Monday, July 31, 2017



We begin with the recognition that “all scripture is given by inspiration of GOD.” (II Timothy 3:16) GOD’S WILL IS GOD’S WORD.  It is the divine and final testament of our Creator, disclosing the Mind of God, i.e. His past, present and future plans concerning us.  Accurate interpretation of Scripture always involves “HERMENEUTICS” [hur-muh-NOO-tiks], which may be defined as “the science of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures” (or) “the branch of theology that deals with the principles of Biblical exegesis.” []

Today, we commence the presentation of TEN PRINCIPLES OF BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS, which enable us to gain greater comprehension of the scriptural record.  It goes without saying that accurate interpretation requires consistent effort and openness to the leading/teaching of the Holy Spirit.

First of all, it is beneficial to define key terms that are useful in understanding biblical hermeneutics.  Let’s briefly examine four terms: INSPIRATION, INTERPRETATION, ILLUMINATION and REVELATION.

INSPIRATION is the operation of the Holy Spirit that imparts accurate and unified truths from the Mind of God through the hand of man.  Since inspiration is not dictation, the Holy Spirit utilizes the unique life experiences, writing styles, vocabularies and cultures of diverse authors to impart divine truth.

INTERPRETATION is the prayerful application of hermeneutic principles by which the reader arrives at an understanding of the Scriptures that is aligned with the God-inspired meaning.

ILLUMINATION is the operation of the Holy Spirit that convinces readers of the reliability of Scripture and leads us into a fuller acceptance of truth.

REVELATION is the operation of the Holy Spirit which unveils and discloses divine truths which cannot be discovered through human intellect, reason or interpretation. 

Now, let’s take a look at two of the TEN PRINCIPLES OF BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS.  We should note the fundamental fact that Scripture seeks to interpret itself – whenever the reader is open, dedicated and prayerful.  That is, these hermeneutic principles are embedded in the Word, itself, since various Scriptures skillfully serve to interpret other Scriptures in The Holy Writ.  This is accomplished by “precept upon precept…line upon line.” (Isaiah 28:13)


Since Scriptures emerge from the Mind of God, we must take The Holy Bible at face value, first and foremost.  This is a common-sense approach.  For example, if I were to leave you a written note detailing instructions for a class assignment, your first instinct would be to read (and believe) that I said and meant exactly what was written.  You would observe this simple practice of acceptance before looking for any hidden or symbolic meaning in what I had written.   Therefore, the literal meaning of Scripture must come first and must serve as the foundation for any other interpretation.

In seminary, I was exposed to THE GOLDEN RULE OF INTERPRETATION: ‘When the plain sense of the Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense.’  Our first impulse should be to take every word at its primary, literal and usual meaning, unless the facts of the Scripture context (studied alongside related Scripture passages) clearly indicate otherwise.


As we study The Holy Bible, we may be assured of one simple thing.  Since the Word of God emerges from the MIND OF GOD, who is ALL WISE, He would never make the elementary error of communicating key truths through one scripture alone.  Jesus first said it; Paul later confirmed it: “By two or three witnesses…every word may be established.” (Matthew 18:16 – II Corinthians 13:1) Therefore, all essential Bible doctrines will be clearly explained and confirmed by more than one Scripture. 

This principle is the heart of TOPICAL BIBLE STUDY.  But there are two important rules to observe.  First, THE CONTEXT OF THE TWO (or more) SCRIPTURE VERSES must always be similar.  In other words, we cannot draw a conclusion about OFFERINGS (for instance) based on two Scriptures that reference two totally different situations, even though we are often tempted to extract a phrase from each Scripture that ‘seems’ appropriate to use in a particular situation.  In this instance, we are guilty of QUOTING SCRIPTURE OUT OF CONTEXT, which unfortunately happens quite often in many churches!  The second rule is that the Scripture passage that is the clearest (of the two) must always guide our interpretation of the Scripture passage that is more obscure, and not vice versa, however much we favor one of the Scriptures.  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Sunday, July 30, 2017



According to the Apostle Paul, “ALL SCRIPTURE is given by INSPIRATION OF GOD.” (II Timothy 3:16) It is vitally important to note that the SUBSTANCE OF SCRIPTURE is DIVINE since the SOURCE OF SCRIPTURE is GOD.  The Apostle Peter confirms this: “Knowing this first, that no PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE is of any private interpretation, for PROPHECY never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (II Peter 1:20-21) In this instance, the word “PROPHECY” both means to FORETELL and to FORTH-TELL, i.e. to disclose the future while proclaiming God’s present and perfect will for us.

