Wednesday, January 30, 2019



How might beauty be best described or characterized?  It is an enigma, an elusive mystery which encompasses centuries of scholarly debate by the world’s greatest philosophers, poets and theologians. defines “beauty” as “the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or pattern, or something else.”  In “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” the English romantic poet, John Keats, wrote “BEAUTY IS TRUTH, truth beauty – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

Keats seems to have arrived at a reasonable definition, especially since Jesus Christ declared “You shall know THE TRUTH, and the truth shall make you FREE.” (John 8:32)

Contemporary culture is absolutely inundated and obsessed with so-called IDEAL BEAUTY.  This superficial quest is the crux of most media-related experiences, whether in the film, television, publication, cosmetics, or fashion industries.

However, I love the entirely simplistic and sensible manner in which Sam Levenson defines beauty.  He offers the following prescriptive admonition for all who seek to join the ranks of ‘THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE’:

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you will never walk alone.
People have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed.
So never throw anybody out.
The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, her figures, or her hair.
The beauty of a woman lies in her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.
It’s the caring she gives and the passion she shows.
This kind of beauty just grows and grows!

The sage, Solomon, wrote “Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30) To wit, those who would be genuinely beautiful must be authentic lovers of God. 

Bottom-line: Beauty can never be properly defined by one’s bodily shape, hair quality, or facial features.  First and foremost, it is an interior spiritual phenomenon.  If you would be truly beautiful, then 1) always have a heart that is truly devoted to God, and 2) always demonstrate sincerity, empathy and love for your fellows. From the vantage point of eternity, any other manifestation of beauty is vain, fleeting and inconsequential.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019



Landmines are concealed explosive military devices designed to passively destroy or disable enemy targets without the risk of directly engaging a warring adversary.  Injury or death results, either from the direct blast or from lethal fragments hurled with great force from its epicenter.  During past wars, landmines were detonated by direct pressure, i.e. the weight of the person stepping on the landmine or the vehicle driving over it.

The latest generation of landmines is deployed to destroy military personnel and vehicles.  These weapons are called “IEDs” or improvised explosive devices.  During the USA’s most recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, numerous allied combatants lost life or limb as the result of these IEDs.  The use of such landmines remains controversial because they are prohibited by “The Geneva Conventions,” seven treaties and protocols that establish standards of humanitarian treatment during warfare [1949], and later by “The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines.” [1997]

It is important to know that landmines are typically deployed by cowards who seek to destroy their enemies safely, from a distance.  It occurs to me that the chief coward, Satan, plants SPIRITUAL LANDMINES in his desperate attempts to “kill and destroy” the people of God. (John 10:10)

How so?  The archenemy of THE CROSS OF CHRIST and all it represents is fully aware that he could never damage or destroy Almighty God.  Recognizing this, Satan’s strategic tactics of destruction are aimed directly at the “children of God,” whom he recognizes as “heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.” (Romans 8:17)

Satanic landmines are deployed by a variety of agents, in a myriad of life circumstances.  Hell’s IEDs include all of the following: 1) Our perceptions of hurt and abandonment when we are on the receiving end of unwarranted criticism; 2) The temptation to become divided against our spiritual siblings over transient and trivial matters; 3) The human tendency to embrace anxiety, loneliness, isolation and depression during times of loss or grief; 4) Our habit of holding on to doubt and fear instead of trusting in God and His unfailing Word; 5) Etcetera, etcetera and etcetera.

We are warned by the Apostle Peter to constantly be on the lookout for these cataclysmic spiritual landmines.  “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (I Peter 5:8)

Nevertheless, there is exciting news!  GOD has endowed and armed us with robust weapons of spiritual warfare that will obliterate every IED deployed by our sworn enemy. (II Corinthians 10:4) Additionally, we are privy to advance intelligence briefings which precisely identify the location and potency of Satan’s destructive landmines.  Question: By what particular means are we provided such life-saving information? Answer: Whenever we “pray without ceasing” – whenever we “study to show ourselves approved unto God” – whenever we “walk in the Spirit” – we are amenable and available for THE HOLY SPIRIT to teach and reveal to us any potentially destructive “things to come.” (I Thessalonians 5:17 – Galatians 5:25 – II Timothy 2:15 – John 14:26-27 – John 16:13) Finally, we are secured and safeguarded by donning the “whole armor of God,” through which no satanic weapon can penetrate or prevail. (Ephesians 6:11-18 – Isaiah 54:17) 

