Wednesday, September 29, 2021



 A Gallup Poll taken in 1987 reflects the fact that more than 62% of Americans firmly believe that Jesus Christ will return to earth as He promised. (John 14:3)  Likely, that percentage has substantially decreased due to the overall decline in religious participation and faith.  However, our acceptance of Christ’s second coming (or lack thereof) in no way nullifies the truth of His imminent return.

 Christ is coming back…soon.

 The unmistakable signs of our time, along with the second coming parables (proclaimed by Christ and recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25), reveal that we are certainly living in the end-time, in close proximity with Christ’s return and the rapture of His church.

 Nearly 27 percent of the Bible is prophecy.  Therefore, The Holy Writ is replete with prophetic truth regarding Christ’s first advent and His end-time return.  The Old Testament contains an estimated 1,845 prophecies regarding these significant events.  And the New Testament has 318 references to Christ’s second coming, which means that 1 out of every 30 verses verifies it.  Indeed, for every single prophecy in the Bible concerning Christ’s first advent, there are eight prophecies that point to His second!

 Christ is coming back…soon.  The issue is simply this: Are YOU ready? 

 During his 1960 presidential campaign, John F. Kennedy often closed his stump speeches with the story of Colonel Davenport, a former Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives.  On May 19, 1780, the Hartford skies darkened ominously.  Glancing out the window, some of the legislative representatives feared that the end was at hand.  In his attempt to quell the clamor for immediate adjournment, Davenport rose and said, “The Day of Judgment is either approaching or it is not.  If it is not, there is no cause for adjournment.  If it is, I choose to be found doing my duty.  Therefore, I wish that candles be brought.”  Prayerfully ponder that tidbit of wisdom.

 Instead of becoming anxious and fearful of what is to come, believers have been charged by Christ to “occupy till I come.” (Luke 19:13)  To wit, ‘candles’ must be brought.  Rather than succumbing to fear and trepidation regarding the present darkness in our society and nation, we are to glow brightly with the shekinah glory of God, to let our lights shine brilliantly as we watch and wait for His inevitable return. (Matthew 5:15-16)  Friends, are you shining, or are you merely blending in with the twilight?

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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