Friday, January 29, 2016



A member of a certain church, who had previously attended services regularly, somehow stopped going.  After a few weeks, the pastor decided to drop by for a visit.  It was quite a chilly evening, and the pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire.

Guessing the reason for his pastor’s visit, the man welcomed him in, led him to a big chair near the fireplace and patiently waited for his counsel.  The pastor made himself comfortable but said absolutely nothing.  Sometimes silence really is golden.  They sat together as friends, simply enjoying each other’s company, while contemplating the play of the flames around the burning logs.

After some minutes, the pastor took the fireplace tongs and carefully picked up a brightly burning ember, placing it to one side of the hearth – all alone.  Then he sat back in his chair and observed silently.  His host watched all of this in quiet fascination.

As the one lone ember’s flame diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more.  Soon it was completely cold, apparently as dead as a doornail.

Not a word had been spoken since their initial greetings.

Just before the pastor departed, he picked up the cold, dead ember and returned it to the middle of the fire.  Almost immediately, it began to glow again with the light and warmth of the burning coals surrounding it.

As the pastor reached the doorway, his host said, “Thanks so much for your visit, and especially for the fiery sermon.  I shall be back in church next Sunday.”

Lesson learned.

Every committed believer understands the fundamental fact that Weekly Worship and Word Gatherings are not optional.  In fact, they are clearly mandated by our Lord: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25)

So let’s make it our business to gather together (this week) with all the people of God to hear from Heaven and to collectively celebrate the King of Kings.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016



All too often, we complain without justification.  In our attempt to come to grips with our situations-in-life, there is a human tendency to project human blame on The Divine.  Theologians call it THE PROBLEM OF THEODICY.  That is, how could a good, just and loving God allow evil to exist and prevail in the lives of so many?

The other day, I read an intriguing story that addresses this issue so well.  Although it’s not scripturally accurate, its application is substantially sound.  It goes something like this…

At the end of time, billions of people were scattered on a vast plain before the throne of God.

Most of them shrank back from the brilliant light before them.  But some of the groups were talking among themselves – rather heatedly.  They were not cringing with shame, but bristling with belligerence.

“How could God judge us?  What can he know about suffering?” snapped a young Albanian.  He removed his shirt to reveal a bullet-scarred back.  “In Kosovo, we had to endure sheer terror…shootings…unspeakable torture!”

In another group, an aged aboriginal woman pulled a crumpled, tear-stained photograph from her pocket.  “What about this?” she demanded.  “This is my precious child.  I have not seen her since the day she was stolen away from us, for no crime but being black!”

In yet another crowd, a pregnant schoolgirl stood with very sad and sullen eyes.  “Why should I suffer,” she cried out, “It wasn’t my fault.”

Across the terrestrial plain, there were hundreds of such groups.  Each had a complaint against God for the evil and suffering He had permitted in their world.  “How fortunate God is,” they collectively complained, “to live in a Heaven where all is sweetness and light, where there is no weeping or fear, no hunger or hatred.  What does God know about all the horrible things we have been forced to endure in this world?  God leads a totally sheltered life!”

So each of these dissenting groups sent forth their leader, chosen because he or she had suffered the most.  A Holocaust survivor was chosen, along with a scarred survivor of Hiroshima, a terribly deformed arthritic, a thalidomide child, a victim of terrible racism, a man whose wife had been murdered by a drug addict, etc.  In the center of the plain, they consulted with each other.  Now they were ready to present their case before The Throne.  It all seemed so logical and completely clever.

They rendered their collective verdict and presented it to God.  “Before you can be qualified to be our judge, you must endure what we have endured.  You will be sentenced to live on earth – as a man!

You must be born into a hated race.  The legitimacy of your birth must be doubted.  You must be given a task so difficult that even your family will think you are out of his mind when you try to do it.  You must be abandoned and betrayed by your closest friends.  You must face bigotry and false charges, then you must be tried by a prejudiced jury and convicted by a cowardly judge.

After all that, you must be tortured.  You must experience what it means to be terribly alone. Then you must die, knowing full well that you are innocent but appearing to be guilty to all those around you.

As God’s sentence was angrily announced, loud murmurs of approval went up from the throng of people assembled.

But suddenly there was total and complete silence.  No one dared utter another word.  No one moved.  Suddenly, all were aware in their heart-of-hearts that God had already served His sentence.

