop asking WHY!  Start asking HOW!”  In other words, we don’t need to know WHY we are in the middle of challenging conditions; all we really need is a HOLY SPIRIT REVELATION of HOW we are going to emerge on the other side!  Think about it and stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Thursday, April 19, 2018



THE GOD-KIND-OF-FAITH, the heritage of believers, is tantamount to a sustained CONFIDENCE in God’s Word.  It is vital for believers to understand that, although faith is fabricated within the heavenly halls of eternity, it is executed within the frail framework of human time.  Consider this.  Time allotted for Kingdom service is a precious gift from God, albeit it is a gift that is shared in pre-measured and finite proportions.  Our time is limited; therefore, we have a definite number of days to get the job done! (Psalm 90:12)  

Knowing this, believers can never afford to squander those important opportunities that are sown in our time by opting to major in minor matters.  Time represents potential, i.e. distinct possibilities for the future.  Every faithful and wise steward will ‘milk each moment’ of service for The Master. (I Corinthians 4:1-2) Never waste time complaining, for each second is a precious allotment that must be used productively to cultivate God’s gifts and maximize your potential.

There is a humorous story about an Italian monk who joined the Monastery of Montserrat in Spain.  One of the requirements for being a monk at Montserrat was an oath of perpetual silence.  [Editorial Note: That’s a definite disqualifier for most of us]!  Those monks were only allowed to speak after two initial years had passed, and then they could only say two words.  After two more years had passed by, they were allowed to say two more words.  Two additional years…two additional words…and so forth.  You get the picture.

After the new monk’s first dual year stint, he was called before his superior to offer his initial two-word statement.  The first two words out of his mouth were “Bed hard!”  Two more years passed.  His next two words were “Food bad!”  After another couple of years, the monk mumbled “I quit!”  His superior looked him over for a moment or two and said, “Doesn’t surprise me.  All you’ve done since you’ve been her for six years is complain, complain, complain!”

It’s a funny story, but the point is well taken.  We don’t need to expend our somewhat limited time and energy focusing on the negative side of things.  Life is far too short and our time of Kingdom service will expire before we know it!  Complaining is a satanic distraction that accomplishes several undesirable ends. Firstly, it affects our state of mind, our thinking, and actually makes us miserable. (Philippians 4:6-8)  Secondly, it disturbs the atmosphere around us.  There is something distinctly troublesome about being in the presence of a chronic complainer. (Job 16:1-2) Thirdly, it wears away at our faith foundations. (Psalm 27:13) Fourthly, it affects our health and our emotional well-being since “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) Finally, negativity absolutely nullifies praise.  We who truly love God exercise a level of self-control that allows us to set and maintain our focus on praise. (Psalm 35:28 and Psalm 84:4)

Bottom-line: Do not waste valuable time ‘SEEING’ or ‘SPEAKING’ anything other than the powerful promises of God into your present and future life.  During my early years of seminary, I had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with the late Dr. Benjamin Mays, the distinguished former president of Morehouse College in Atlanta.  It was his custom to mentor young African-American male protégés via the recitation of his signature poem:

Life is just a minute,
Only sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon you, can’t refuse it;
Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it.
But it’s up to you to use it;
You must suffer if you lose it.
Just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it!

Since time wasted can never be recovered, it is incumbent upon us to invest our moments wisely.  We have decided to SEE all the good that God has designed for us (before the foundation of the world), and we will praise Him for it, even through any adverse circumstances.  Why?  Because our ATTITUDE OF PRAISE mobilizes positive responses to current conditions while stimulating an EXPANSIVE VISION FOR OUR FUTURE. (Proverbs 29:18)


Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018



Our current life-situations neither define our present, nor predict our future.  Not now; not ever.  However, for ultimate success, we must diligently activate TENACIOUS FAITH – faith that absolutely will not let go of God’s promises – faith that steadfastly refuses to surrender to doubt, fear, or sensory perceptions, no matter what comes and no matter who goes.  This is the GOD-KIND-OF-FAITH that (for every believer) is tantamount to sustaining CONFIDENCE IN GOD’S WORD. Bottom-line: CHRIST’S WORD NEVER FAILS! (Matthew 24:35 - I Peter 1:23 – Colossians 3:16) The Apostle Paul concisely captures our prerequisites for success:

Hebrews 10:35-36 (NKJV)
Therefore, do not cast away your CONFIDENCE, which has great reward.  For you have need of ENDURANCE, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.