Since the will of God is manifested through His Word, we may accurately state that GOD’S WILL IS GOD’S WORD.  As HIS WILL, the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD is the DIVINE AND FINAL TESTAMENT OF OUR CREATOR, which accurately discloses THE MIND OF GOD, i.e. His past, present and future plan concerning us.

That being the case, THE HOLY BIBLE is not only the best-selling book in human history, it is THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK IN HUMAN HISTORY.  Therefore, it is a matter of life and death that we master the principles of interpreting its life-giving message, thus understanding its important implications for our existence and welfare.

Any accurate interpretation of Scripture involves “HERMENEUTICS” [hur-muh-NOO-tiks], which may be defined as “the science of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures” (or) “the branch of theology that deals with the principles of Biblical exegesis.” (  “EXEGESIS” [ek-sah-GEE-sis] is “the critical interpretation of the biblical text to discover its intended meaning.” (Encyclopedia Britannica)

The underlying miracle of THE HOLY BIBLE is simply this: IT WAS WRITTEN OVER A TIME SPAN OF 1,500 YEARS BY 40 CULTURALLY DIVERSE AUTHORS, yet it provides a seamless and unified view of the nature of a loving God and His gracious purpose concerning us.  That, in and of itself, is simply amazing!

However, even though THE HOLY BIBLE is an awesome phenomenon, there are three primary reasons why people find it challenging to interpret the biblical text.  First, we are far distant (in time) from the historical events written about in the Bible.  Secondly, our modern-day cultures are quite different from the ones in which the scriptures were originally written.  Thirdly, the biblical texts were originally written in languages that are quite foreign to most of us.  These three reasons offer clear evidence that we need an objective and systematic method to examine the Scriptures, firstly to glean their original intent and meaning, and secondly to apply them accurately and appropriately today.  In the absence of such methods, it is rather easy to misappropriate and misapply the Scriptures.

Will this be an easy task?  Certainly not!  The Scriptures, themselves, disclose that there are certain MYSTERIES which will only be completely disclosed in the future presence of God.  Moses, the lawgiver, wrote, “The SECRET THINGS belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29) Paul, the apostle, wrote, “now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” (I Corinthians 13:12) Even so, the Scriptures present this clear mandate to every believer: “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15)

Over the next few days, we will present TEN PRINCIPLES OF BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS.  These may be used as a substantive starting point, from which all may glean greater comprehension of the biblical record.  Before starting this process, however, we should note that scriptural interpretation is not an exact science. Admittedly, we come to the WORD-TABLE with certain PREJUDICES (prior ‘knowledge’ and prior ‘beliefs’) that potentially color our interpretation and acceptance of divine truth.  As we begin, we must own up to these limitations; and, we must recognize that the human mind can never fully apprehend the things of God. 

The following premise is mission-critical to our understanding: GOD’S WORD IS LIVING! (Hebrews 4:12) That is, GOD’S WORD IS SPIRIT-BREATHED, and to truly appreciate and apprehend its message, GOD’S WORD MUST BE SPIRIT-RECEIVED.  His Word can never be fully understood by the natural man, utilizing only the natural or carnal mind.  Rather, one must be “BORN AGAIN” to “SEE” (to perceive and to receive) “THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” (John 3:3) Jesus Christ declared, “To you [all born again believers] it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 8:10) So while you are reading the scriptures, make sure that you are in a genuine and intimate relationship with “the author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2) Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, July 27, 2017



Lebitso Mtshali wrote the following inspirational story.  It seems appropriate to share it with you. 

One day I decided to quit.  I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality.  I wanted to quit my life.  I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. 

“God,” I said. “Can you give me one good reason not to quit?”

His answer surprised me.  “Look around,” He said.  “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.  I gave them light.  I gave them water.  The fern quickly grew from the earth.  Its brilliant green covered the forest floor.  Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.  But I did not quit on the bamboo.  In the second year, the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.  And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed.  But I did not quit on the bamboo,” He said.