And that’s why Jesus Christ is our High Priest, the One who is touched by the “feeling of our infirmities.” (Hebrew 4:15)  Because “Emmanuel, God with us,” has already come to us “in the likeness of sinful flesh.”  He was already “wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him…and with his stripes we are healed.” (Romans 8:3 – Matthew 1:23 – Isaiah 53:5)  And now we are sons and daughters of the King of Kings!

Small wonder that Governor Pilate was moved to declare, “I find no fault in him.” (John 19:4)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



One of the most challenging things in life is to convince an unbeliever of the reality of the true and living God.  That’s why spiritual regeneration is a task solely reserved to the incalculable power of the Holy Spirit.  Our job is to sow seeds.  His job is to bring on the harvest.

This reminds me of a popular comic strip entitled “Hagar the Horrible.”  In one memorable comic moment, we find Hagar kneeling down in prayer.  And here’s what Hagar had to say to the Lord.

“GOD, it’s not easy to believe in you.  We never see you.  How come you never show yourself?  How do we know you even exist?”

In the next instant, we observe a flower springing into life beside Hagar, a volcano erupting in the distance, an eclipse of the sun filling the sky with darkness, a shooting star penetrating the atmosphere, a tidal wave rushing across the sea and lightning flashing brilliantly through the evening sky – all followed by a bush beginning to burn without being consumed and a stone rolling away from the entrance of a garden tomb.

But Hagar’s next words are so typical of persons who are devoid of faith:

“OK, OK,” he says, “I give up!  Every time I bring up this subject, all I get is interruptions!”

You see, if someone stubbornly refuses to lend a hearing ear to Heaven’s constant communiques, there is absolutely nothing you and I can do about it.  We’ll just keep on praying.  Keep on trusting.  And keep on sowing good seed.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Sunday, January 24, 2016



Successfully stretching toward your personal potential is a direct function of how well you manage to stay in your God-given lane.  This is no easy task since a large cadre of influential voices – family, friends and foes – will continually urge us to embrace decisions, positions, tasks, or goals that may not be central to the primary reason we have been placed on this earth.  Because of these powerful voices, the decision to do things GOD’S WAY, which is to live from God’s point of view, could expose us to criticism, ridicule, or even rejection.

But if you stay in your lane, you will surely win.

Consider the story behind the Eiffel Tower, one of the most recognizable landmarks on the planet.  Built as the grand entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair, this favorite spot for international tourism receives multiplied thousands of visitors every year.

However, despite its present-day level of success, ferocious opposition boiled up during its construction.  A group of prestigious French artists and writers, including Alexandre Dumas, author of “The Three Musketeers,” filed the following petition:

“We, the writers, painters, sculptors, architects and lovers of the beauty of Paris, do protest with all our vigor and indignation, in the name of French taste and endangered French art and history, against the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower.”

Nevertheless, history ultimately vindicated Alexandre Gustav Eiffel.  Although in 1889 he was roundly condemned, today he is highly praised and celebrated for his architectural achievement.  His story shows that the opinions others may have of us or the things we do are not what really matters.  Their perspectives will undoubtedly change according to what becomes culturally fashionable or contemporaneously vogue. 

What differentiates and distinguishes you from the pack is your ability to hold on to your BIRTHRIGHT, i.e. the gifts, creativity, values and wisdom originally imparted by your Creator. So instead of cloning the methods and achievements of others, ask God to help you to see clearly enough to identify those traits and talents that are uniquely you. They are the real reason why you are here.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Friday, January 22, 2016



The world will never be converted by superficial spiritual-hype.  It is THE LIVING WORD that penetrates the soul and transforms the spirit.  This Word is the living and loving embodiment of grace, mercy and truth.  And in the final analysis, it is how all of us have arrived at the foot of the cross of Calvary.

The world will never be drawn (authentically) to faith because of our accumulated possessions or clever promotions.  The monetary value of the houses we own, or the vehicles we drive, or the investments we accrue will not matter much in the mission of bringing the lost to Christ.  There is only one indispensable component of evangelism; it is the gospel of love.  A true and heart-touching story illustrates this point. 

It was one of the most extraordinary birthday parties ever held.  No, it did not take place in a plush ballroom or grand hotel.  No, there weren’t any famous celebrities present.  The rich and powerful did not attend.  In fact, it was held at 3:00 a.m. in a small seedy cafe in Honolulu.  The guest of honor was a prostitute.  The party guests were prostitutes.  The man who threw the party was a Christian minister.

