Thursday, October 2, 2014



Biblical signs suggest it is far later in human history than is commonly recognized.  Jesus Christ foretold the signs of His coming, including wars, rumors of wars, famine, pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places. (Matthew, chapter 24).  Even the scientists responsible for setting the infamous ‘doomsday clock’ recognize the extreme lateness of the hour.  On January 10, 2012, they reset the doomsday clock’s symbolic time to just five minutes before midnight.  Since believers are deputized as God’s end-times soul harvesters, we should understand the times and seasons in which we live.  Additionally, we must identify our unique gifts and come together with synergy to potentiate the growth and development of the Kingdom.

Consider the following passages of scripture:

Judges 3:30-31
So Moab was subdued that day under the hand of Israel.  And the land had rest fourscore years.  And after him was SHAMGAR the son of Anath, which slew of the Philistines six hundred men with an ox goad: and he also delivered Israel.

Matthew 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

During the time of Judge Shamgar, a gripping fear paralyzed the nation.  Judges 5:6 suggests that conditions were so deplorable that “the highways were unoccupied.”  In other words, people feared for their lives and were reluctant to engage their travel plans.  Fears of flourishing crime and unsafe conditions caused highways to be unoccupied, trade to be diminished, fields to be abandoned and overall progress to be abated.  The Philistines, the archenemies of Israel, grievously afflicted the people of God.  And largely due to a vacuum in leadership, the citizens of Israel were generally doing that which “seemed right” in each man or woman’s own eyes. (Judges 17:6)

Does this remind you of conditions in contemporary society?  Today, we exist in a pluralistic society, in absolutes are deemed passé and politically incorrect.  Even the illicit relationships that the Bible condemns are now termed ‘alternative lifestyles’ and are increasingly legitimized by those who control the media, the judicial system and the reins of government.  We call this progress; God calls it sin.  Nevertheless, we are reminded that He provides a substantive solution for the individual and corporate dilemma of sin, via the atoning grace of Jesus Christ.

Shamgar was the third of twelve judges, whose leadership and influence dominated the years before Israel crowned its first king, Saul.  We know precious little about Shamgar, but we are told that there were “fourscore years that the land had rest” following the ministry of Judge Ehud. (Judges 3:30)  However, even during those moments of apparent peace, enemies were present.  After the Moabites were subdued, the Philistines assumed the mantle of opposition against Israel during the days of Shamgar.  Truth be told, the presence of naysayers and detractors often serves as a ‘litmus test’ for discerning whether one is moving in the direction of God’s will.  Jesus declared “rejoice and be exceedingly glad” when enemies rise as the result of your faith convictions, and He promised that “great is your reward in heaven.” (Matthew 5:12)  Isaiah declared “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19)

The name “Shamgar” means ’sword.’  Regarding his origins, the Bible simply says he was the son of Anath, and we are unsure of the meaning of this.  “Anath” could have been a reference to a particular man, (or) it could have derived from a Galilean city called Beth-anath, (or) this name could have come from the Canaanite goddess, Anath.  The latter possibility suggests that Shamgar might have been converted from idol worship to serve the True and Living God.  Bottom-line: We really don’t know Shamgar's roots or where he came from, and I am thrilled and encouraged by that.  It suggests that, in spite of our parentage, pedigree, or past, GOD is fully able to use us and to gain glory whenever our lives are submitted to His authority and we are endowed with ample anointing.

Shamgar stood…as one man…against the phenomenal power of the Philistines.  It’s rather reminiscent of young David, standing as a solitary warrior against the giant Goliath.  The difference, however, is very significant.  Shamgar stood…as one man…against (not one)…but against six hundred Philistines.  That is an incredible feat!  Visualize this hypothetical.  Even six hundred children would experience little difficulty defeating one man.  As you think about Shamgar, reflect on this fact.  Some soldiers go through an entire war without killing even one enemy combatant.  Many soldiers go through an entire war without killing five (or less) of the enemy . But Shamgar possessed an awesome anointing from God for his assignment to utterly devastate the enemy.

Judge Shamgar did not apply his own might to win the battle.  Rather, he utilized an unusual (and God given) weapon of warfare.  He procured an ox goad, a long handled pole, seven-feet long (the number of divine perfection), to obliterate the enemy.  The ox goad was a farm tool, created to goad on (urge on) oxen.  So remember: Shamgar never possessed a weapon of great renown, not even a weapon of warfare.  He was a humble man, deploying a humble weapon, but he was ‘pregnant’ with purpose, power and anointing!


Here’s something to carefully consider: Have you identified the specific gift and distinct anointing with which you have been endowed and empowered by our God?  Winner-believer, your personal fulfillment lies in the discovery and implementation of YOUR UNIQUE OX GOAD.  Despite the fact that the Kingdom of God suffers violence (both from within and without), you have been provided with extraordinary tools to secure and sustain the strategic work of God.  “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” (II Corinthians 10:4)  In the entire scheme of things, it may be much later than you think.  It’s almost midnight.  What are you waiting for?  Pick up your unique weapon today…and use it…in JESUS’ mighty name!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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