Wednesday, February 27, 2019



In order for us to effectively navigate the twisting and tortuous turns in the stream of human existence, it is necessary to have a sure and steadfast knowledge of our identity and purpose.  I love Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s perspective on this issue.  He wrote, “We are not HUMAN BEINGS having a spiritual experience.  We are SPIRITUAL BEINGS having a human experience.”  The Word declares that, on the sixth day of creation, “GOD created man IN HIS OWN IMAGE.” (Genesis 1:27) We are made in the likeness of God, and it is universally understood that “GOD IS A SPIRIT.” (John 4:24) 

These revelatory insights beg the question, ‘Why, then, do we humans have the tendency to overemphasize and engage NATURAL MATTERS, more so than SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES?’

The Apostle Paul admonishes us to retain a strong spiritual focus as we experience life on this earthly plain. “If then you were raised with Christ, SEEK THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE ABOVE, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1) Jesus Christ poses a most strategic question, which simultaneously serves as a sobering warning: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

My friend, you are MORE than your career, your place of residence, your wardrobe, your education, or anything you can visualize or perceive with your five senses.  INDEED, YOU WERE MADE FOR MUCH HIGHER PURPOSES.  YOU WERE CREATED TO HONOR, SERVE AND WORSHIP GOD.  Therefore, it is imperative that you discover and embrace the HEAVENLY MEANING in every earthly matter.  In other words, don’t ever allow that which really counts to get displaced or lost in the daily ‘sauce of life.’

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019



In my youth, the resonating voice of ‘Big Mama’ was a larger-than-life presence in African-American neighborhoods.  When any child approached the boundaries of proper decorum and behavior, she might boom powerfully, “You are getting way too big for your britches…too grown!”  We knew, immediately and instinctively, exactly what Big Mama meant and the dire consequences of any failure to comply.  The moment had arrived to settle down and start acting like the ladies-and-gentlemen-in-waiting we were expected to be.

Big Mama’s corrective diatribes remind me of a signature admonition of Jesus Christ, who is quite skillful in summoning us to renewed reflection, responsibility and recognition of our better angels: 

Matthew 18:2-4 (NKJV)
Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

One might query, ‘What is it about CHILDREN that causes THE MASTER to place such high value on their intrinsic nature and disposition?’  Several character traits immediately come to mind.

CHILDREN REFLECT THE INNOCENCE OF PURE WONDER.  They somehow see the world and its inhabitants in ways as alluring and awesome as any bedtime tale that ever crossed the threshold of their hearing and imagination.  How bright and beautiful are the robins, the cardinals, rabbits, turtles, sunflowers and daffodils when glimpsed through the wide-eyed gaze of a young child!  May we adults never become SO GROWN that we lose our ability to observe a dazzling sunset with appreciation or stare in awe at a magnificent rainbow.

CHILDREN ARE QUICK TO RENEW AND RESTORE.  Mere minutes after the fiercest disagreement, they find it easy to embrace, accept and turn again toward love.  Grudges are a decidedly adult phenomenon, the combative fiefdom of we grown-ups who have somehow learned to remember things that are better forgotten and forgiven.

CHILDREN ARE FUNDAMENTALLY HONEST.  Although they are certainly capable of enacting deception, the truest tendency of a child is to be transparent and authentic.  That is, children tend to smile when they feel happy; they frown or cry when they are feeling sad.  Typically, there are no fake-faces or façades with children.  They are who they are.

CHILDREN NEED GENUINE INTIMACY AND BONA FIDE SPIRITUALITY.  Therefore, families should be nests of security – safe havens and wombs for personal growth and development.  In such spaces, faith tends to blossom organically and spontaneously, as a divinely-seeded promise and reality.  To wit, our children stand in need of consistent nurture – to be respected, reproved and lovingly touched – by the caring hands of God and the compassionate hands of His people.

No wonder Jesus Christ held children in such high esteem!  

Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14) So today, I promise OUR FATHER that I will try my best to become AS A LITTLE CHILD.  I will pause to observe His creation, and I will reflect upon it (and upon Him) with great gratitude and genuine joy.  I will strive to forgive offenders, just as I am forgiven by Him.  I will be honest, first with myself, and then with others.  I will diligently strive to sustain my spiritual connectivity with Christ and the ‘fellow-children’ who inhabit and steward this mortal plain.  If these four wisdom principles are conscientiously and systematically applied, they will position and prepare me for the Kingdom of Heaven.  Won’t you join me in this world-changing spiritual quest?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, February 25, 2019



My friend, don’t you dare leave home today (or any other) without GOD!  After all is said and done, HE alone is our creator and sustainer.  HE is “the author and finisher of our faith,” which means that HE is our savior, source, shepherd, deliverer, guide, confidante, comforter, encourager, healer, intercessor, burden-bearer, friend and supplier of all that we truly need. (Hebrews 12:2)

The Holy Writ begins with the foundational principle that informs and inspires our faith: “In the beginning GOD…” (Genesis 1:1) For the next few moments, think deeply about that.

Why not make GOD part-and-parcel of all your beginnings, whether engaging family matters, health concerns, business decisions, financial considerations, relationship struggles, or whatever issues might intersect or impact your life?

My best advice for this day (or any other) is simply this: WHATEVER IT IS…TRUST GOD WITH IT!

“Trust in THE LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV)

As we learn to fully invest our trust and confidence in HIM – in His unfailing Word, eternal covenant and intimate relationship with all believers, we will walk in absolute assurance and victory.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Sunday, February 24, 2019



I came across a short anecdote that caused me to reflect on the up-and-down nature of the human condition and what might be our best response to it.

A husband got into a bit of trouble on his wedding anniversary.  The morning before the anniversary, his wife beamed a bright smile at him and announced, “Tomorrow there will be something in the driveway for me that goes from zero to one hundred in just two seconds.”

The next morning the wife went outside and found a beautiful box in the driveway.  She opened it and discovered a pink bathroom scale.  She was not at all amused.

Disappointments do happen.

Throughout this journey called life, all of us will experience and learn to navigate disappointments.  Those smile-evaporating experiences can be encountered anywhere…virtually everywhere.

Since disappointment is an inevitable component of life, why not make up your mind to learn from it?  Instead of becoming despondent or depressed, why not petition GOD for the PRACTICAL WISDOM needed to transform life’s occasional lemons into refreshing lemonade?

It’s the encouraging Rhema of Romans 8:28 – “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

It’s also the heart and soul of my life-verse, which declares, “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6) 

My friend, don’t keep dwelling on your present circumstances.  Surely life has taught you by now that oppositional conditions are likely only temporary.  So, prepare for tomorrow by trusting the Lord today. DESTINY IS CALLING.  Can you hear it?  Your flow is in your future, not in your past.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, February 21, 2019



Believers live with the hope and peace that stems from maintaining a Godly balance and perspective.  Christ admonishes us, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34) As we make the deliberate decision to live worry-free, we are (at the same time) making the choice to live stress-free.  This does not mean that it will be impossible for negative circumstances or events to knock at our doors.  Rather, it informs us that we have definite choices as to how we respond.

It reminds me of the story of a poor farmer who lived near a forest in a remote village.  This farmer had a beautiful white horse, a most magnificent stallion.  The farmer’s thoroughbred stallion was in high demand, and many merchants offered huge amounts of money if he would only agree to sell him.

His village friends became terribly excited at this good news.  “You are so blessed to own such a valuable horse!” they smiled.

The farmer calmly replied, “It is true that my horse may be a blessing.  But we cannot say how things will turn out because nobody knows exactly what will happen on tomorrow.”

The villagers did not care at all for this seemingly passive response.

One day the farmer’s horse disappeared.  The villagers banded together and searched everywhere, but could not find the missing stallion.  The villagers criticized the farmer.  “You should have sold that horse when you had the chance,” they insisted.  “It is a terrible curse that your horse has now been stolen.”

The farmer calmly replied, “It is true that my horse may be missing.  But we cannot say how things will turn out because nobody knows exactly what will happen on tomorrow.”

Of course, the villagers frowned at his response.  They could not believe that the farmer had lost such a priceless horse and seemed not at all upset.