The idea came to Pastor Tony Campolo early one morning as he sat in the café.  He was drinking coffee at the counter, when a group of prostitutes walked in and sat at the stools around him.  One of the girls named Agnes lamented the fact that tomorrow would be her birthday but she never had a birthday party.

Tony thought it would be a great idea to surprise Agnes with a birthday party.  Learning from the cafe owner that the girls came in every morning around 3:30 a.m., Tony planned with him to set up the café for a party.  Somehow, word of this got out on the streets, so by 3:15 the next morning the place was packed with prostitutes, along with the cafe owner, his wife and Tony.

Agnes walked in and saw the streamers, balloons and birthday cake, as everyone screamed out “Happy Birthday!”  Agnes was totally overwhelmed.  Tears poured down her face as the crowd sang “Happy Birthday to You.”  When Agnes was called on to cut the cake, she paused.  She had never had a birthday cake and asked if she could take it home to show her mother.  After Agnes left there was a reverential silence as Tony led the café owner, his wife and a roomful of prostitutes in prayer, both for Agnes and for themselves.

It was a magnificent birthday party rarely seen – thrown by a Christian minister for a 39-year-old prostitute who never experienced anyone going out of their way to do something so special, while expecting absolutely nothing in return. Indeed, so surprising was this turn of events that the café owner found it hard to believe that there were churches that would actually do this sort of thing. “But if there are,” he remarked, “then that is the sort of church I would be ready to join.”

There is no life-giving efficacy in our religious pomp and pageantry. What the world needs now is LOVE. Neither our church edifices, nor our religious rites, nor our ecclesiastical robes and rings will draw men, women and children to the cross of Calvary. There is one simple ingredient in evangelical success; it is the 'secret recipe' of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have LOVE for one another.” (John 13:35)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, January 21, 2016



Just in case the present circumstances of your life leave you feeling POWER-LESS, it is my task to point out the fact that you are absolutely POWER-FULL!  “How so?” you might ask.

My friends, you have resident within you The One whom the prophet Isaiah identified as “The Mighty God.” (Isaiah 9:6)  This Messianic title is one of the birth names that is prophetically ascribed to the Savior of the world.  In the Hebrew language, it is “EL GIBBOR,” The Mighty God.

Here is the paradox of this powerful name – for you and for your situation in life.  He is THE MIGHTY GOD.  However, the Apostle Paul informs us that even though Jesus Christ was absolutely “equal with God,” he emptied himself, that is “He made Himself of no reputation,” for the express purpose of forging a priestly connection with fallen humanity. (Philippians 2:6-7 – Isaiah 53:1-12)  The irony of this purpose-driven humility is that Jesus Christ never abandoned his divine attributes.  After all, HE IS GOD INCARNATE.  Nevertheless, upon entering into a carnal world that was never fully surrendered to the law of God, it was necessary to EMPTY HIMSELF in order to relate to us, i.e. to become the “high priest” who would be “touched by the feeling of our infirmities.” (Hebrews 4:15)  I love the fact that JESUS ‘GETS’ US.

Here is the personal application of this powerful name – for you and for your situation in life.  Just as Jesus Christ EMPTIED HIMSELF in order to be fully engaged in the salvation of man, you and I must EMPTY OURSELVES also, putting aside our willfulness, ego-centeredness and agendas in order to become useful in building the Kingdom of God.

Submission to the perfect will of God is an enormous challenge for human ‘rebels’ like us. (Isaiah 53:6)

Our carnal dispositions and cultural traditions cause us to place the highest value on OURSELVES, that is on our personal worth and our personal plans, above all else.  Christ’s mandate that we “crucify the flesh” actually goes against the grain of our natural impulses, but by doing so we will discover LIFE and POWER in fellowship with “EL GIBBOR,” THE MIGHTY GOD. (Galatians 5:24 – II Peter 1:3)

Indeed, in “His presence” and under “His power,” we are “more than conquerors,” which means we are “always triumphant,” appearances notwithstanding. (Psalm 16:11 – II Corinthians 4:7 – Romans 8:37 – II Corinthians 2:14) 

Question: How could this possibly be? 

Answer:  OUR FAITH both visualizes and ACTUALIZES the end result of our covenant connection, long before it is manifested in time and space.  

My friends, “have faith in God.”  That is your purpose, your power and your POTENTIAL.  Just in case you are feeling somewhat powerless today, I remind you that ‘THE MIGHTY GOD” is definitely in your corner. 

Winner-believer, you cannot lose, so hang in there.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016



There is a distinct difference between JOY and HAPPINESS.

