Wednesday, February 6, 2013



In “The One-Minute Manager,” Kenneth Blanchard suggests that we develop the habit of “one-minute praising.”  Simply put, we should make a conscientious effort to “catch someone doing something right,” followed by sixty seconds of praising that person for what they have done.  Mr. Blanchard contends that this is rather challenging for most people since we are more accustomed to being CRITICIZERS and not PRAISERS.

There is a powerful practical application here for the Spirit realm.  Oftentimes, believers approach God as if He is a celestial genie who will bring into being every ‘wish’ we make whenever we rub the name-it-and-claim-it lantern.  This is satanic deception. While God promises to supply all our need (Philippians 4:19), His divine pledge is conditional.  It is predicated upon three things: 1) that our petition is aligned with the will of God (Romans 8:27); 2) that our petition is accompanied by faith (Mark 11:23); and, 3) that our petition emerges from an attitude of gratitude. (Colossians 3:15)

Whenever our prayers are not clothed in genuine praise (before, during and after), we are actually trying to manipulate God and only to fulfill our selfish aims and ambitions.  Actually, our prayers are authenticated, legitimized and empowered by our praise.  Additionally, praise is pleasant, and praise is comely. (Psalm 147:1)

Instead of asking God for ANYTHING today, I have an alternate idea.  Why don’t we expand upon Mr. Blanchard’s idea and do (not one-minute praising), but 24-HOUR PRAISING.  At least for one day, let’s try to be more about connecting than expecting.  Ultimately, it is our faithful praise that will charge the atmosphere, meet our needs, fight our battles and transform our mindset so that we can become productive and faithful servants of the King of Kings and His Kingdom.

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