Others around you may perish due to a lack of knowledge or clear vision. (Hosea 4:6 and Proverbs 29:18) But YOU are a true believer, a bona fide achiever and a world system survivor.  YOU have learned how to daily activate THE LOGOS, the Living Word of God seeded inside you.  So, at all costs, you must not be tempted to worry or stress should someone in close proximity somehow fail to SEE what you have seen through the eyes of faith.  Just stay focused, with full assurance that CHRIST-IN-YOU, “the hope of glory,” will surely bring to pass everything He has promised.  GOD cannot and will not fail! (Colossians 1:27 and Philippians 1:6) Jesus Christ declared “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35) 

Sisters and brothers, IF YOU CAN SEE IT…YOU CAN BE IT!

Some years ago, an unforgettable horse named Sunday Silence graced The Kentucky Derby.  This horse was doubly amazing because all odds were against him and he should never have made it into the elite ranks of The Derby.  As a young colt, he developed an advanced case of colic, typically a career-ender for race horses. Additionally, he was involved in a near fatal accident when his trailer driver had a heart attack while traveling on a busy highway.  As a result, nobody believed in, or wanted to purchase, Sunday Silence.  As far as they were concerned, any future involving that horse was a dead-end street.

Nevertheless, after two unsuccessful auctions, a visionary thoroughbred horse trainer named Charles Whittingham bought Sunday Silence, sight unseen.  He reasoned that if this horse had survived all that trouble, he must be extremely tough and determined.  Incidentally, Mr. Whittingham was 76 years old when he conceived this idea, so you are never too old to pursue your life’s dream!  The owners of the million-dollar horses mocked and laughed at him prior to The Derby.  Even his jockey, a man named Pat Valenzuela, had major stability issues, having recently been rehabilitated from drug abuse.  Most people would not have bet one dollar on that crazy trio: a damaged horse, an addict rider and an old foolish trainer.  But Charlie and Pat had great faith in Sunday Silence and labored quietly and untiringly to get him ready for The Kentucky Derby.

Something quite miraculous happened on Derby day.  At the starting gate, Sunday Silence looked utterly confused.  He wobbled back and forth at the gate and could not manage to run in a straight line once the race started.  But suddenly, it looked like Sunday Silence woke up and realized ‘I’m in a race, and I want to win!’  He straightened up and streaked down the track like a bolt of lightning.  On that day, history was made by a team of three unlikely champions who were counted out long before the starting gun.  To everyone’s surprise, Sunday Silence won The Kentucky Derby because he had been unconditionally loved, trained and supported; and, because he had sufficient heart to realize: ‘I’M IN IT TO WIN IT!’

Undoubtedly, the owner/trainer, Charles Whittingham, possessed tremendous VISION. defines vision as “the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be.”  VISION emerges from (and is the product of) FAITH.  And “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) The scriptures advise us that “faith comes by hearing…and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Carefully consider.  What have you ‘SEEN’ (in your past) that adversely positioned you – to become discouraged, deactivated or discarded, based solely on the attitudes or actions of others?  Most importantly, WHAT ARE YOU SEEING NOW?  This is your RHEMA WORD for today: Go back and reclaim your VISION.  Reclaim your PROMISE!  Reclaim your POWER!  Reclaim your ANOINTING!  Reclaim your DREAM!  IT’S YOURS…and though it may have been delayed, it shall not be denied.  It is your GOD-GIVEN HERITAGE, and it WILL come to pass!  Prayerfully consider these powerful Words from the Lord – and be encouraged to continue.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NKJV)
Then the Lord answered me and said: “WRITE THE VISION and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.  For THE VISION IS YET FOR AN APPOINTED TIME; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.  Though it tarries, wait for it; because IT WILL SURELY COME, it will not tarry.”

Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018



Almighty God is the creative artist of your eternal existence.  His original portrait of you is exceedingly bold, bright and beautiful.  Therefore, your current state-of-being or situation does not define you or your life.  More significant is the revelation and manifestation of the true image AND LIKENESS of God that He designed, destined, deposited and designated as “YOU.” (Genesis 1:26-27) My friend, if you can somehow manage to SEE IT…you can BE IT.  In a word, there is hidden treasure ‘buried’ inside of you.  No thrill in life exceeds the discovery of the divine intention that shapes and sparks your very existence.  This is something that is absolutely extraordinary and fascinating about God.  He hides His greatest treasures in the least likely of places: within frail, fallible, human vessels of clay.

As I say so often, GOD IS ALWAYS UP TO SOMETHING BEHIND THE SCENES.  It reminds me of a story I heard in a seminary class on world religions.  Some years ago, a priceless statue called “The Golden Buddha” was discovered in the city of Bangkok, Thailand.  It had been hidden in plain sight (right under everyone’s nose) for centuries.  Ostensibly, it was a plain concrete statue of Buddha, supposedly standing guard over the town square.  No one paid any attention to it.  In fact, tourists discarded their soda cans there, and rested packages on it while changing their camera film to snap the next ‘big’ picture.

One day, a priest asked to relocate the statue to a temple in a rather obscure neighborhood of Bangkok.  His request was approved quickly, simply because no one cared about the statue.  Nevertheless, while the heavy statue was being removed, the crane cable snapped and the statue fell forcibly to the ground.  The severe impact caused the exterior concrete to crack.  Nevertheless, what appeared to be tragedy morphed quickly into triumph.  The next morning, visible shafts of brilliant sunlight reflected off the gold that was hidden inside the crack. To everyone’s astonishment, inside that eight-foot tall statue was an awesome work of art, forged from the world’s largest single chunk of gold.  Years before this, Thai citizens were in danger of being overrun by enemies, so they melted down all their gold and created a statue of Buddha.  Then they covered the gold image with concrete and mud to hide its enormous value from their attackers.  Since all of those people were killed, their golden secret died with them and remained undetected for hundreds of years. Uncanny!

Consider this: WHO KNOWS WHAT GOD HAS HIDDEN INSIDE YOU?  It reminds me of the teachings of Paul, as recorded in II Corinthians 4:7. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”  Practical application?  YOU will have to look ‘underneath’ your present condition and circumstance (with spiritual discernment) to discover all that GOD has created.  I love what the Word reveals about God’s propensity to use ‘concrete vessels’ to bring forth ‘pure gold.’

I Corinthians 1:26-29
For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.  But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence.

So don’t be surprised if something ‘breaks’ in and around your life, so that your divine purpose and ultimate beauty can be revealed out of the depths of your cracked and broken vessel.  Look underneath and live.  

It bears repeating: LOOK UNDERNEATH!  There are precious deposits of gold hidden there!  If I may be permitted to paraphrase the words of Job: ‘I’m in a real tight situation right now.  My children are dead.  All my stuff is gone.  My friends have abandoned me.  My health is disastrous.  My body is covered with oozing sores and I feel sure that I’m dying.  And in the middle of all this misery, my wife seems to be losing her mind and abandoning her faith.  She’s telling me to curse the Creator and Lord of the Universe and just lay down to die.  Nevertheless…GOD KNOWS THE WAY THAT I TAKE.  And even in the midst of these decaying and dying circumstances…I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES!  And deep down in my spirit I BELIEVE…when this is all over…I’M COMING OUT LIKE PURE GOLD!’  Job was surely aware of his circumstances, but he was empowered to SEE something else.  And so, he challenged himself to SAY something else.  And his subsequent RESULTS were something else! (Job 42:10-16)  IF YOU CAN SEE IT…YOU CAN BE IT!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, April 16, 2018



As was his custom, a homeless man slept on the sidewalk across the street from an artist’s studio.  One morning, the neighboring artist sketched the face of this poor soul who for years had experienced the humbling indignities of living outdoors and begging for bread.  After his initial sketch was completed, the artist began to add bright colors to the homeless man’s face.  As the brilliant hues of oil paint were brushed skillfully across the canvas, the overall image of this destitute soul began to transform dramatically.  The artist brightened the man’s unwashed skin and gave his eyes a look of fierce determination and strength. Finally, he artistically ‘brushed’ the poor man’s clumpy and unkempt hair, giving him a polished and regal appearance.