After a few days, to the great surprise of the villagers, the missing stallion galloped home and brought a dozen white horses from the forest with him.  The surprised villagers gathered around the farmer and said, “You are so blessed. You loved that horse so much, and that’s why he brought these horses home with him.”

The farmer calmly replied, “It is true that my stallion brought a dozen more horses to me.  But we cannot say whether it is a blessing or not, because nobody knows exactly what will happen on tomorrow.”

By now, the villagers thought the farmer was certifiably crazy.  He was the recipient of a dozen free horses, and still he could not see that this was a tremendous blessing.

One day, the farmer’s young son was riding one of the newly arrived horses.  Suddenly, he fell from the horse, breaking both of his legs.  The villagers arrived quickly to console the farmer.  They said, “We are really sorry for you.  It is such a curse that your only son is now handicapped.”

The farmer calmly replied, “It is true that my son may be handicapped, but we cannot say whether it is a curse or a blessing because nobody knows exactly what will happen on tomorrow.”

At that point, the villagers got really angry, and shouted, “This farmer has no sense at all!”

After a few months, the king of a neighboring country attacked the farmer’s homeland, and his country seemed to be losing the battle.  In an effort to win, the king mandated that all young men join the army and fight against the enemy.  His royal summons excluded handicapped persons.

The villagers were all in terrible grief since their sons were required to join in the battle.  They thought of the possibility that they might never see them again.  So they walked to the farmer’s house and said, “You are a very blessed man.  At least you know that you son will remain alive.”

But the farmer calmly replied, “I am certainly happy my son will not fight in this war, but we cannot say whether it is a curse or a blessing because nobody knows exactly what will happen on tomorrow.”

And that wise old farmer gave that same, calm, balanced reply for the rest of his life. 

What can we glean from the farmer’s life-story?  That it is expedient for every believer to maintain balance and perspective, regardless of prevailing circumstances.  One divine truth that produces hope and peace is simply this: GOD IS ALWAYS PRESENT, significantly and substantively, in the lives of His sons and daughters. (Psalm 46:1) Therefore, we shall never surrender to doubt or despair – for we know that, wherever we are, JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH is there!  My friend, make up your mind, TODAY, to cast all your cares upon HIM, knowing that He cares for you. (I Peter 5:7)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019



A friend once approached me and shouted, “I’M HOPPING MAD!”  He was outraged at the attitude and comments of a co-worker.  I paused to reflect for a moment, and then decided to challenge him a little.  I asked, “Why don’t you decide to REFOCUS YOUR FEELINGS about this?  Never give another person that much power and control over your day or life.  Instead of being “HOPPING MAD,” why don’t you make up your mind to be “HOPING GLAD?  I’m talking about HOPE!”  Hearing this, he smiled faintly, and remarked, “That’s sounds pretty corny, brother, but I feel you on this.  I refuse to HOP through this day in anger.  Instead, I will HOPE for something better!”  At that point, a genuine smile surfaced and transformed his countenance.

A word of advice: ALWAYS CHOOSE HOPE!  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. suggested, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose INFINITE HOPE.”  More importantly, GOD declared, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you…thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Prayerfully meditate on the following scriptures, and if needed, give yourself an attitude adjustment.

Psalm 119:49 (NKJV)
Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to HOPE.

Psalm 130:5 (NKJV)
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do HOPE.

Hebrews 10:23 (NKJV)
Let us hold fast the confession of our HOPE without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Romans 15:4 (NKJV)
For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have HOPE

My friend, it is time for a real resolution, one that each of us should cherish and pursue: 

“I WILL HOLD FAST TO THE HOPE that resides in my covenant relationship with CHRIST.”

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019



It is a paradox, but it is true.  Great success is frequently preceded by (or interrupted by) great failure. Consider the American professional baseball Hall of Famer, Hank Aaron.  During Hammerin’ Hank’s 23-year career, he hit a record-setting 715 home runs, but he struck out 1,383 times while doing so.  Lesson Learned: Don’t ever be fearful of an apparent near miss or abject failure; it may merely be the prelude or portal to phenomenal victory.

