Friday, June 7, 2013



In July, 2010, the USA Department of Homeland Security activated a “program to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and violent crime and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper state and local law enforcement authorities.”  Its well-known campaign slogan is “If You See Something, Say Something.”  According to I Corinthians 15:46, the “natural” often precedes the “spiritual.”  First natural, then spiritual. In that light, I recently reread the Department of Homeland Security slogan and reconsidered its meaning.

While I stand in agreement with the urgings of government officials for our citizens to be vigilant and ready to report potential indicators of trouble or terror, I see a new and deeper significance for their adopted slogan.  Consider this.  All too often, Christians can become somewhat intimated (terrorized, if you will) by the vocal and outlandish demands of the world system.  At times, in our efforts to be politically correct and to blend with our culture and society, we allow our mouths to be muzzled and truths to be muted.  However, the Word of God directs us to act in a diametrically opposite manner: “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” (Psalm 107:2)

Light shines best and brightest in darkness, and Jesus Christ declares us to be brilliant beacons of truth.  “Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” (Matthew 5:14)  The Apostle Paul advised the Church of Corinth, “If the good news we preach is hidden, it is hidden to those who are lost in sin.” (II Corinthians 4:3, NLV)

So believer…if you see something…say something.

This does not imply that the Body of Christ is to become judge and jury for other people, in a misguided effort to proactively purge our world of sin and shame.  Indeed, that is the task of The Holy Spirit. (John 16:7-11)  In the final analysis, judgment belongs to God, whom Paul describes as “the righteous judge.” (II Timothy 4:8)  But believers are called to be “witnesses” of/by/for “the way, the truth, and the life.” (Acts 1:8 – John 14:6)  Therefore, let us do so with conviction, character, consistency and courage.  (Acts 4:31)  Because the early Christian Church did so, their resultant impact and their enemies’ testimonies were powerful and unequivocal.  Unbelievers referred to them as “these that have turned the world upside down.” (Acts 17:6)

So believer…if you see something…say something.

This spiritual slogan also pertains to our grateful recognition of the manifold blessings of God.  Sincere acts of praise always invoke the presence of Almighty God; our praise invites Him into every setting and situation.  If a word, if you can see something significant that GOD has done for you – and we know you have since we know what He does – say something!  The simple truth is that our praise terrorizes our spiritual enemies.

Praise even has the capacity to paralyze our natural enemies.  I heard a powerful testimony from one of the senior church mothers.  While headed toward the subway one night, she was jostled by a teenage boy who demanded that she surrender her purse.  This wise mother complied with the wishes of her would-be burglar.  But as she removed the purse from her shoulder and extended it to him, she began to cry out “Thank You, Jesus!” and to speak loudly in her heavenly language.  The young man immediately dropped her purse and fled the scene in a panic.  For just as there is a promised power in our witness, there is an absolute authority that is released in our praise!

So believer…if you see something…say something.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed!

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