HAPPINESS is entirely situational.  Typically, I feel happy because of something that has occurred.  For example, I might have received a compliment, a gift, a promotion, or an introduction to someone special – which causes me to break out into my HAPPY DANCE!

JOY is a very different phenomenon.  The Word decrees that “the joy of the Lord is my strength” and “with joy (I) will draw water from the wells of salvation” and it further advises me to “count it all joy” when encountering challenges or opposition.  This is not some superficial suggestion that I maintain a happy feeling or a smiley face in the midst of problematic situations.  (Nehemiah 8:10 – Isaiah12:3 – James 1:2-3)

Here’s what the Holy Spirit revealed to me about joy.  “JOY is the ASSURANCE that CHRIST is at the CENTER of my CIRCUMSTANCES.”  It bears repetition: “JOY is the ASSURANCE that CHRIST is at the CENTER of my CIRCUMSTANCES.”  In that sense, JOY and PEACE are first-cousins.  Due to my CONFIDENCE in the covenant promises of God, I maintain FULL FAITH that HE will come through for me – no matter what I am presently experiencing. (Hebrews 10:35)  To wit, JOY and PEACE are derivatives of a DIVINE ASSURANCE.

Allow me to be totally transparent with you.  I cannot honestly say that I am HAPPY all the time.  But deep in my heart, I always maintain a reservoir of JOY because I know that HE KNOWS, and I know that HE CARES.  The famed blind hymn composer, Fanny J. Crosby, stated it far more eloquently than I.  In her words, JOY is “blessed assurance that Jesus is mine – oh, what a foretaste of glory divine.”  So even in the midst of unimaginable pain and sorrow, Holy Spirit BREATHED JOY enables me to SING.

“This is my story, this is my song – praising my Savior all the day long!”
[“Blessed Assurance” – Fanny J. Crosby]

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, January 18, 2016



Today is a very important American holiday, commemorating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  We honor his leadership and tenacity in combating “the triple evils of American society: poverty, racism and militarism.”  Martin Luther King’s unique model of social change is rooted in the humanitarian philosophies of Mohandas (a.k.a. Mahatma) Gandhi.  Dr. King set forth six principles of nonviolence, which are summarized below for your consideration.

- Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.  It is a positive force confronting the forces of injustice, and utilizes the righteous indignation and the spiritual, emotional and intellectual capabilities of people as a vital force for change and reconciliation.

- The Beloved Community is the framework for the future.  The nonviolent concept is an overall effort to achieve a reconciled world by raising the level of relationships among people to a height where justice prevails and persons attain their full human potential.

- Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil.  The nonviolent approach helps one analyze the fundamental conditions, policies and practices of the conflict rather than reacting to one’s opponents or their personalities.

- Accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause – in order to achieve the goal.  Self-chosen suffering is redemptive and helps the movement grow in a spiritual as well as a humanitarian dimension.  The moral authority of voluntary suffering for a goal effectively communicates concerns to one’s friends and community, as well as to the opponent.

- Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence.  The nonviolent attitude permeates all aspects of the campaign.  It provides a mirror reflection of the reality of the condition to one’s opponent and the community at large.  Specific activities must be designed to help maintain a high level of spirit and morale during a nonviolent campaign.

- The universe is on the side of justice.  Truth is universal.  Human society and human beings are oriented to the just sense of order of the universe.  The fundamental values in all of the world’s religions include the concept that the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.  For the nonviolent practitioner, nonviolence introduces a new moral context in which nonviolence is both the means and the end.

While this esteemed clergyman is widely known for his pioneering efforts in the American civil rights movement, he also espoused a theological position (referenced above) that is of paramount importance.  According to The King Center for Social Change, “The Beloved Community” is a term first coined in the early days of the 20th Century by the philosopher-theologian Josiah Royce, who founded the Fellowship of Reconciliation.  However, Dr. Martin Luther King, also a member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, popularized the term, invested it with a much deeper meaning and captured the imagination of the world.

For Dr. King, The Beloved Community was no lofty utopian goal to be confused with the rapturous image of the Peaceable Kingdom, in which lions and lambs coexist in idyllic harmony.  Rather, it was for him a realistic, achievable goal that could be attained by a critical mass of people committed to and trained in the philosophy and methods of nonviolence.

Dr. King’s Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people share in the wealth of the earth.  In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness are not tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it.  Racism and all forms of discrimination are replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood.  In the Beloved Community, international disputes are resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power.  Love and trust triumphs over fear and hatred.  Peace with justice prevails over war and military conflict.

