Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Recently, I have read various postings on Facebook that very forcefully condemn the so-called dissonant voices within THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH, which (incidentally) is never synonymous with The Invisible Church.  During the month of May, I posted an open essay detailing certain counterproductive attitudes and actions that are now prevalent within THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH.  The vast majority of those who responded voiced hearty agreement; and, only a relative few voiced disagreement. 
Either way, this posting is (by no means) an effort to muzzle or dissuade those who do not necessarily agree with me.  However, it seems prudent to present a brief follow-up for the sake of completeness and clarity.
THINK!  If we promote the perspective that one should never speak publicly regarding the untoward attitudes or unrighteous actions enacted by people of faith, we (by extension) nullify the PROPHETIC VOICES of biblical stalwarts such as Jeremiah, John the Baptist (and others) who refused to maintain silence or embrace compliance regarding those situations which GOD declared to be out of order.  Interestingly enough, the greatest dissenting voice against the religious status quo was (and is) JESUS CHRIST, HIMSELF.  To wit, the Apostle Paul instructs us: “let GOD be true but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4)  Is not CHRIST the HEAD OF THE CHURCH, and not man?  It seems that we have somehow become hopelessly confused about our God-ordained roles.  At best, our titles notwithstanding, we are UNDER-SHEPHERDS ALL...we are SERVANT-SUBORDINATES of THE GOOD AND GREAT SHEPHERD.
One of the greatest challenges in the contemporary church is the unfortunate fact that we have become gradually victimized by various and sundry versions of ‘CHRISTIANITY LIGHT.’  That is, we are now prone to embracing those ideas which stroke our egos or ignite our imaginations about how much greater WE can BE or how much more WE can GAIN.  This is a patently iniquitous form of IDOLATRY (a SELF worship) that has seeped subtly into our midst – invading and infecting us like the satanic plague that it is – and causing us to blaspheme THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD by erroneously embracing a HUMANISTIC worldview vis-à-vis a KINGDOM MINDSET, which upholds those mission-critical matters that are inspired by THE HOLY SPIRIT and defined by THE LIVING WORD.
Sisters and brothers, these are THE LAST DAYS.  Indeed, only the spiritually blind are incapable of discerning the lateness of the hour.  OUR LORD HAS NEED OF MORE PROPHETIC VOICES. Therefore, I shall continue to speak out against anything that GOD disapproves, with candor, clarity, conviction, courage and consistency.  Since the FULL GOSPEL represents good news for some and bad news for others, maintaining our prophetic voices is a very significant component of our end-times calling.  Always remember that many colleagues (ministers and laity alike) share similar concerns and convictions.  While no sensible person seeks reversals in relationships, should I personally lose any acquaintances, friends or even family members in the fulfillment of my calling, I must and shall deem it to be the inescapable impact of my decision to spend the rest of my days doing all things GOD’S WAY.  Be continually blessed and (above all else) make sure that you are ready to meet our soon coming King. Maranatha!

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