When you are tempted to feel discouraged, remember THE LAW OF THE SEED.  That is, the more you SOW of your TIME, TALENT and TREASURE, the more opportunity you create for success.  Is there natural evidence for this spiritual principle?  Yes!  The average apple tree contains five hundred apples, with an average of seven seeds per apple.  Significance? Many seeds sown could somehow result in failure.  Therefore, multiple seeds are necessary to guarantee productive and positive results.

Perhaps you have not tried hard enough, long enough, or been consistent enough.  Prayerfully consider and evaluate. 

Job seekers may have to work their way through twenty (or more) interviews before landing the right position.  Employers might have to interview forty (or more) candidates before finding the right employee. Sales reps might have to identify fifty (or more) prospects before setting five appointments and closing one deal.  You and I might have to wade through scores of acquaintances before finding that one special friend.

Understanding THE LAW OF THE SEED minimizes frustration and disappointment.  It is helpful to read the biographies of successful individuals.  Whenever their authors are candid and complete, we invariably discover times of trouble and testing in which persons-now-at-the-top have experienced unsettling setbacks that literally shook their foundations and brought them to their knees.  Perhaps, the ‘knee-position’ is the greatest place and posture any human can occupy. 

My friend, don’t waste time and energy bemoaning failure.  Simply plant more seeds.  While doing so, TRUST GOD.  After all, HE is Lord of the harvest.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, February 18, 2019



We are born with the innate longing to be part of something bigger than ourselves.  God created us that way because we are fundamentally bigger and better when we exist in communion with Him and in community with our fellows.  This intrinsic human need is the reason why psychologists pen endless tomes about group dynamics.  Point to Ponder: Are the GROUPS you belong to (family, faith, career, neighborhood, nation) BETTER OFF as a result of your membership and participation?

Sanjeev Kumar Singh amended the familiar classic story, “The Tortoise and the Hare,” to make an important point about how we potentially survive, thrive, succeed, or fail based upon our motives and interactions with one another.  Read and consider:

Do you remember that famous race between the Tortoise and the Hare?  We all know that at the end of that story the Rabbit (Hare) was not able to win the race against the Turtle (Tortoise).

Well, that was actually not the end of their story.  After a disgraceful loss to the Turtle, the Rabbit decided to have at it again.  He determined not to stop and take a nap this time.

The race started and soon the Rabbit was far out of the sight.  This time he didn’t stop, so he defeated the Turtle by a huge margin.

The Turtle lost the race that time.  However, he didn’t give up.  He challenged the Rabbit again on a different racetrack.  The Rabbit, full of confidence, accepted.  He knew the reason he had lost the first race, his laziness and decision to stop along the way.  He was able to win the second race because he had honestly evaluated and adjusted himself.

The Third Race started.  As usual, the Rabbit soon disappeared.  Everyone was laughing at the Turtle, but the Rabbit didn’t want to stop to see why and kept on running as fast as he could.  He wanted to defeat the Turtle by a much bigger margin than the previous race.  But suddenly, he came to a river.  He was not able to cross it and was stopped in his tracks.

After a long time, the Turtle reached the river and confidently stepped into it.  He swam in water much faster than he could ever run on land.  Within no time, he crossed the river and moved towards the finish line.  As the Rabbit watched helplessly, the Turtle won the race.

But the story does not end here.  They decided to meet and reflect on their actions.  Together, they came to the following conclusions.  After the first race, the Rabbit learned he had lost because of his laziness.  After the second race, the Turtle learned he had lost because his opponent was better at running.  After the third race, the Rabbit learned that being fast is not enough; one must have brains as well to successfully complete the task.

So the Rabbit and the Turtle decided to run the course again.  This time, however, they would be running as a TEAM, and not in a competitive race.

The Rabbit put the Turtle on his back until they reached the river.  When they needed to cross the river, the Turtle put the Rabbit on his back.  After crossing the river, the Rabbit again put the Turtle on his back and both reached the finish line in less time than ever.

What did they learn that day?  With teamwork, both could complete the race much faster and both could enjoy the reward.  TOGETHER.  During the time they were competing against one another, just one was able to prevail.  WIN-WIN SITUATIONS are always preferable…always! 

