opportunity-of-a-lifetime only takes place during the
lifetime-of-the-opportunity. In other words, your God given assignment
has a definite shelf life. In light of this, David prayed fervently,
“Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” (Psalm
90:12) “Carpe diem,” a Latin phrase coined by the poet Horace, literally means
“seize the day.” This classic truth says as much about our FOCUS, as it
does about our TIMING.
As Kingdom Kids, it is
an indispensable mandate to seize our GOD-GIVEN MOMENT (our vision, our
anointing, assignment) while it is OUR SEASON. The Word declares that a
blessed man “shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings
forth fruit IN HIS SEASON.” (Psalm 1:3) Therefore, in all matters of life,
TIMING IS KEY! Even though GOD IS ETERNAL, i.e. from “everlasting to
everlasting,” He works out His perfect will for us within the context and framework
of TIME. (Psalm 90:2) So I repeat, TIMING IS KEY!
What is the practical
application here? That we should avoid becoming stagnant and stuck in any
situation, or even on any level of success. Obviously, we do not want to
get mired in our failures, endlessly reliving them and bogged down by ‘the
paralysis of analysis.’ But neither should we become stuck on and in our
successes. It is possible to complete a specific Kingdom assignment and
then fail to move forward to the next – all due to our natural sense of comfort
in things that seem cozy and familiar.
God never changes; however, His seasons for us actually do change.
Whenever God’s clarion call is trumpeted and a clear command issues to ‘move
the camp,’ those who are trapped by either ‘failures’ or ‘familiars’ might be
left behind. That is, the human resistance to CHANGE results in a spiritual
resistance to RHEMA (a
fresh ‘NOW WORD’ from
God) and causes us to miss out on the present day move of God or the unveiling
of His future plans. (Jeremiah 29:11) Let s/he that hath ears, hear what the
Spirit is saying to the church. (Revelation 2:7)
During the course of
my personal walk with God, I have observed that The Creator has ingenuously
imbedded spiritual truth within nature. Allow me to offer an
example. Sir Isaac Newton’s FIRST
LAW OF MOTION informs us that an object at rest tends to stay at rest,
while an object in motion tends to stay in motion. [Gee, and you
thought you would never use those physics class lessons in real life]!
This law is often referred to as the LAW OF INERTIA or the LAW OF MOMENTUM. It explains why it might be difficult
‘starting something’ and why it seems relatively easier to ‘keep it going’ once
it is started. Think about it.
As a student of church
history, it is clear to me that it can be challenging for us to ‘START’ moving in the direction of
God’s perfect will if we have become acclimated to the status quo and (once we
are in motion) it can be just as difficult to change our course should The
Divine Navigator decree new compass settings. For example, every major
denomination in the history of the Christian Church seemed to start off on ‘the
good foot’ regarding God’s will. Typically, crystal-clear vision has been
present, i.e. a sharp discernment of God’s desired path, along with a profound
dedication to living under His sovereignty. But typically, by the third
or fourth generation of adherents, there is an historical pattern of shifting
and drifting from the plan and purpose of God. This is not due to God’s
silence. God always speaks to us, whether we are listening or not.
But all too often we turn deaf ears to His voice (to His Word) since we
have become acclimated and comfortable with our own word, will and way.
Historically, God
chooses human agents to give voice to divine revelation and redirection.
It reminds me of an old movie entitled “Field of Dreams.” It’s not
a perfect parallel since I am not an avid proponent of ghosts and such, as
portrayed in the film screenplay. Albeit, Kevin Costner plays the main
character who loves baseball with all his heart and desperately wants to
experience in rural America what was solely available to urban areas: to watch
live professional baseball games. But there is no baseball diamond,
which any baseball game could ever take place. While contemplating the
unlikely possibility for changing that rural dilemma, an otherworldly voice
whispers to him: “If you build it…they will come.”
I find myself
wondering if anyone reading this devotional has heard the inner voice of THE HOLY SPIRIT speaking to you in similar
fashion: “IF YOU BUILD IT…THEY WILL COME.” How has He spoken uniquely and
clearly in your situation, causing you, unquestionably, to hear His
message? And since then, how have you responded? Was your
response calibrated by fear, or characterized by faith? When faith
prevails, forward momentum will
become sustained reality, despite any appearances to the contrary. Pray, listen,
think and do.
Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE
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