“In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.  But I would not quit.  In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed.  I would not quit,” He said.  “Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.  Compared to the fern it seemed small and insignificant.  But just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.  It had spent five years growing roots.  Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.  I would never give my creations a challenge they could not handle.”

He said to me. “Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots?  I would not quit on the bamboo.  Neither will I ever quit on you.”

“Don't compare yourself to others,” He said.  “The bamboo has a different purpose than the fern.  Yet, they both make the forest beautiful.”

“Your time will come,” God said to me.  “You will rise high!”

“How high should I rise?” I asked.

“How high will the bamboo rise?” He asked in return.

“As high as it can?” I questioned.

“Yes,” He said.  “Give me maximum glory by rising as high as you can.”

Keep moving forward, child of God, and always remember:

Happiness keeps you sweet.
Trials keep you strong.
Sorrows keep you human.
Failures keep you humble.
Success keeps you glowing.
But only GOD keeps you going.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017



This is the final installment of our devotional series on the spirit of rejection, so let’s recap what we have learned.  First of all, God graciously sows ‘pluses’ into our lives to offset the ‘minuses’ we experience through the unwitting carelessness or callousness of others.  It is mission-critical that we identify and cultivate those divine, positive and productive seeds.  Secondly, Satan leverages our feelings of inadequacy to negatively impact our attitudes, actions and long-term potentials.  Thirdly, whenever we harbor unresolved feelings of rejection, we trigger the tendency to become a rejecter of other people, thereby diminishing our capacity to sustain healthy relationships.  Fourthly, to proactively combat any feeling of inadequacy (rooted in rejection), we must do our best to avoid toxic people and relationships.  Fifthly, we must diligently guard our hearts, that is, we must deploy God’s Word as a filter for our meditations and our mouths.

These insights lead us to Kingdom Principle Number Three: REJECTION IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE, MOTIVATION AND ABILITY TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS.  To understand the power of this statement, we need only consider the life of JESUS CHRIST.  Indeed, He is THE MASTER of managing personal all rejection.   Consider the following scripture:

John 1:10-12
10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT.
11 He came unto his own, and HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT.
12 BUT AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

First of all, as the Architect of Creation, Jesus Christ was rejected by the very people whom he had created. (John 1:3 and Hebrews 11:3) Secondly, Jesus was rejected by “his own,” i.e. his Jewish brethren. (John 1:11) Thirdly, Jesus was marginalized by the religious establishment who sought to label him as “a gluttonous man, a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners.” (Luke 7:34) But herein lay the key to the unprecedented level of success which characterizes the person and work of Jesus Christ.  HE neither FOCUSed ON HIS REJECTION OR HIS REJECTERS!  Jesus did not worry about the lukewarm reception of family and friends who were somewhat offended by the courageous and prophetic words of their ‘homeboy.’ (Matthew 13:57) 

In my mind’s eye, I picture Jesus simply shrugging off negative attitudes and opinions: ‘Oh well,’ he likely mused, ‘a prophet is always without honor in his own country.’   Thereafter, Jesus made the wise decision to work with those who “RECEIVED him,” which simply means that JESUS MOVED ON!  His actions are our template for handling chronic rejection.  At least emotionally (if not physically), we must resolve to MOVE ON!  It reminds me of the call of Abram, in which GOD clearly commanded him: “Get out of your country, from your family and your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1) Our greatest success occurs wherever GOD positions and plants us!

Kingdom Principle Number Four: GOD MOVES YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE TO BLESS YOU AND POSITION YOU TO BLESS OTHERS. (Genesis 12:2) What you now perceive as REJECTION is nothing more than an INTERMEDIARY STEP between your past and your future – between your human will and God’s perfect will – between your apparent failure and your appointed success.  Wow!