Dr. King’s Beloved Community is not devoid of interpersonal, group or international conflict.  Instead he recognized that conflict is an inevitable part of human experience.  But he believed that conflicts could be resolved peacefully and adversaries could be reconciled through a mutual commitment to nonviolence.

The core value of King’s Beloved Community is agape love, which he described as “understanding, redeeming goodwill for all…overflowing love which is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless and creative…the love of God operating in the human heart.”  One expression of agape love is justice for all people.  As Dr. King often said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”  He felt that justice could not be parceled out to some persons or groups, but was the birthright of every human being.  [Source: The King Center]

As we pause to reflect, to commemorate and to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we pray that social justice will become an ongoing and pressing concern for all.  According to the writings of the Prophet Amos, we must collectively travail until we ultimately prevail, i.e. until “justice run[s] down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.” (Amos 5:24, NKJV)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Thursday, January 14, 2016



November 21, 1980, began like any other day for the men aboard a Texaco oil rig on Lake Peigneur, a 1,300-acre lake in Louisiana, USA.  Day in and day out, the workers would sink a drill down through the muddy bottom of the lake in search of oil.  However, on that day things went totally haywire.  Below the surface of the lake was a salt mine, and someone on the oil rig miscalculated the placement of the drill, which caused it to penetrate one of the salt mine’s tunnels.

What happened next was similar to pulling the plug out of a full bath tub.  A massive whirlpool formed.  First it brought down the oil rig.  Thankfully, the workers evacuated in time.  Then, unbelievably, the powerful whirlpool consumed a second oil rig, eleven barges, a tug boat, several trucks, a loading dock and numerous trees.  In just three hours, over 13 billion liters of water drained from the lake, along with everything on and around it.

Remember: Nothing that we do is ever done in a vacuum.  In an increasingly smaller global community, we are directly or indirectly affected by the decisions and actions of others.   So be very cautious and careful about your choices.  Pray.  Think.  Consider others.  Seemingly small or apparently inconsequential things might have major impact, both in your life and on the lives of those around you.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



Since 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the decision in Roe v. Wade, there have been well over 54 million abortions. It’s a national travesty and tragedy that so many American citizens (and those of other nations) opt to use abortion as a form of birth control. In truth, it is a genocide – one that has destroyed the lives of innocent babies of every ethnicity, culture, creed and potential.

Many call it ‘the woman’s right to choose.’ Heaven knows it by a very different name, ‘murder.’ (Exodus 20:13)

Let’s be honest. Would you consider abortion in the following situations?
1. A preacher and wife are very poor. They already have 14 children. Now she’s pregnant with #15 – though they're living in tremendous poverty.
2. The father is sick and the mother has tuberculosis. They have had 4 children. The first is blind, the second is dead, the third is deaf and the fourth has tuberculosis. She is pregnant again.
3. A white man raped a 13-year-old black girl and she gets pregnant.
4. A teenage girl is pregnant, but she isn’t married. Her fiancé is upset because he’s not the father.

If you had made the decision to end these pregnancies, in the first case, you would have terminated John Wesley, one of the great evangelists in the 19th century. In the second case, you would have terminated Ludwig Beethoven, one of the most prolific composers of all time. In the third case, you would have terminated Ethel Waters, the legendary blues and gospel singer. And in the fourth case, you would have terminated Jesus. Think about it.

Nevertheless, it is important to note a very good and gracious truth. Whenever God condemns, He always offers the opportunity for repentance and restoration. Listen carefully; listen with your spirit. This devotional is not designed to hurt any persons who have made such decisions in their past. Put simply, that isn’t God’s way, and that is never my intention. Here’s the good news. In the case of any and every sin, “If we confess our sins [TO GOD], He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9)

My friends, if you have fallen, get to a loving God…and get right…and get up! (Proverbs 24:16 – John 3:16-17)

One of my favorite hymns says it all so well:

Come, every soul by sin oppressed,
There’s mercy with the Lord;
And He will surely give you rest
By trusting in His Word.

Only trust Him!  Only trust Him!
Only trust Him now!
He will save you!  He will save you!
He will save you now!

Remember this. As a so-called “Christian nation,” and as loving and compassionate family members, it is incumbent upon all of us (from this day forward) to THINK and PRAY and AVOID making any decisions with such dire consequences in time and in eternity. 

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016



The method and manner in which we read and understand God’s Word reveals our level of spiritual maturity.