I love Mr. Singh’s story because SYNERGY is an indispensable component of TEAMWORK.  That is, the end result of TEAM EFFORT is always greater than the sum of the individual parts or members of the team.  SYNERGY means 1 + 1 = 3.  It sounds like NEW MATH, but it is actually an ANCIENT EQUATION FOR SUCCESS. Think.  The KINGDOM OF GOD was never designed to be a competitive course, as some frame it.  Rather, it is a divinely orchestrated opportunity – offering eternal life to all believing and receiving humanity.  We are always better, bigger, bolder, brighter and more beautiful when we work TOGETHER.  

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!



When we KNOW better…we DO better.  With that in mind, read the following bite-sized nuggets of WISDOM.  In the process, carefully and prayerfully evaluate yourself – because the unexamined life is not worth living.  All of us can grow stronger and wiser by the rigorous intake and application of practical wit and wisdom, without experiencing the pains or setbacks others have endured as they learned lessons in THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS.  Think and do…

Cheerfully give people more than they expect.

Don’t believe all you hear; don’t spend all you have; don’t sleep all you want.

When you say, “I love you,” really mean it.

Be engaged at least six to twelve months before you marry.

Marry someone you love to talk to since eventually that skill will be more important than any other.

Love deeply and passionately; it’s the only way to live life fully.

In disagreements, fight fairly; no bringing up of the past.

Never laugh at anyone or their dreams.

Don’t judge people by their looks or by their relatives.

Talk slowly; think quickly.

Great love and great achievements often involve great risk.

If your Mom and Dad are still alive, call and visit them often.

Whenever you seem to lose, never devalue the lesson learned.

Respect yourself; respect others; take responsibility for your actions.

Don’t let a little dispute destroy a good friendship.

Take immediate steps to correct your errors.

When you say, “I’m sorry,” mean it.

Spend quality time with yourself; you deserve it.

Read and memorize The Word.

Read more good books and watch less television.

Be open to change, but never let go of your values.

Learn to read between the lines. 

Silence is sometimes the best answer.

Live an honorable life.  When you retire and reflect, you’ll enjoy it a second time.

Trust in God but lock your house and car.

A loving atmosphere is vital; be sure to have a happy home.

Be gentle and kind to your Creator’s earth.

Mind your own business.

Once a year, try to go somewhere you’ve never been.

Help others.  It is prosperity’s greatest reward.

Not getting what you want is sometimes an awesome blessing.

The best relationship is one where love is greater than need.

Judge your success by what you have to give up to gain and retain it.

Share your knowledge to live a longer and more fulfilling life.

Your character is your destiny.

Pray often to tap into immeasurable power.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, February 14, 2019



Whatever season you find yourself in, it’s yours!  An old gospel hymn, “God Will Take Care of You,” simply says:

Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath his wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.

God will take care of you…
Through every day, o’er all the way…
He will take care of you…
God will take care of you.

And He surely will; so don’t be troubled by temporary circumstances or situational seasons.  Consider this:

There was a man who had four sons.  He wanted his sons to learn not to judge situations too quickly.  So he sent them on a quest, each in turn, to search for a pear tree located a great distance away.  The first son went in winter, the second in springtime, the third in summer and the youngest son in autumn.  When all had gone and returned, he called them together to describe what they had seen. 

The first son said the tree was ugly, bent over and twisted. 

The second son said it was covered with green buds and full of promise. 

The third son said it was laden with leaves and blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, that it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son said the tree was fully ripe and loaded with fruit, a portrait of life and fulfillment. 

The father remarked that each son was right, because each had each seen only one season in the tree’s life. 

He taught them that you cannot judge a tree (or a person) by only one season, and that the essence of who we are (the love, joy and success of life) can only be measured at the end, when all seasons are completed.

My friend, should you give up while it’s winter, you will miss the promise of spring, the beauty of summer and the fulfillment of autumn.  We must never allow the pain or pressure of any singular season to deprive us of the potential and promise of the rest. 