So, live your life on purpose, my friend, with unmitigated faith and unshakable enthusiasm.  Never allow any person or circumstance to RAIN ON YOUR GOD-ORDAINED REIGN!  Your footsteps have been divinely ordered. (Psalm 37:23) Look up and think up!  Be free, focused and fulfilled!  Live with joy.  That’s where your strength lies. (Nehemiah 8:10) I love Norman Vincent Peale’s perspective on this: “Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm.”  If you persist in thinking positively about yourself and your future prospects, you will ultimately succeed. (Habakkuk 2:3) How so?  My friend, YOU ARE A WINNER-BELIEVER! 

Allow me to cite one practical example.  Early in life, I achieved substantial success in sales.  The secret underlying my accomplishments was simply this:  I LEARNED HOW TO PROPERLY INTERPRET REJECTION.  In other words, I discovered that every “NO” is a necessary step toward the person who will eventually say “YES!”  Therefore, I carefully monitored and managed my sales activity and discovered that approximately 70% of my appointments had APPARENTLY NEGATIVE OUTCOMES, which simply meant that those prospects did not purchase what I was selling.  So instead of feeling discouraged when someone said “NO,” I STRATEGICALLY COUNTED IT as one more appointment I had to process before arriving at my “YES!”  The Word of God confirms this principle:

James 1:2-4
2 My brethren, COUNT IT ALL JOY when ye fall into diverse temptations;
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience.
4 But LET PATIENCE HAVE HER PERFECT WORK, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

The philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson is in total agreement.  He wrote, “Dear to us are those who love us, but dearer are THOSE WHO REJECT US AS UNWORTHY, for they add another life we had not dreamed of, supply to us new powers and urge us to new and unattempted performances.”

I frame Emerson’s perspective this way: EVERY NEGATIVE SITUATION IS PROLOGUE TO POSITIVE SUCCESS.  So, we will never despair about dark or dubious circumstances; we will never yield to doubt or discouragement.  Rather, we will CELEBRATE every challenging circumstance and any person who, by the apparent act of PUTTING US DOWN, is quite literally RAISING US UP!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



We have learned that part of Satan’s attack agenda is to intensify our emotional struggles to produce long-term negative effects, while God’s blessing agenda is to transform our shortcomings into strengths and life-wisdoms that position us to assist others with similar life experiences.  To offset any perceived ‘minuses’ in our lives, God always grants unique and powerful ‘pluses’ for our emotional balance today and for our personal achievement on tomorrow.  Our personal discovery of these God-given pluses is mission critical to breaking out of the ‘rejection box’ and attaining life-fulfillment and life-success.

Even when others do not seem to GET US, Satan certainly does.  In fact, his tactical portfolio on us is a work in progress from the cradle to the grave.  Therefore, he is historically aware of OUR EMOTIONAL BUTTONS, the best means of pushing them, and our probable response to said pressure.  I believe there are specific satanic forces, i.e. SPIRITS OF REJECTION, whose primary mission is to PRODUCE REPEATED CYCLES OF REJECTION in our lives via those who are closest to us and most capable of causing serious pain and damage.  These unwitting ‘agents’ could be FAMILY and FRIENDS.

Once you have identified your GOD-GIVEN PLUSES, it is imperative to use them proactively as weapons to nullify demonic attacks that are expressly formulated to reactivate deep feelings of rejection.  As you recall, the ‘minus’ that shaped my personal self-image was a speech impediment.  My God-given ‘plus’ was academic ability.  Whenever I felt LESS-THAN, I consciously reminded myself of my potential to excel in the classroom.  In other words, I might not be super at hoops, but I could be superlative in history!  YOU too have GOD-GIVEN PLUSES!  Find them and focus on them whenever significant others become unknowing agents of lowering your self-esteem and reviving those inner feelings of rejection.  Please hear this with your spirit.  It is imperative that you do so, or you could have the potential to BECOME that which you now abhor.

Kingdom Principle Number Two: HARBORING UNRESOLVED FEELINGS OF REJECTION ULTIMATELY CAUSES YOU TO BECOME A REJECTER OF OTHERS.  The noted American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, was convinced that childhood problems of self-esteem are far more serious than commonly believed.  He discovered that CHILDREN WHO FEEL REJECTED have low rates of pro-social behavior (difficulty with sharing), high rates of disruptive behavior (aggressiveness), high rates of immature behavior (impulsiveness and inattentiveness) and high rates of social anxiety (fears they will never fit in).  He stated that this basic lack of self-esteem, if unchecked, ultimately manifests as ADULT DEPRESSION.  In other words, our need for acceptance is so powerful that if it is unfulfilled we are motivated to act out the opposite of what we are in need of, that is, we eventually withdraw from the love and acceptance of those significant others who genuinely seek our best.  Ironically, WE BECOME PASSIVE OR ACTIVE REJECTERS, and eventually we find it rather challenging to sustain healthy long-term relationships.

