Tuesday, July 25, 2017



We have learned that part of Satan’s attack agenda is to intensify our emotional struggles to produce long-term negative effects, while God’s blessing agenda is to transform our shortcomings into strengths and life-wisdoms that position us to assist others with similar life experiences.  To offset any perceived ‘minuses’ in our lives, God always grants unique and powerful ‘pluses’ for our emotional balance today and for our personal achievement on tomorrow.  Our personal discovery of these God-given pluses is mission critical to breaking out of the ‘rejection box’ and attaining life-fulfillment and life-success.

Even when others do not seem to GET US, Satan certainly does.  In fact, his tactical portfolio on us is a work in progress from the cradle to the grave.  Therefore, he is historically aware of OUR EMOTIONAL BUTTONS, the best means of pushing them, and our probable response to said pressure.  I believe there are specific satanic forces, i.e. SPIRITS OF REJECTION, whose primary mission is to PRODUCE REPEATED CYCLES OF REJECTION in our lives via those who are closest to us and most capable of causing serious pain and damage.  These unwitting ‘agents’ could be FAMILY and FRIENDS.

Once you have identified your GOD-GIVEN PLUSES, it is imperative to use them proactively as weapons to nullify demonic attacks that are expressly formulated to reactivate deep feelings of rejection.  As you recall, the ‘minus’ that shaped my personal self-image was a speech impediment.  My God-given ‘plus’ was academic ability.  Whenever I felt LESS-THAN, I consciously reminded myself of my potential to excel in the classroom.  In other words, I might not be super at hoops, but I could be superlative in history!  YOU too have GOD-GIVEN PLUSES!  Find them and focus on them whenever significant others become unknowing agents of lowering your self-esteem and reviving those inner feelings of rejection.  Please hear this with your spirit.  It is imperative that you do so, or you could have the potential to BECOME that which you now abhor.

Kingdom Principle Number Two: HARBORING UNRESOLVED FEELINGS OF REJECTION ULTIMATELY CAUSES YOU TO BECOME A REJECTER OF OTHERS.  The noted American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, was convinced that childhood problems of self-esteem are far more serious than commonly believed.  He discovered that CHILDREN WHO FEEL REJECTED have low rates of pro-social behavior (difficulty with sharing), high rates of disruptive behavior (aggressiveness), high rates of immature behavior (impulsiveness and inattentiveness) and high rates of social anxiety (fears they will never fit in).  He stated that this basic lack of self-esteem, if unchecked, ultimately manifests as ADULT DEPRESSION.  In other words, our need for acceptance is so powerful that if it is unfulfilled we are motivated to act out the opposite of what we are in need of, that is, we eventually withdraw from the love and acceptance of those significant others who genuinely seek our best.  Ironically, WE BECOME PASSIVE OR ACTIVE REJECTERS, and eventually we find it rather challenging to sustain healthy long-term relationships.

Having outlined the problem, what is THE SOLUTION?  First of all, since much of what we become is influenced by factors in our environment, WE MUST AVOID TOXIC PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS.  Carefully consider this: Although most of us despise rejection, it is paradoxical that we are somehow drawn to people who continually reject us.  Why?  Because HUMAN BEINGS ARE TYPICALLY DRAWN TO THE FAMILIAR – even if those customary people or things are dangerous and disastrous for us.  Think about it.  At this stage in life, I have embraced a firm policy of ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CHRONIC NEGATIVITY, which means I refuse to maintain involvement with those who do not speak positively into my life and into the lives of others.  This is no easy task since it may require distance or disconnection from persons to whom I am naturally or emotionally inclined to be close.

Here’s why this is vitally important: WE TEND TO BECOME WHATEVER WE CONSTANTLY MEDITATE UPON OR ASSOCIATE WITH.  Therefore, our sense-gates MUST be guarded!  Association does bring about assimilation!  Solomon’s wise counsel is this: “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23) The alternative to guarding your heart, i.e. not constantly hearing, speaking, tasting, touching, or seeing anything that detracts from the CREATED image of God-in-you, is becoming a distorted and degraded version of your destined and truest self.  This powerful principle should have a direct impact on your daily intake.  Garbage in…garbage out!  WORD in…WORD out!  To facilitate your long-term health and wholeness, here a powerful scripture to live by:

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8, NKJV)

Bottom-line: When you make the decision to diligently guard your heart, you will also need to restructure your relationships.  Are you ready?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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