Remember: If you persevere through difficult patches, better times surely lay ahead.  Indeed, whatever season comes, you have been divinely positioned at the intersection of purpose and destiny.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019



Isn’t it easy to become preoccupied with the lesser (and more challenging) dimensions of ourselves, and others?  Indeed, it is human nature to emotionally highlight those things which could somehow serve to diminish us.  Consider the paralyzed woman who is creatively brilliant and warmly sensitive to others, but can only visualize the insufficiency of her legs and feet.  Consider the successful businessman who, although lacking in formal training, possesses a natural aptitude for building enduring relationships and trust, but is absolutely agonized by the absence of a college degree.

These persons remind me of a family occurrence.  I had given roses to my beloved wife, Belinda, and was accidentally pricked by a sharp thorn.  An elevated level of momentary pain produced further contemplation, so I sat there for a few moments, pondering the purpose and plight of the rose. 

Admittedly, my thoughts were somewhat strange: ‘What if roses were not only living flowers, but fully sentient, emotional beings?  What if they could never discern the vibrant beauty of their vivid colors and delicate petals, for one reason only, because they were strangely fascinated by (and totally focused on) their THORNY CONDITION?  What if roses were somehow able to smile, but permanently withheld their charismatic glory because they had grown sad and sullen by constantly contemplating their thorns?  What if roses were given to bouts of melancholy followed by endless tears, so much so that their recipients could not possibly sense their amazing potential for joy?’ 


Well, I have a simple yet profound revelation for you.  YOU ARE A ROSE – exclusively designed and elegantly crafted by ALMIGHTY GOD, Himself.  So, instead of continuously grieving over your ‘apparent thorns,’ just KNOW (like the Apostle Paul) that God’s “grace is sufficient” for you. (II Corinthians 12:7-9)

Who knows?  Your THORNY CHALLENGE just might be the part of you that GOD uses to touch and transform someone who needs to hear YOUR TESTIMONY OF TRIUMPH.  Never forget one of the most paradoxical truths shared by our Creator.  He declares, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (II Corinthians 12:9)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019



Sometimes we are tempted to compare ourselves with the personal progress and advances of others, some of whom might have opted for sinful shortcuts to the top.  This somewhat self-absorbed thought process is a sure path to discouragement and disenchantment.  Since the mind is the arena of spiritual warfare, Satan seeks to strategically plant such tormenting thoughts within any person who does not diligently “watch and pray.” (Mark 14:38) However, Christ calls believers to a higher order of thinking, which is utterly devoid of competitive spirits and anxiety-stricken hearts.  Prayerfully ponder the words of David:

Psalm 37:1-4 (NKJV)
Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.  For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.  Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.  Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Bottom-line: A life of integrity and honesty will eventually produce and sustain quality fruit.   So, don’t obsess over current circumstances; keep your eyes focused on THE MASTER.  Do HIS will.  Integrity is its own reward, and HONESTY PAYS.

A general manager in India wanted to test his people concerning their values of life.  In everyone’s seminar folder there was a plastic pouch containing one small seed.  After they returned to their homes, they were to plant the seed in a pot with good soil and look after it faithfully.  The manager promised to hold a competition at the following year’s seminar.  The person with the best plant would be generously rewarded.

Everyone was eager to participate, and the year passed by quickly.  The subsequent seminar was held in a huge hall, and there was quite a scene, with hundreds of pots and a great variety of plants, all except for one person.  In his pot was soil, but no plant.  The owner of that pot sat quietly, apparently ashamed of himself.

The general manager summoned him to the stage.  He asked what happened and the man responded with the truth.  He planted the seed as instructed and did his absolute best to nurture it, but nothing happened.

The general manager declared that man to be the winner!

Everyone was totally shocked.  The manager announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, the seeds I gave you were boiled seeds.  You planted them, and nothing at all happened.  Most of you chose to act unwisely and deceptively, using other seeds.  This man was completely honest.  Therefore, he did not cheat me or himself.  He wins the prize!” 

My friend, before you conclude that the individual who “brings wicked devises to pass” is a blessed person, consider ALMIGHTY GOD’S description and prescription for being blessed. (Psalm 37:7)

Psalms 1:1-3 (NKJV)
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.  He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, February 11, 2019



Financial pressures abound in our world.  We not only feel pressure to survive, but to thrive.  Indeed, many times we are evaluated one-dimensionally by others, that is, by the degree of prosperity we achieve, and we find ourselves either accepted or rejected as a direct result.  But money isn’t everything, is it? 