Does this mean that spiritual warriors are somehow exempt from being watchful during our required stint of service in the Army of the Lord?  Absolutely not!  Christ commands that we “watch and pray” to nullify the power of satanic IEDs. (Matthew 26:41) In fact, prayerful watchfulness is the spiritual key to being “accounted worthy to escape all things that shall soon come to pass.” (Luke 21:36) So, my spiritual siblings, stay on the lookout for landmines to save yourself and others.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, January 28, 2019



A beloved Amish proverb is a clarion call to the practice of personal responsibility and accountability.  It simply says, “Instead of putting others in their place, put yourself in their place.” 

How easy it is to get caught up in the blame game!  Agree?  But finger-pointing is neither a comely, polite, nor healthy practice.  My Dad often reminded us: ‘Whenever you point your index finger to condemn others, there are three fingers pointing back at you and one pointing upward to God.’

Life experiences teach us that people are certainly capable of causing pain, pressure, or problems.  But I have a suggested solution, one that might seem somewhat cynical at first glance, but represents a more practical response to the offenses of others.  When you ‘feel’ a certain way about something someone has done, silently ask yourself this question: “SO WHAT?”  After all, when we net it all out, there are relatively few things others can do that have PERMANENT IMPACT…unless WE allow it to become so.  Therefore, any decision to repeatedly rehearse the offense of another, that is to hold tenaciously to an angry or unforgiving spirit, is much more detrimental to us than it is to anyone else.

So why not take personal responsibility?  IT’S THE HEALTHY CHOICE.  Frequently, I pray alone to our Lord, asking Him to reveal my character flaws, unconscious errors, inconsistencies, and/or misconceptions.  This enables me to SEE MYSELF more clearly and to move forward with my life – even while I am aware that someone may have acted in a way that is intentionally damaging or deceitful.

This personal choice informs and instructs me.

This personal choice motivates and mobilizes me.

This personal choice favors and frees me.

This personal choice empowers me to embrace the marvelous journey that my Creator has designed – with a purposeful commitment to passion, purity, power and unconditional love.

All of us are responsible for our own attitudes and actions.  Admittedly, we encounter challenging moments-of-decision, but we strive to opt for a proactive and peaceful quest toward understanding and forgiveness. We choose to walk a mile in the shoes of others.  We choose acceptance.  We choose love.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Sunday, January 27, 2019



Let’s face it.  In life, we ought to always be going somewhere since our intended destination is an integral component of actualizing God-designed destiny.  That’s one reason why I never cared so much for Ferris Wheels.  They traverse in wide circles; they move up and down; yet they never travel anywhere.  Their entry and exit points are virtually one and the same.

There is a second reason why Ferris Wheels are not my cup of tea.  Although going up is a blast (take-offs are always lots of fun), I loathe that weightless and sinking feeling at the crest of the downward descent.  It takes my breath away and sickens me.  Even now, thinking about it transports me to a rather unpleasant childhood memory, which is my third reason for disliking Ferris wheels.

At our annual Monessen Community Picnic, one of my now deceased former classmates, Keith Guzzie, coaxed me into riding along with him.  At first glance, it really didn’t look like something I wanted to do.  That Ferris Wheel was dauntingly tall and I was comparatively small.  Also, we were only in the 3rd grade and I had never ridden one before.  To my detriment, I was totally transparent about my anxiety, and outwardly filled with trepidation as we sailed rapidly through the air.  Keith loved it; I hated it!  Worse yet, when time came to disembark, we were stuck at the top while the operator slowly released riders one-by-one below.  Keith took one glance at me, smirked mischievously, then started rocking back and forth, as hard as possible, laughing loudly and apparently relishing my apparent fear.

