Wednesday, November 28, 2018



A newly appointed pastor went to visit the home of a congregation member.  Upon arriving, the minister discovered that his host was an avid gardener and was delighted to show his pastor around his lovely garden, a magnificent sea of green, purple, blue, white, pink and yellow.

Wanting to set their relationship off on both a positive and spiritual note, the pastor remarked, “Praise God for the beauty of his handiwork!”

But his host replied in a somewhat offended tone, “Now pastor, don’t go giving all the credit to God.  You should have seen this garden when the Almighty had it to himself!”

The gardener’s comment seems somewhat irreverent on the face of it, but there is a theological truth in his perspective.  Actually, God has designed this world in such a way that HE works in partnership with US.  And as we work in harmony with Heaven, God’s objectives will be achieved on earth.  Indeed, we are His planetary stewards – not only over His entire creation – but over all our allotted time, talent and treasure.

Invest yourself.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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