Consider the following story of a rich man whose priorities were distorted and misplaced.  Worse yet, he lacked PATIENCE.  Jesus Christ admonishes us, “In your patience possess ye your souls.” (Luke 21:19) Remember: God works exclusively through His divine timetable (kairos), not our human calendar (chronos), so stop obsessing over your watch.  Don’t rush your process!  WAIT on HIM. (Isaiah 40:31 – Psalm 40:1)

Once there was a rich man who was doing quite well in life until he fell seriously ill.  He was forced to sell all his belongings to cure his illness.  After he became healthy, he realized that he had nothing left of any tangible value.  The once wealthy man now had difficulty feeding himself, but he thought that in time things would be back to normal and he would be wealthy again.

He waited a very long time, but nothing happened to change his circumstances.  He felt that his daily existence was so dreadful and unbearable that he decided to take his own life.  And he did.

While on his way to perdition, this man met two angels who were hauling a rather heavy load.  He asked them where they were going.  After their long explanations, the man realized that the two angels had been dispatched on earth for him – to radically change and improve his life situation.  The heavy load the angels carried was a bag full of money.  But since he was no longer alive, he would not be able to receive it.  Far worse, he was now consigned to eternal punishment and exiled permanently from the presence of his Creator.

Now hear this: Never ever make radical, ridiculous and irreversible choices.  The answer you need could be just right around the corner.  I love how the Psalmist David frames it: “WAIT ON THE LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart.  Wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14, NKJV)  

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Sunday, February 10, 2019



In our frenzied, helter-skelter, hurried and harried world, it is easy to experience burn-out, which leads to feelings of confusion, anxiety, or even depression.  Therefore, it is vitally important for everyone (including people of faith) to understand the need for regular RECREATION, in the literal sense of that word.  According to, recreation is “the act of creating anew.”  Even though we are renewed spiritually via our new birth and ongoing communion with Christ, it is incumbent upon each of us to plan ample time for relaxation and much needed breaks from the daily grind.  My friend, please don’t be so heavenly-minded that you are no earthly good!  VACATIONS are very important.  If they are presently unaffordable for you, STAY-CATIONS are a practical and enjoyable alternative. 


1) SET GOALS WITH PRE-DETERMINED END-POINTS.  Life and work should not become endless marathons. Sometimes, we will need strenuous sprints, but only with measurable finish lines (objectives) and rest along the way.  Otherwise the only rest we might get is when we collapse from exhaustion!

Whether you label it as a milestone, or a step in the journey, or an exit strategy, you need to acknowledge the ebb and flow of your motivation and interest.  Then work with it, rather than against it.  Even a seemingly powerful personal motivator such as increasing financial security, can result in burn-out when more and more is never enough, i.e. when you haven’t defined its purpose and what it will bring to you and others.

(2) HAVE A BIGGER PURPOSE IN MIND.  Life is not just about filling your days with whatever random events happen to gain your attention.  With a clearly defined purpose you can select what is truly important.

It doesn’t have to be an overly grand purpose, like solving world poverty.  It does, however, need to be something that brings out the passion in you – to motivate you through the day-to-day bumps and obstacles along the way.

(3) CREATE RESULTS THAT LAST BEYOND TODAY.  This is the most important consideration.  You need to build some cumulative benefits into the work that you do each day.  Otherwise every day feels like you are starting from scratch yet again, like you are never getting anywhere.

Sometimes it is merely about paying attention to the long-term benefit of what you are already creating. More commonly, you need to adjust your attitude and to change some of the things you are doing. 

It is necessary to address each of these three aspects to maximize your emotional, physical and spiritual health.  Missing even one of them will give you much more stress than you need.  So, start today!

I fully agree with Dr. Russell.  PEOPLE OF GOD, while we are busy taking care of others, we must make sure that we are employing sufficient wisdom in taking care of ourselves.  That way, we will be around much longer, and we will be much more available (spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially) to lend a helping hand to those who truly need and depend upon us.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!