After what seemed like a lifetime, we finally arrived at the bottom.  With shaky and sweaty palms upraised, I jumped from my seat and vowed never to ride the Ferris Wheel again.  It’s one vow I have happily kept.

It occurs to me that life is replete with potential to emulate that Ferris Wheel experience.  One might say that it’s the circular and cyclical nature of the beast.  As Solomon wisely observed, “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) 

Actually, some people seem to thrive on what I call “CIRCULAR SAMENESS.”  That is, succumbing to serial failures that spring from our human tendency to tread familiar paths and passages.  It’s the practical reason why Satan needs only three weapons in his arsenal of spiritual warfare. (I John 2:16) Only a relative few are required to introduce the possibility of spiritual paralysis, since (for most of us) it is not the variety of sin that ensnares us, but the powerful pull of JUST ONE.  I call it “FERRIS WHEEL SYNDROME,” i.e. one’s tendency to become mired in the repetitious and destructive quagmire of a specific personal issue.  Indeed, it is the usual, customary and familiar traps that capture our attention and victimize so many. 

I am eternally grateful that GOD (eventually) endowed me with sufficient wisdom, tenacity and courage to dismount those ‘life-rides’ that are disguised as fun but are mobilized by folly and fear.  Upon exiting my customized FERRIS WHEEL OF LIFE, I made a heartfelt vow - similar to one I had sent heavenward as an 8-year-old boy – “I WON’T BE BACK…NO MORE!”  Thank God for the victory and freedom that resides in THE RIGHT-RIDE-OF-LIFE, which is simply embracing a dedicated relationship with our LOVING AND LIVING LORD.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, January 24, 2019



Achieving joy and contentment in life is relatively simple.  Of course, it involves complete commitment to Christ as our sure and steadfast foundation.  Beyond that, there is the need to maintain PERSPECTIVE, the art of viewing life through the wisdom lens of The Word, which keeps us grounded, balanced and focused.

A very close friend once offered this sage advice: “To gain a reasonable degree of life fulfillment, there are three rules.  The first rule says we must follow the second rule.  The second rule says don’t take yourself too seriously.  And the third rule says there is no other rule aside from the second rule.”

While life is likely more complicated than those statements, they represent a rather reasonable and practical viewpoint.  Attitude counts, much more than we may ever know.  So…we should never take ourselves so seriously that we cannot smile during momentary setbacks, disappointments, or outright failures.  We all have challenging moments, don’t we?  Whenever I find myself obsessing over any unalterable circumstance, I simply remind the man in the mirror: ‘SMILE…it’s not that serious!’  Is there any supporting evidence?  Of course!  The sun rose this morning.  It will set this evening.  And it will surely rise again tomorrow, regardless of our individual or collective experiences.  Don’t worry so much.  God’s got your back and it will all work out in the end.  You have a purpose, and He has a plan.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019



Life is a series of important lessons, either revealed through random experiences, or channeled through advising voices that fall into two categories: those we should carefully attend to and those we should totally ignore.  Consider the following story to discern details of this truth.

Once upon a time there was a group of tiny frogs that arranged an athletic competition.  Their goal was to see who would be the first to reach the apex of an extremely high tower.  A huge crowd gathered around the tower to observe the race and cheer on its contestants.

However, this race commenced under a dim pall of corporate doubt.  That is, no one in the crowd believed the tiny frogs would ever reach the top of tower.  No one.  Negative statements abounded: “They will never make it!”  “Fat chance even one will succeed!”  “That tower is way too high!”

True to the predictions of the crowd, the tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one, except for a relative few who in fresh tempo were climbing higher and higher.

Intermittently, the crowd still yelled, “It’s too difficult!  You won’t make it!”

More and more tiny frogs became discouraged, exhausted, or simply gave up.  Nevertheless, one frog continued to climb higher and higher and higher.  It seemed this unlikely climber just wouldn’t quit, despite her skeptics and naysayers.

In the end, everyone else had given up, except for that one tiny frog.  After a monumental and heroic effort, she was the only one who persevered and reached the top!  Naturally, all the other frogs (both those who competed and those who observed) wanted to know how this one little frog could scale that seemingly insurmountable height.  