When the painting was completed, the artist called the indigent man to view his work of art.  The homeless man was hesitant and fearful because he had never been summoned to the studio and did not know what to expect.  As you might imagine, the invited beggar did not immediately recognize himself.  “Who is this?” he whispered in subdued tones.  The proud artist only smiled.  Coming closer to the painting, the man had a growing realization that there was something vaguely familiar about the image caught on canvass.  “Is this…ME?” he finally asked.  “Could this possibly be a painting of ME?”  The artist replied “Yes, this is how I see you.”  After a few moments, that beggar squared his shoulders, stood significantly taller than he had in years, and announced proudly, “If this is the person you SEE…then that is the person I will BE!”

My friend, If you can see it…you can be it!

Our Creator looks upon you and I in the same manner that the artist viewed and conceptualized the humble beggar.  Whenever God considers us, He never focuses on the obvious: our faults, failures, foibles and fiascoes.  El Shaddai, The All-Sufficient One, The Alpha and Omega, The Designer of the Universe, SEES US for who we were ultimately INTENDED TO BE in the sovereign Mind and Will of Almighty God. Wow…chew on that for a moment!

Here is a powerful exercise you can try right now.  After you finish reading this paragraph, close your eyes for a moment.  Try not to think of today’s duties or demands…think about YOU…for just one moment.  Don’t think about your past.  Don’t consider your present condition and circumstances.  For just one moment, TRY TO SEE YOU…AS GOD SEES YOU…on the DAY OF YOUR BIRTH…your very first moments on Planet Earth. Incidentally, the God who is “the same yesterday, today and forever,” sees you that way still! (Hebrews 13:8) It is likely that you had little or no issues on the day of your birth, or at least no awareness of any deficits or deficiencies.  In the months that followed, you smiled and laughed, freely and frequently, for scarcely any reason at all.  You were carefree, joyful, overflowing with energy and full of expectation about everything that was and would be.  C lose your eyes and SEE that GOD-CREATED PERSON…right now…

My friend, WHAT did you see with your eyes closed?  WHO did you see?  Undoubtedly, some of you might have difficulty VISUALIZING YOURSELF through THE EYES OF GOD, so to speak.  It may seem impossible to see that BEAUTIFUL AND BEST YOU – because over time you have been programmed by life experiences to see ANOTHER YOU.  Perhaps in your childhood, your parents did not sufficiently care for, nurture, or encourage you.  Perhaps others (significant others) chose to highlight your limitations and losses, your insufficiencies and inabilities.

Maybe you even married someone who lacks the ability to appreciate or support you.  So now – when you see yourself – you only visualize doubt, negativity, failure, or defeat.  If that be the case with you, please say these words after me: “IT IS RE-PROGRAMMING TIME!”  Affirm your ‘image emancipation’ once more, but this time say it louder and with more enthusiasm: “STARTING TODAY…I WILL RE-PROGRAM MYSELF…AND I WILL SEE MYSELF AS GOD SEES ME…BECAUSE IF I CAN SEE IT…I CAN BE IT!  AMEN!  AMEN!  AMEN!”

In the world of computer technology, there is a familiar adage: ‘Garbage in…garbage out.’  This means that if ‘erroneous stuff’ is somehow programmed into your computer software, your eventual output will be useless.  ‘JUNK IN…JUNK OUT!’  Whether you realize it or not, YOU CAN rise above the MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL SOFTWARE that OTHERS have licensed and YOU have allowed to be programmed onto the emotional computer of your life!  I have a vital announcement to make, and I am now speaking with spiritual authority to your future: “IT IS RE-PROGRAMMING TIME!”


It does not matter at all whether you appear to be hapless, helpless, or homeless at the moment your TRUE IMAGE is manifested and revealed to you.  As Presiding Bishop Charles Edward Blake says so often, “I see you in your future…and you look much better than you do today!”  So get up from wherever, whatever, or however you seem to be…and declare with all the faith you can muster: “IF I CAN SEE IT…I CAN BE IT!”  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!