Tuesday, July 10, 2018



Our handwritten letters often end them with the phrase, “Sincerely yours.”  Have you ever wondered why?  This practice has its origins in ancient Rome.  Using melted beeswax, Roman sculptors frequently concealed cracks in what appeared to be flawless marble statues.  However, when the wax dried and crumbled, angry purchasers returned to seek compensation.  Thereafter, reputable sculptors guaranteed their work as “sine sera,” which means “without wax.”  The phrase “Sincerely yours” derives from this. 

Likewise, we Christians are called to be people of sincerity and integrity, whose words embody truth.  Sincerity shall always be the cornerstone of character for God’s children.

Contrary to what is recently prevalent in political discourse, our words need never be blustery, boisterous, or boastful.  Most of the time, less is more; and, true strength is prevalent in surprising and unexpected places.

Although we are accustomed to thinking of strength as the opposite of gentleness, such is not always the case.  During World War I, British fighter pilots made the amazing discovery that layers of soft silk provided protection against low velocity shrapnel,  which was far more effective than steel.  So, they wound silk around their heads, wearing it inside their helmets.  Scientists still aren’t sure what gives silk such strength.  But in certain situations, soft and tender silk proves to be much stronger than tempered steel.

JESUS CHRIST reveals that the same holds true for human character.  While some showcase harsh and impenetrable exteriors, the Savior requires something completely different.  In fact, our openness and gentleness become magnetic currents that transport others to the cross of Calvary, where they become gracious recipients of His divine love.

My friend, how SINCERE, SOFT and STRONG are you?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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