When a fellow contestant inquired as to how she had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal, the victorious frog seemed to ignore her questioner.  After a long pause, the whole crowd had a light bulb moment.  It turned out that the winner of the competition was TOTALLY DEAF!  Her very being exemplified her seemingly staunch refusal to tune-in to trash.

Bottom-line: Never ever listen to other people who are negative or pessimistic because they may nullify your most precious dream, the one that you hold closest to your heart!  

My friend, all through life, you must keep on dreaming and daring.  And while you are climbing, focus solely on the voice of THE PARACLETETHE ONE WHO WALKS ALONGSIDE, for your edification, direction and comfort. (John 14:26 – John 15:26 – John 16:13-14) Remember the words of Jesus Christ: “My sheep HEAR MY VOICE, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27)

Incidentally, you may also wisely attend to the encouraging whispers of like-minded believers whom HE sends and anoints as covenant partners in life.  To all others, turn a deaf ear, and keep on scaling your mountain. You can (and you will) make it!  

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019



As young children, we occasionally played a game that centered around a rather genteel question: “MOTHER, MAY I?”  In hindsight, I suppose that this game was invented by a skillful and creative parent who sought to teach her children two important life skills: 1) being polite, and 2) observing boundaries.

Here’s how the game is played.  One child (regardless of gender) volunteers to serve as ‘MOTHER’ and the others position themselves in a horizontal line, about 20 feet (6 meters) from the game leader.  The MOTHER then chooses one of her playmates and says something like this: “Tony, you may take three giant-steps forward.”  Before doing so, the child-player MUST respond, “MOTHER, MAY I?”

The MOTHER tries to make the game more interesting by varying both the NUMBER and KIND of steps that might be taken, e.g. “Wesley, you may take two scissors-steps,” (or) “Doris, you may take four baby-steps” (or) “Lois, you may take three kangaroo-steps.” Indeed, there seems to be an unlimited variety of forward movements one might be called upon to take, e.g. twirly-steps, turtle-steps, umbrella-steps, jumping jack-steps, even side-steps.

While this game might sound somewhat simplistic, it had rather intriguing possibilities.  Of course, the child who successfully reaches and touches MOTHER wins and is given the opportunity to serve as leader in the next round.  But here’s what makes the game truly interesting.  In the excitement of the moment, the playing children sometimes forget to respond before moving by asking “MOTHER, MAY I?”  This oversight causes them to be sent all the way back to the starting point.  For example, a child could be just about in position to reach out and touch MOTHER and win, but the thrill of that moment would occasionally generate a memory lapse, with the result of starting all over from square one.

This game is not only fun for children, it is loaded with spiritual significance.  Because as believers in the Kingdom of God, our success is intrinsically tied to our willingness and consistency in ASKING (not necessarily our Mother), but THE FATHER, for purity, purpose, permission and power.  Only under the constant direction and wise governance of THE FATHER may we successfully “live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) It’s a challenging lesson to learn for those of us who consider ourselves ‘independent thinkers.’  Americans, please take special note of both the rewards and risks of freedom.

Here is our practical dilemma.  In life’s various and sundry moments of excitement, we sometimes forget or simply fail to ask, “FATHER, MAY I?”  As a result, we suffer substantial delays or reversals.  Sometimes, it ‘feels’ like we are pushed way back at the beginning to start our journey all over again.  But GOD is in the midst of it all. (Romans 8:28)

The Apostle James provides important insight.  He writes, “You HAVE NOT because you ASK NOT.” (James 4:2) James was not referring to ASKING FOR THINGS, as many might imagine, but he was referring to seeking the perfect WILL OF GOD.  James was advising us to proactively receive GOD’S INTENTIONAL DESIGN FOR LIFE FULFILLMENT, which can only be derived from seeking HIM, HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and HIS KINGDOM. (Psalm 27:8 – Philippians 3:10 – Matthew 6:33) 