Having outlined the problem, what is THE SOLUTION?  First of all, since much of what we become is influenced by factors in our environment, WE MUST AVOID TOXIC PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS.  Carefully consider this: Although most of us despise rejection, it is paradoxical that we are somehow drawn to people who continually reject us.  Why?  Because HUMAN BEINGS ARE TYPICALLY DRAWN TO THE FAMILIAR – even if those customary people or things are dangerous and disastrous for us.  Think about it.  At this stage in life, I have embraced a firm policy of ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CHRONIC NEGATIVITY, which means I refuse to maintain involvement with those who do not speak positively into my life and into the lives of others.  This is no easy task since it may require distance or disconnection from persons to whom I am naturally or emotionally inclined to be close.

Here’s why this is vitally important: WE TEND TO BECOME WHATEVER WE CONSTANTLY MEDITATE UPON OR ASSOCIATE WITH.  Therefore, our sense-gates MUST be guarded!  Association does bring about assimilation!  Solomon’s wise counsel is this: “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) The alternative to guarding your heart, i.e. not constantly hearing, speaking, tasting, touching, or seeing anything that detracts from the CREATED image of God-in-you, is becoming a distorted and degraded version of your destined and truest self.  This powerful principle should have a direct impact on your daily intake.  Garbage in…garbage out!  WORD in…WORD out!  To facilitate your long-term health and wholeness, here a powerful scripture to live by:

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8, NKJV)

Bottom-line: When you make the decision to diligently guard your heart, you will also need to restructure your relationships.  Are you ready?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, July 24, 2017



This series is not for everybody – but it is a spiritual Rhema and a Word of encouragement for someone.  For quite a while, you have experienced a pattern of pain in your life.  It seems that, although you have tried your best to be open and accepting of others, your unconditional love is not always reciprocated.  It feels like you are ignored, excluded, or simply tolerated by people that you expect to GET YOU, that is, to understand what you are all about.  Somehow, they fail to SEE YOUR HEART, that is, who you REALLY are and where you are coming from.  

Some of those people (perhaps even close family or friends) might have LABELED you, using unforgettable words that are soul piercing and perplexing.  They SEE you in one particular way – through their own perspectives and life experiences – and since they are SURE that you must really be the person they have pegged you to be, they not only place you in a permanent pigeon-hole, they communicate their narrow and restricted image of you to others.  All of this hurts you deeply – much more than you are willing to admit or talk about to others.  So, what can you do?

Before delving into suggestions of proactive and positive strategies for handling REJECTION, I want to share some wonderful news with you.  YOU ARE NOT A REJECT!  YOU HAVE BEEN “ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED!” (Ephesians 1:5-6) This means that OUR FATHER has already ACCEPTED YOU as a prime candidate for grace and glory.  Your simple requirement is to ACCEPT HIS SON and to cut a constant covenant with Him.  Your growing intimacy with HIM will produce both the fruit and gifts of The Spirit in your life.  My friend, GOD has very positive plans for you, i.e. “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

To be effective with this devotional, I must be totally transparent.  To that end, I will elaborate on something that is particularly personal and painful for me.  Since birth, I have struggled with a profound speech impediment.  Today, when others hear me teaching and preaching, they typically have difficulty visualizing this because GOD has been so good, gracious and transformational in my life. But my childhood struggle to speak clearly was (and is) a monumental force in my personal development.  How can I explain my feelings about this to you?  SPEECH is such an integral part of daily life.  It is the means and mechanism for communicating our desires, dreams, pains and pleasures.  NOT to have the capacity to communicate in a manner where one is absolutely SURE that others could/would understand produces an internal emotional struggle of monumental proportions.  