Some regularly read the Bible as a WINDOW into the lives of others.  As such, it casts a spotlight on David’s sins, on Peter’s betrayals, or on Gideon’s initial lack of courage.  It even provides a subjective measure of judgment on the lives of our family and friends.  For example, I might have this kind of thought about a family member: ‘I know YOU are a sinner because YOU have violated one of The Ten Commandments.’ (Exodus 20)

For Spirit-filled believers, the Bible becomes a MIRROR that reflects the image of Christ, side-by-side with our own.  Thus, it points to various opportunities for us to “grow in grace,” or to “crucify the flesh,” or to “follow peace with all men,” etc.  (II Peter 3:18 – Galatians 5:24 – Hebrews 12:14)

As we read and study God’s Word, we must objectively examine ourselves.  That is, we must be disciplined enough, and honest enough, to SEE OURSELVES, which means we will visualize our own spiritual needs –  from God’s point of view.

As we actively engage God’s Word today, it is His will that we will allow it to function as a mirror, not a window.  Let’s see JESUS.  Let’s see OURSELVES.  As such, we will grow and glow as “lights of the world.”  (Matthew 5:14 – Philippians 2:20)  Amen?  Amen!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, January 11, 2016



The cartoon character named Popeye is famous for eating spinach.  So whenever he breaks open a can of spinach and consumes it, he gains enormous strength.  But there is a little known fact about this cartoon character.  Since meat was much scarcer during World War II, the tale of Popeye was co-opted by the U.S. Government to promote the idea of eating spinach.  Spinach appeared to be an ideal substitute for meat.  Ironically, the scientists of our German enemy combatants had concluded during the 1890s that spinach contains the same amount of iron as meat.  Iron is an essential vitamins for building muscle and strength.

However, their facts were fundamentally wrong.  German researchers did prove that spinach contains iron, but when they recorded their scientific results they put the decimal point in the wrong place.  Therefore, they grossly overestimated the amount of iron in spinach by a factor of ten!  Unfortunately, the correction for this error did not make it across the ocean until after World War II.

This series of events clearly demonstrates how easy it is for false ideas to be quickly accepted as truth.  Lesson learned.  Even in the area of our faith, it’s not uncommon for some to embrace faith concepts that are nonbiblical in origin.  To wit, we should never be hesitant to ask why we hold a certain belief or a particular interpretation of the Bible.  Our investigation may prove that we got it right, or it may show that we are inaccurate in our understanding of what God is actually communicating to us.  Either way, our understanding and application of God’s word will only be improved.

Two practical examples of this kind of distortion of the Word are replacement theology (also known as supersessionism), which holds that the Jews are no longer chosen by God and that He has no particular future plans for the nation of Israel; and (2) PROSPERITY THEOLOGY, which reduces The Almighty to the level of some sort of cosmic genie whose primary purpose is endowing us with material possessions and wealth.  Although God truly desires to bless His people, if the abundant life that Christ espoused is reduced to the level of financial prosperity, we are actually serving Satan’s cause instead of building God’s Kingdom.

Will we choose faith or myth?  My friends, let’s get our facts straight.  Let’s make sure that our faith is spiritually grounded, not in tradition, nor in fantasy, but firmly established in THE WORD.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



An intriguing article about a South African indigenous tribe, the Kalahari Bushmen, was published in the February 2000 edition of “National Geographic.”  Below, it is reprinted in part.

The Kalahari Bushmen were made famous in the movie, “The Gods Must be Crazy.”  Their recent history is quite sad, for in the last 100 years the Bushmen culture has been disappearing, along with their lands.  One of the saddest Bushmen settlements is Schmidtsridft, located in South Africa.  There two bushmen peoples, the Xu and the Khwe, who clash fiercely with one another, live like many indigenous peoples whose way of life has been destroyed.  They have grown dependent on government pensions and alcohol which, for many, has become an anesthetic against their dislocation and loss. 

[Editor’s Note: This seems to be a mirror image of the plight of Native Americans].

Mario Mahongo, the leader of the Xu Traditional Council at Schmidtsdrift, longs for his people to rediscover some of their spirit.  But the problem is they have lost their stories.  “A lot of our culture,” he says, “is lost in our lives – the old stories that were told by mothers and fathers who would go into the bush and then return to tell the others what they had seen.  The problem is that now no one goes out and does anything, so we have no stories to tell our children.  We have nothing to pass on.”