My friends, before you make your next move, ask HIM for wisdom, direction and timing.  “FATHER, MAY I?”  Winner-believers, our Father will surely make life more interesting by varying both the NUMBER and KIND of steps we may take.  And if we approach Him with heart-sincerity, i.e. a genuine desire to apprehend and actualize His perfect will, sooner or later (invariably and inevitably) we will be in such close proximity that we may easily REACH out and TOUCH Him.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



Trust GOD. (Proverbs 3:5-6)  Enough said.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, January 21, 2019



Today is a very important American holiday, commemorating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  We honor his leadership and tenacity in combating “the triple evils of American society: poverty, racism and militarism.”  Martin Luther King’s unique model of social change is rooted in the humanitarian philosophies of Mohandas (a.k.a. Mahatma) Gandhi.  Dr. King set forth six principles of nonviolence, which are summarized below for your consideration.

---Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.  It is a positive force confronting the forces of injustice, and utilizes the righteous indignation and the spiritual, emotional and intellectual capabilities of people as a vital force for change and reconciliation.

---The Beloved Community is the framework for the future.  The nonviolent concept is an overall effort to achieve a reconciled world by raising the level of relationships among people to a height where justice prevails and persons attain their full human potential.

---Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil.  The nonviolent approach helps one analyze the fundamental conditions, policies and practices of the conflict rather than reacting to one’s opponents or their personalities.

---Accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause – in order to achieve the goal.  Self-chosen suffering is redemptive and helps the movement grow in a spiritual as well as a humanitarian dimension.  The moral authority of voluntary suffering for a goal effectively communicates concerns to one’s friends and community, as well as to the opponent.

---Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence.  The nonviolent attitude permeates all aspects of the campaign.  It provides a mirror reflection of the reality of the condition to one’s opponent and the community at large.  Specific activities must be designed to help maintain a high level of spirit and morale during a nonviolent campaign.

---The universe is on the side of justice.  Truth is universal.  Human society and human beings are oriented to the just sense of order of the universe.  The fundamental values in all of the world’s religions include the concept that the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.  For the nonviolent practitioner, nonviolence introduces a new moral context in which nonviolence is both the means and the end.

While this esteemed clergyman is widely known for his pioneering efforts in the American civil rights movement, Dr. King also espoused the theological position (referenced above) that is of paramount importance.  According to The King Center for Social Change, “The Beloved Community” is a term first coined in the early days of the 20th Century by the philosopher-theologian Josiah Royce, who founded the Fellowship of Reconciliation.  However, Dr. Martin Luther King, also a member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, popularized the term, invested it with a much deeper meaning and captured the imagination of the entire world.

For Dr. King, The Beloved Community was no lofty utopian goal to be confused with the rapturous image of the Peaceable Kingdom, in which lions and lambs coexist in idyllic harmony.  Rather, it was for him a realistic, achievable goal that could be attained by a critical mass of people becoming committed to and trained in that philosophy and in methods of nonviolence.

Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people share in the wealth of the earth.  In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness are not tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it.  Racism and all forms of discrimination are replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood.  In the Beloved Community, international disputes are resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and the reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power.  Love and trust triumphs over fear and hatred.  Peace with justice prevails over war and military conflict.

Dr. King’s Beloved Community is not devoid of interpersonal, group, or international conflict.  Instead he recognized that conflict is an inevitable part of human experience.  But he believed that conflicts could be resolved peacefully and adversaries could be reconciled through a mutual commitment to nonviolence.

The core value of King’s Beloved Community is agape love, which he described as “understanding, redeeming goodwill for all…overflowing love which is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless and creative…the love of God operating in the human heart.”  One expression of agape love is justice for all people.  As Dr. King often said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”  He felt that justice could not be parceled out to some persons or groups, but was the birthright of every human being.  [Source: The King Center]

As we pause to reflect, to commemorate and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we pray that social justice will become an ongoing concern and ultimate reality for all.  According to the writings of the Prophet Amos, we must collectively travail until we ultimately prevail, i.e. until “justice run[s] down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.” (Amos 5:24, NKJV)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019



Marianne Wiggins, an American author, wrote the novel “Almost Heaven.”  One of her central characters is a middle-aged woman named Melanie John.  We first meet her in the psychiatric unit of the Medical College of Virginia, after experiencing hysterical amnesia.  Shortly before that, she was a happily married mother of four living in the Richmond suburbs.