So even though I was raised in a wonderful Christian home, within a positive cocoon-of-love, surrounded by marvelous parents and tremendous siblings, somehow I FELT LESS THAN OTHERS.  Whenever I needed to say something twice or thrice to be understood, I FELT SUPREMELY REJECTED.  My young mind was incapable of processing the possibility that this might be a temporary problem.  And believe it or not, even now when I am speaking, I am SOMETIMES still UNSURE if people clearly comprehend the words that I am speaking!  It is important to note that others were not rejecting me or classifying me as someone who lacked the ability to speak.  In truth, I was rejecting and negatively classifying MYSELF!

There is another important phenomenon to highlight here.  Feelings of inadequacy NEVER occur in a vacuum.  In other words, we human beings have the tendency to filter ALL of our life experiences through what we emotionally perceive as the WEAKEST LINK within ourselves.  For example, if as a child I was selected last in a pick-up game of basketball, I interpreted it as REJECTION OF ME, when in reality I was a rather mediocre basketball player.  Later, I discovered that I could excel in football and in track and field, but those early ‘rejection episodes’ on the basketball court (greatly amplified by my sense of insecurity about my ability to speak clearly) were difficult childhood experiences.


There is both good news and bad news to be extracted from this first Kingdom principle.  The BAD NEWS is that ALL of us have SOMETHING that precipitates an ongoing struggle within ourselves, whether it is a major physical challenge, the tragic death of a loved one, a traumatic childhood experience, a sense of inferiority or superiority, academic difficulties, or whatever one’s individual circumstance might be.  Indeed, that is the nature of the human condition.  

The GOOD NEWS is this: While Satan’s agenda is to intensify our emotional struggle in order to produce long-term damaging issues, GOD’S AGENDA IS TO TRANSFORM AND USE OUR SHORTCOMINGS in ways that enable us to systematically grow stronger and wiser.  He designs blessings in apparent obstacles – so we can assist others with similar life experiences, thereby becoming key participants in the Kingdom of God.  Know this: To offset any PERCEIVED MINUSES, God sovereignly grants UNIQUE PLUSES, both for our present sense of balance and for our future achievement.  My friend, have you discovered yours yet?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017



One of my favorite New Testament scriptures is Ephesians 6:12. It informs us of the true identity of our enemy. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”  You are not my enemy.  I am not your enemy.

All too often, CARNAL THINKING (a.k.a. stinkin’ thinkin’) causes us to believe that our “enemy” is someone who seems to be lacking in cordiality, i.e. they did not speak to us today, or someone who seems to be somewhat dismissive or even critical of us.  Guess what?  In the vast majority of cases, your enemy is not someone who you can see with the natural eye.  You have only one true enemy, and his name is Satan, the archenemy of your soul.

So we must stop seeing others who merely disagree with our ideas or decisions as the enemy.  In truth, they might be an authentic and essential source of wisdom, blessing and favor in our lives.  At the very least, occasional friction will likely produce personal growth and development in the long-term.

People are not our enemies.  Indeed, they are our sisters and brothers.

Erich Remarque’s book, “All Quiet on the Western Front” tells of a remarkable encounter between two enemy soldiers during World War II.  In the heat of battle, a German soldier took shelter in a crater formed by artillery shells.  After while he noticed a nearby enemy combatant.  This man lay dying and the German soldier’s heart went out to him.  He gave the dying soldier water from his canteen and listened as he spoke lovingly of his wife and children.  And he found the wallet of his ‘enemy’ so he could gaze longingly at pictures of his family one last time.

During that compassionate encounter, those two men ceased to be enemies.  The German saw the wounded soldier in a new way; not as an enemy combatant but as a father and husband, someone who loves and is loved, someone quite like himself.

We are empowered to enter the path of peace and reconciliation whenever we learn to COMPASSIONATELY SEE OTHERS and to recognize in them someone similar to ourselves.  Let’s not live life in a knee-jerk manner. Before we patently reject someone because they look, think, speak, or act differently from us, let’s try looking at them in another way. After all, that person is an individual who, just like us, is striving to make it through this journey called life.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017



Recently, I read an intriguing article by an unknown author.  It motivated me to revisit my life mission and vision.  I hope it will have the same impact on you.  Please read and prayerfully ponder.