Thank you, National Geographic, for there is much to learn from this tragic tale.  The stories that we pass on will ultimately shape and define us.  They show us the way forward and offer us meaning, direction and values.  In ancient West African culture, the village griot [pronounced gree-OH] had the important task of memorizing and sharing rich details of tribal lore and legacy for present and future generations.  Here’s an creative idea.  Perhaps, you could consider becoming your own family’s griot since it is extremely important that our children learn, remember and reflect upon the legacy and values that lie at the heart of their family and culture.

However, just as importantly for Christians (if not more so) are the awesome stories recorded in the Holy Writ, which forge the foundation of our defining faith-story.  The late Bishop Ozro Thurston Jones, Jr. reminded us, “If you seek to truly understand the Word, never neglect to learn and memorize the stories of the Bible.”  The Word’s admonition on this important matter?  Read these instructive and inspirational stories daily.  And be sure to share them, systematically and enthusiastically, with your children and your children’s children. (Deuteronomy 6:4-12)  The Bible contains such a wide array of diverse and fascinating stories that it would even put ‘Mother Goose’ to shame!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



In Alexander Pope’s “Essay on Man” written in 1732, the English poet penned this timeless line of prose: “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”  His insight calls to mind three Jewish psychiatrists who lived in and around Vienna in the period leading up to World War II.

The first of these three psychiatrists, Sigmund Freud, spent years studying people, striving to understand what makes us tick.  He reached the conclusion that the fundamental drive in human beings is the search for PLEASURE.  According to Freud, it’s our basic need for pleasure that explains why we do what we do.

The second, Alfred Adler, also spent years studying human behavior.  His studies led him to disagree with Sigmund Freud.  Adler was convinced that the bottom line in understanding human behavior is POWER.  In his view, all of us grow up feeling somewhat inferior and powerless.  Thus, life becomes a drive to gain control, to feel more important and powerful.

Viktor Frankl sought to follow in the footsteps of his mentors, Freud and Adler.  But before his career gained traction, World War II began.  The Nazi invasion brought danger and death to millions of Jews.  Freud and Adler were world renowned scholars, so they managed to escape.  Frankl wasn’t so fortunate.  He was arrested and detained in a Nazi concentration camp four long years.

After the war ended, Frankl was released and resumed his career.  Carefully evaluating his experiences as a prisoner, he noted something strange and unexpected – that the people who survived were not always the ones that others would expect.  Many who were physically strong wasted away and died while others who were physically weak grew stronger and survived.  Why?  What was it that enabled them to hang on through the living hell of a Nazi concentration camp?

Frankl reflected on the theories of his mentors.  Freud’s pleasure principle could not explain it. For four desperate and terrible years, the men in his camp knew only pain, suffering and degradation.  Pleasure was not even a word in their vocabulary.  It certainly wasn’t pleasure that kept them going.

What then of Adler’s theory about power being the basic human need?  That wouldn’t explain it either.  Frankl and his fellow Jews were completely powerless during their years in the concentration camp.  Each day they stared down the barrels of loaded guns, they were treated like animals, they felt enemy boots on their faces and watched helplessly while fellow Jews were executed via gas chamber genocide.  They neither had power, nor any prospects of power.

So Viktor Frankl came up with his own theory.  He concluded that the primary difference between those who survived and those who perished was HOPE.  Those who survived never gave up the belief that their lives had value and meaning.  Despite everything going on around them, they believed that their suffering would eventually end and they would again live meaningful, purposeful lives.  What is this basic human drive?  According to Frankl, it is the need to live with a sense of purpose.  Not pleasure.  Not power.  MEANING.

Consider your present life situation.  What’s really going on with you?  More importantly, what are you hoping and trusting GOD for in the long-term?  Whatever that is, it constitutes your life-vision, which must and shall be written in the indelible ink of hope.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016



I am grateful...for the hundreds who communicated so lovingly on my 64th birthday.

I am grateful...for the unconditional love of a truly awesome family.

I am grateful...for being happily married to Belinda, a phenomenal woman.

I am grateful...for being the proud father of 3 amazing adult children, Wayne II, Michael and Kimberly, and for being a surrogate father for 2 accomplished women, Niki and Whitney.

I am grateful...for 2 beautiful daughters-in-law, Dionne and Madge, and for Kin’s late-great fiancé, Thomas.

I am grateful...for 12 wonderful grandchildren: Michael, Elonna, Jermaine, Elijah, Christian, Indya, Brooklyn, Taylor, Payton, Dylan, Sydney and Savannah.