Five weeks earlier, she and Jason, her husband and the love of her life, were headed down the highway with their four kids seated in the back.  Melanie had been writing during their drive, when a gust of wind carried her paper out the window.

When Jason pulled the car over to the side of the road, Melanie got out and headed into a nearby field to recover her writing.  That’s when she heard the terrifying screech of skidding tires.  She turned just in time to witness another vehicle slamming into the rear of her family car.  The car exploded, and her husband and children were killed instantaneously.

Melanie’s emotional system coped by shutting down completely – blocking out the memory of that day and, sadly, all recollections of her entire family life as well.  The last two decades were totally erased from her conscious memory.  The very last memory Melanie could recall was her graduation from law school, 20 years earlier.  But her most precious memories, of meeting Jason and falling in love, of her wedding day, of the births of her children, of the building of their new home, were absolutely lost.

Although her amnesia acted as an emotional anesthetic, Melanie was totally robbed of herself and had no real sense of the most meaningful parts of her identity.  Powerful unanswered questions filled her room.  Inside this shell of a body, who is Melanie John?  What is her life?  Where does she fit?  What’s her place and purpose in this world?  Without the stories of the last 20 years, she had no easy way of knowing.  Without the stories of her past, there was no meaningful present, and quite possibly no meaningful future.

The novel recounts Melanie’s painful journey to recover her memories and regain her sense of self.  One of the things this story clearly reminds us about is that OUR LIVES ARE MADE UP OF OUR STORIES.  Our sense of self, who we are, why we are here, where we fit in and where we are headed are roadmaps by which we make sense of our lives.  Indeed, our lives are fundamentally shaped by our family and cultural stories, times of gain and loss, times of weeping and rejoicing, stories that tell us who we are, stories that reveal our priorities and values. 

Nevertheless, FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE STORY.  It is a faith-saga that transcends family, culture, time, space and happenstance – providing us with meaning, balance, wisdom and direction.

My personal journey has a multiplicity of chapters, scenes, settings and life-events – some saturated with joy and fulfilment, some not so much.  But I do have ONE PRIMARY OVERARCHING STORY that colors all and affects all.  Do you want to know what it is?

The late Fanny J. Crosby, a blind yet gifted Christian composer from Bridgeport, Connecticut, captures it so well in the lyrics of her beautiful classic hymn, “Blessed Assurance.”

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
THIS IS MY STORY, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.


Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



As a long-time Connecticut resident in the New England region of the USA, I have a definite ‘love-hate’ relationship with winter weather.  I am particularly averse to those biting blasts of chilly Arctic air that frequently invade our borders from December through February, and beyond.  However, I do love to lounge in front of a cozy fireplace, totally mesmerized by its warmth, its glow, and the crackling of burning embers.

Let me be perfectly clear.  I am no fan of shoveling mountains of snow, especially in the volume and frequency of some of our recent winters.  Admittedly, so far we are getting a much-needed break this winter.  Whenever we get our ‘fair share,’ the snow blower ably assists my efforts, but never increases my likability for wintry storms.  Nevertheless, I love to stand at the window and gaze at the absolute beauty and awesome tranquility of newly fallen snow.

Bottom-line: I am emotionally ambivalent about those frequent downpours of winter snow, but I have a deep-seated and abiding admiration for their basic building-blocks, a.k.a. THE SNOWFLAKESbecause SNOWFLAKES ARE SURVIVORS.

Their birthplace is high in the stratosphere, where they form amid violent blasts of frosty wind, conditions totally unimaginable and unendurable for us.  Along their gravity-driven journey, they collide forcefully with one another.  And they are continually shaped (and reshaped) by treacherous winds, changing temperatures and violent collisions with fellow flakes.

In fact, before reaching the ground, their transitions and transformations are far too numerous to count.  However, the difficulty of their journey produces some miraculous results.  Every snowflake achieves the rare beauty of individuality and uniqueness.  No two are alike.  This is amazing, even astounding, in light of the multiplied millions of flakes that comprise any-and-every beautiful blanket of fallen snow.