Who among us could live without computers?  It seems they’re everywhere – in our studies at home, on our desks at work, in the library, the bank and even in the cafe.  We get pleasure from them, we get frustrated by them, but we truly need them.

It’s only a relatively recent phenomenon.  Just three generations ago, the Chairman of IBM declared that there is a world market for only five computers!  As recently as 1977, the President of Digital Equipment claimed there is no reason anyone would want to have a computer in their home!

The global technology revolution was brought to us in large part by Steven Jobs, the founder of Apple Computers.  Steve Jobs was just 21 when he and Steve Wozniak invented the Apple Computer.  Until then, computers were a monstrous mass of vacuum tubes which took up whole rooms.  These two men managed to take that mass of tubes and incorporate them inside a box small enough to sit on top of a desk.

Jobs and Wozniak offered their invention to Atari.  They weren’t interested in big bucks.  All they wanted was a salary and the opportunity to continue their work.  Atari turned them down.  Then they offered it to Hewlett-Packard, but that corporation rejected their invention.  It seemed that Jobs and Wozniak alone could envision the possibilities.  So Jobs sold his Volkswagen and Wozniak sold his calculator, and with $1300 they formed Apple Computers.  The company was named Apple in memory of one happy summer that Jobs had spent working in an orchard.

By all accounts Steve Jobs is an iconic visionary.  Spurred on by that vision, he formed a monumentally successful computer company.  However, Jobs soon realized that if his vision was to reach full fruition more managerial expertise was required.  So Jobs approached John Sculley, the President of PepsiCo.  There was absolutely no reason why Sculley should leave a highly paid position in an international firm to work with a bunch of computer nerds in a fledgling industry.  Not unsurprisingly, he turned Jobs down.  But Jobs wouldn’t take no for an answer.  He approached Sculley again.  Again Sculley turned him down.  In a last-ditch effort, Jobs passionately presented his visionary ideas to John Sculley and asked him a strategic question that motivated him to accept: “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared-water or do you want a chance to change the world?”

The rest is history.  Jobs and Sculley fundamentally changed the world.

JESUS CHRIST challenges us with the same question: “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling ‘sugar-water’ – or will you embrace the awesome opportunity to transform our world?”  Fact is, most of us spend our lives focused on tasks that neither resonate in time or eternity.  We work tirelessly to accumulate MORE, and perhaps we occasionally find a small space for Christ and His Kingdom in our spare time.  But JESUS CHRIST has a vision – THE VISION – that has (and will) change this world!   THE KINGDOM OF GOD demands to be positioned at the center of our lives, that is, to make it our very reason for existence.

In the challenging words of our Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33 - NKJV)

My friend, what have YOU been doing?  And even more importantly, WHAT WILL YOU DO TODAY?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, July 17, 2017



An extraordinary author (one of my favorites) by the name of Chaim Potok writes extensively about the life experiences of Hasidic Jews.  He penned numerous novels that I enjoyed immensely during earlier years: “In The Beginning,” “The Book of Lights,” “Davita’s Harp,” “My Name is Asher Lev,” “The Promise,” and my all-time favorite, “The Chosen.”

In Potok’s book, “The Chosen,” he spins the story of Danny Saunders, the eldest son of a strict Hasidic Rabbi.  For many years, Danny’s brilliant yet very human father, never spoke one solitary word to his son, except when teaching him from the Torah and Talmud.

On the surface, this total silence appeared to be a terrible act of cruelty, but one day its mystery and meaning is revealed.  Rabbi Saunders explained that God had blessed him with a remarkable son, a child with a mind as rare and precious as a jewel.  When Danny was just four years old, his father saw him reading a book and became frightened.  The book described the suffering of a poor Jew, yet Danny appeared to thoroughly enjoy it!

In Rabbi Saunders’ view, “There was no soul in my 4-year-old Daniel, there was only a mind.”  The Rabbi cried out to God, “What have you done to me?  A mind like this I need for a son?  A heart I need for a son, a soul I need for a son, compassion, righteousness, strength to suffer and carry pain.”

Thereafter Rabbi Saunders followed an ancient Hasidic tradition that would allow him to raise his boy with a bare minimum of words passing between them.  The result – from the Rabbi’s point of view? “In the silence between us, Danny began to hear the world crying.”