I am grateful...for 2 adorable great-grandchildren: Jayla and Meadow.

I am grateful...for 9 incredible older siblings: Joseph, Jr., Wilma, Izetta, Richard, Dwight, William, Ruth, Edwin and Doris.

I am grateful...for having long-term relationships with truly outstanding friends.

I am grateful...for exceptional ministerial colleagues.

I am grateful...for experiencing and surviving life’s crises and challenges.

I am grateful...for being a cancer survivor and for living with good health and vitality.

I am grateful...for a do-right mind, for intellectual soundness, for emotional sanity and for good judgment.

I am grateful...for a substantive and substantial knowledge of God’s Word.

I am grateful...for the gift of spiritual insight and discernment.

I am grateful…that I have learned how to forgive and be forgiven.

I am grateful...for my Yale writing mentor, Professor Toby Symington, and for a God-given ability to write with clarity and creativity.

I am grateful...for an excellent education and for my academic degrees.

I am grateful…for being a Kingdom Kid, for 48 marvelous years of Christian ministry and for the privilege of serving an awesome God.

I am grateful...for my LoveStream Temple Family, for my LoveStream Africa Family and for thousands of LoveStream Devotional readers in 73 nations and on 6 continents.

I am grateful...for the grace and mercy of God, for the atoning sacrifice and salvation of Jesus Christ, for the marvelous endowments of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.

I am grateful…that I have been born again, that I am now “seated together with Him in heavenly places,” that I am an eternal citizen of the Kingdom of God, that I am redeemed, restored, revived and renewed, that I am now walking in absolute victory and joyful anticipation of Christ’s second coming.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thessalonians 5:18)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Sunday, January 3, 2016



During a recent time of prayer, I received a somewhat surprising revelation: Faith is not the ABSOLUTE absence of fear.  At first glance, this seemed somewhat counterintuitive to my understanding of the Word.  However, though the Bible teaches that “perfect love casts out fear,” in practicality, most of us have not yet arrived. (I John 4:18)  So, for myself and the remainder of the cadre of ‘imperfect’ disciples, FAITH may be understood as moving forward through the shadows of apprehension and doubt. 

Oftentimes, faith is stretching toward The Word, tentatively and awkwardly, like the novice swimmer holding hopefully to a flotation device.  As such, one’s faith could be compelled to make this honest admission: “I may feel shaky and unsure, but I refuse to rely solely on my senses.  So I will not stop short of mastering my struggles, my limitations and my challenges – by way of a PURPOSEFUL DECISION to believe and trust whatever Heaven declares about me and mine.”

Now hear another important insight.  Our momentary uncertainty is not synonymous with “the spirit of fear.”  The scriptures reveal that the spirit of fear is a malignant malady that originates in hell. (II Timothy 1:7)  Rather, in the faith fight of believers, we become focused on God’s mandate to wage proactive personal combat against all doubts and fears.  We may not always readily SEE His light, but we continue to spiritually SENSE its presence and power. 

Oswald Chambers wrote, “Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God, whose ways you may not understand at the time.”  Faith mobilizes us to deliberately hold fast to trust in that which has been promised in the covenant, without experiential knowledge of the future, as we remember and reflect upon the spiritual triumphs in our past. (Philippians 4:8)  According to the Apostle Peter, we disciples are “fighting the good fight of faith,” which enables us to “lay hold onto eternal life.” (I Timothy 6:12)  As St. Augustine wisely stated, “Faith is believing what you do not see; the reward of faith is seeing what you believe.”  Think about it.

Therefore, throughout circumstantial uncertainties, faith teaches us to trust GOD who will effectively address all unresolved issues.  For HE is the panacea, the cure-all, the answer and the ultimate solution for every human condition.  Trusting Him is key to manifesting perseverance in the storm.  Although we may not SEE calm seas or dry land, we believe that they are indeed there, simply because GOD says so. 

Such spiritual vision requires having a heart trust, not a head trust, but a heart trust in GOD.  It means knowing that He loves us enough to surround us, sustain us and satisfy us with genuine peace, unspeakable joy, transforming love and ultimate fulfillment.  In the midst of every wave of crisis experienced by Job, he testified that true faith is all about knowing that GOD KNOWS “the way that I take.” (Job 23:10) 

In 1882, Louisa Stead and William Kirkpatrick penned the classic inspirational hymn, “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.”

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!

To truly trust HIM is to enter into a REST that is the hope and heritage of every Kingdom Kid. (Hebrews 4:9)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!