I have a deep-seated and abiding admiration for these wintry friends…because WE, TOO, ARE SNOWFLAKES.

The circumstantial winds of life constantly shape us; the powerful gravity of life continually transports us. We moved…changed…developed…and formed in the Christ.  Yet, along life’s journey, we rise; we fall; we rise again. (Proverbs 24:16) Indeed, we are becoming freer and fearless, despite collisions, conflict, pressure, or pain.  Because the All-Wise GOD transforms our diverse situations into divine appointments that develop distinctiveness and destiny.

As we allow OUR CREATOR to define and refine our journey (and ourselves), we become those beautifully crafted, absolutely awesome, BEINGS-OF-PURPOSE who were conceived in the divine MIND long before the foundation of the world.


Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

GLIDE FEARLESSLY, SNOWFLAKE, for divine meaning and mission reside within all your wintry storms.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, January 14, 2019



Hopefully, by now you have discovered that true contentment does not emerge from external conditions or circumstances.  Simply put, no persons, things, or situations in life can fully enact or sustain personal fulfillment for another human being.  The reason is rather obvious.  Any person, condition, anything we encounter and experience with our five senses is temporary and transitory.  Eventually, all will die, will depart, or simply fade away.

What, then, is the optimal source of our JOIE DE VIVRE? [Editor’s Note: “Joie de vivre” is a French term meaning joy of life].  Our response to this question must begin with the understanding that happiness and joy are not synonymous.  Happiness is temporary and conditional, based solely upon prevailing conditions and our emotional response to the same.  Joy, on the other hand, is enduring and existential.  That is, it comes from within.  To wit, JOY IS AN INSIDE JOB.

When we opt to invest precious time and energy in random and superficial quests for happiness, we merely reap disappointment or emptiness.  However, when we make the wise choice to embrace the true source of joy, which is unwavering faith in the person and power of JESUS CHRIST, we reap a fulfilling harvest of peace, power, pleasure, productivity and prosperity.


Therefore, joy sustains itself (and us) unconditionally.  As such, joy will not and cannot be based on external matters such as money, clothing, cars, or the homes in which we reside.  As believers, we endeavor to make sound decisions that embrace legitimate and lasting joie de vivre.  It is important to note that this path does not offer immunity to problems or pain, but it does manifest the bright light of joy, which provides divine perspective as we travel through unexpected or challenging spaces.

JOY IS AN INSIDE JOB!  So, first of all, we must establish the fact that JESUS CHRIST LIVES ON THE INSIDE via our sincere prayers for salvation, which grant Him access and authority to be Savior and Lord.  Then, we must read His Word daily and commune with Him constantly in prayer.  Only then, will we walk forward with blessed assurance and absolute confidence, knowing that GOD HAS OUR BACKS.  HE never ever fails!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Sunday, January 13, 2019



Sandile Duma of South Africa penned a fascinating story that strikes me as profound truth.  It is entitled “Romeo and Juliet: The Delay of the Friar,” and I will share it with you.

Having read William Shakespeare’s famous book with that terribly tragic ending, I discovered a human loophole that caused (but might have possibly prevented) the demise of two passionate lovers. 


The friar used a very slow donkey to ride to the tomb for the purpose of informing Romeo that Juliet was not actually dead (as Romeo had thought), though she was residing temporarily in the burial place of the dead. Although the friar made the error of traveling on a very slow beast, heavy storms delayed him even more.

On the other hand, Romeo traveled on a very fast horse, galloping at top pace, because he was in a hurry to see and be with his beloved, now ‘dead’ Juliet.

While the friar was slowly on his way, Romeo was fighting guards by the tomb to gain access to his beloved Juliet.  There he saw the love-of-his-life laying quietly, peacefully, beautiful beyond belief, but devoid of breath.  Romeo cried out in anguish and grief.  Within moments, he committed suicide by ingesting a vial of poison.

When Juliet awakened as planned from her purposefully drug-induced coma, she felt the heaviness of her lover on top of her and tried to revive him, but Romeo was gone forever.  Losing all hope, Juliet reached for a sword and took her own life.

