Monday, June 8, 2015



In a culture dominated by carnal images and perceptions of beauty, one might easily become distracted by superficial glitz and glamour, as contrasted with genuine substance and spirituality.  You see, visual sensuality and sexuality sells.  How so?  We see it played out daily in magazines, on television screens and on the silver screen.  Our senses and sensibility are both saturated and assaulted by a barrage of what we are led to believe is beauty.

But what is true beauty?  How may we define it, acknowledge it, appreciate it, celebrate it?

My response to that question begins with the message of one of my favorite poems, written by the English author, John Keats, in 1819.  Entitled “Ode to a Grecian Urn,” its final lines are a veritable revelation:

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

Mr. Keats suggests that beauty is never defined by the contour of one’s body, or the color of one’s eyes, hair, and skin.  Rather, true beauty lies within and is discernible ONLY through Godly attitudes and actions, i.e., by the TRUTH of one’s spiritual existence on this earth.

Allow me to share a secret.  In truth, I married UP!  My wonderful wife, Belinda, might never be portrayed on the cover of Glamour or Essence or Vanity Fair.  Her physical features may never make her eligible for consideration by global modeling agencies such as Model Management, IMG Models, or the prestigious Ford Modeling Agency.

Yet, Belinda is the most beautiful woman I know. 

Her warmth and kindness definitely surpass the ultimate results of any sort of make-up, Botox therapy, or cosmetic surgery.  Her honesty and integrity are far more appealing than the so-called ideal female dimensions of 36-24-36.  Her unconditional love would not possibly be enhanced by the likes of L’Oréal, Lancôme, Nivea, Neutrogena, Olay, or Maybelline.

Belinda is not beautiful because she has a perfect look. 
Belinda is beautiful because she has a perfect heart.

Don’t get me wrong.  My eyes whisper daily to me that Belinda is a FOX, an understated natural beauty.  But the inner spirit that she exudes actually supersedes my natural senses.  She completely cares – and takes care of me.  No wonder that all of me is tuned in (and turned on) by my Belinda, for she is a devoted wife, a caring mother, a compassionate friend, a praying worshipper and a true disciple of Christ. 

My heart adores Belinda.

The Apostle Paul clearly describes our roles and responsibilities as husbands – far more eloquently and spiritually than my own capability.  He writes, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” (Ephesians 5:25)  Wow!  That is true love, agape love.

When a husband SEES his wife in that manner, there is no one on the planet that could possibly be more beautiful, more desirable, more fulfilling, or more available to be loved.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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