If this story sounds vaguely familiar, it is due to this fact: All mature Christians have experienced those lonely moments when it feels like GOD is absolutely silent, noticeably absent from our lives and our circumstances.  Prayer seems somehow hollow and ineffective when GOD is MIA, missing in action.  Frantically, we ask ourselves, “Does Heaven even HEAR us?  Oh GOD…are you THERE?”  At such moments, we engage meticulous soul-searching, a thorough and honest self-examination.  But quite often, no transgression is discovered that explains ‘WHY’ God seems to have gone on sabbatical.  We feel isolated.  We feel desperate and fearful that His presence might not soon return.

But the promises of God are steadfast and sure. (Hebrews 6:19) What did Jesus Christ say in connection with this?  “Lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20, NKJV)

In truth, God’s ‘strange’ teaching methodology is reflected and repeated in His creation.  Those seasons of silence are much like the moment when the soaring eagle drops its eaglet into the upper atmosphere, trusting that there is sufficient strength and knowledge to soar on its own.  Those seasons of silence are much like the moment when I removed training wheels from the bicycles of Wayne II, or Mike, or Kim – giving them one hopeful push while trusting that I had been a skillful tutor and they had been attentive learners. 

Rabbi Saunders always loved his son.  Indeed, the mature eagle is always nearby.  Likewise, the watchful parent never leaves the scene.  But mission-critical lessons of TRUST and FAITH may reside in apparent silence and distance.


Sometimes, He is merely allowing space for our spiritual and emotional development, i.e. those priceless opportunities to be experientially conformed to the image of Christ.  So, don’t stress.  There is purpose in the pressure.  And there is destiny in what only ‘looks like’ distance.

Look around you, my friend, through the eyes of faith.  JEHOVAH SHAMMAH IS THERE. (Ezekiel 48:35)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!



Fred Craddock, a lecturer at Phillips Theological Seminary, told of a time when his family was on vacation in Tennessee.  They were having dinner at a restaurant when an elderly man approached and asked if they were enjoying themselves.  Fred just wanted to enjoy some quiet time with his family.  So, when that stranger asked Fred what he did for a living, he saw it as a way to get rid of him and replied enthusiastically, “I’m a preacher!”

“A preacher?  That’s great!  Let me tell you a story about a preacher.”

The elderly gentleman took the liberty to sit down at their table.  Fred’s annoyance grew immediately, but was gradually changed to profound gratitude as the man told his story.  The old man explained that he was what most people would call an “illegitimate child.”  [Editor’s Note: There is really no such thing as an illegitimate child].  However, during the early 1900s, being born without knowing the identity of his father was a source of great shame in his tiny hometown.

One day a new minister was installed as pastor in the local church.  The old man explained that as a youngster he had never gone to church, but one Sunday he decided to go and hear the new pastor preach.  As it turned out, the new pastor was an excellent speaker, so the young lad went back again and again.  

But his shame always accompanied him.  He would arrive late and leave early to avoid talking to anyone. However, one Sunday he got so caught up in the sermon that he forgot to leave.  And before he knew it, the service was over and the aisles were filled with people.  He rushed to get out the door, but as he did so he felt a hand gently touching his shoulder.

He turned around to see it was the pastor, a very tall man, who was smiling warmly at him.  He asked “What’s your name?  You are always alone.  Whose child are you?”

The little boy died inside because the very thing he desperately wanted to hide would now be exposed.  But before he could say anything, the preacher answered the question for him.  “I know who you are.  I know your family.  There’s a distinct resemblance.  Why, you’re the son…you’re the son…YOU’RE THE SON OF GOD!”

Tears streamed from the old stranger’s eyes as he shared his story with Jim Craddock, “You know, mister, those powerful words absolutely changed my life.”  And with that he got up and left.

When the waitress came over, she asked the Craddock family, “Do you know who that man is?”

“No,” they replied.

“That’s Ben Hooper, the two-term governor of Tennessee!”

My friends, this day is pregnant with opportunity to breathe words of inspiration into people who really need them.  Make sure you tell them that THEY ARE WHO GOD SAYS THEY ARE – and in light of singular and profound truth, nothing else really matters.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!