The friar was still on his way.  Finally arriving, he beheld the terrifying revelation of the intense love the two young people had held for one another.

HAD THE FRIAR NOT BEEN DELAYED, their lives could have been saved.

HAD THE FRIAR NOT BEEN DELAYED, Romeo and Juliet would have experienced a fulfilling life, full of love and happiness.

Think.  At times, our delays result in untold sufferings and unknown consequences for ourselves, and for others.

Bottom-line: If you need to show love to someone, or if you need to be reconciled to someone, do not delay such a life-giving process.  Terrible tragedies can be averted if you resolve to handle mission critical matters at a more expeditious pace.

DO IT NOW…stop riding that donkey.  

DO IT NOW…you do not know what weather lies ahead.  

DO IT NOW…do not postpone…get to it! 

After all, PROCRASTINATION is not only the thief of TIME.  Indeed, it is the thief of LIFE.  So live intentionally, and act in a timely manner to walk in your God-given purpose.  Remember: Your assignment has a definite shelf life.  Act now, without delay, and walk into your destiny.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, January 10, 2019



The news media bombards us daily with troubling images of global, national and local tragedies.  Because of this, it is relatively easy for many to embrace a pessimistic or skeptical worldview.  We witness far too many distressing and disastrous examples of man’s inhumanity to man.  And now, these terrible incidents are occurring in what have always been deemed ‘safe spaces’: schools, malls, theaters, offices and even places of worship.  Undoubtedly, these are prophetic signs of the end-time season in which we live. (Matthew 24)

Nevertheless, my singular goal for today is to encourage you to hold tenaciously to your faith.  Despite what you see or hear, have faith in God.  Our God is sovereign.  Our God is still on the throne. 

During life’s most puzzling and perplexing moments, it behooves us to reflect on the profound wisdom that Jesus shared with his disciples pertaining to every aspect of this earthly journey: “Jesus answering said unto them, HAVE FAITH IN GOD.” (Mark 11:22)

Regardless of your present circumstance, know that GOD has your back!  So be encouraged.  Be joyful.  And remember this: JOY is the simple assurance that CHRIST is always at the center of all your circumstances.

My friend, HAVE FAITH IN THE ALMIGHTY, THE All-wise AND THE SOVEREIGN GOD, because with His help and His strength, you certainly can and will make it. 

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019



In life, all of us need to be grounded in something steadfast and sure.  In other words, all require objective tools of measurement by which we may evaluate our standing in life and gauge our forward progress.  It is an indisputable fact of the human condition that we must be responsible and accountable to something or someone other than ourselves.

Refined gold or silver was initially assessed by a black siliceous substance called a TOUCHSTONE, which was rubbed vigorously against the precious metals.  The specific color of the streak produced on the metal by the touchstone would determine its purity and resultant value.  Hence, the touchstone streak became the standard of worth for the item of gold or silver, a primary factor for setting its selling price in the marketplace.

Wouldn’t such a touchstone process be a useful commodity if it were available (to us) in order to ascertain the quality and significance of the decisions and lifestyles we embrace on a daily basis?

Good news!  All of us have within our grasp THE ULTIMATE TOUCHSTONE.  Indeed, it is THE WORD OF GOD.  I love how the Apostle Paul’s protégé, Timothy, so aptly describes it for us:

II Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)
All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Points to Ponder:  Have you ‘touched’ your TOUCHSTONE lately?  Are you benefiting regularly by divine wisdom, or are you foolishly ignoring our Creator and Mentor, THE ALL WISE GOD?  Put another way, is your life being objectively measured? 

Joshua 1:8 (KJV)
THIS BOOK OF THE LAW [THE WORD OF GOD] shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

If you are currently experiencing problems, pressure, pain, addiction, anxiety, discouragement, doubt, lack, loneliness, illness or grief – or if you simply have to make some challenging decisions – quickly take THE ULTIMATE TOUCHSTONE in hand and ask GOD to guide you in the reading and revelatory process.  SURELY, HE CAN…SURELY HE WILL.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!