Wednesday, June 5, 2013


LoveStream School of Ministry is pleased to offer a variety of on-line certificate courses, professionally developed and taught by Pastor Wayne Bass, commencing (Monday) June 24, 2013.  Unless otherwise indicated, each modular course is three months in duration.

Pastor Bass holds two degrees from Yale University, along with extensive studies at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.  He has been actively engaged in Christian ministry for 45 years, serving as a senior pastor, a resident missionary to South Africa, and on various levels of ministry leadership within the Church of God in Christ.

initial course offerings are as follows:

LS 100     Homiletics: Creative Tools and Techniques for Preaching
LS 125     Understanding End-times Prophecy
LS 150     Old Testament Feasts: New Testament Insights
LS 175     The Revelation of Christ in the Tabernacle
LS 200    Witnessing Strategies, Methods and Tools

Additional course offerings available in Fall, 2013:

-The Book of Acts
-The Book of Romans
-Old Testament Survey [6 month course: 6 credits]
-New Testament Survey [6 month course: 6 credits]
-Effective Teaching Methods for Pastors and Church Leaders
-Personal Bible Study Tools and Interpretive Methods
-Strategic Leadership Training and Development
-Christian Writing Techniques
-Organization, Administration and Vision-Casting
-Christian Ethics
-Christian Apologetics
-Old and New Covenants: Comparisons and Contrasts

Each module of instruction is equivalent to three (3) course credits.  Course tuition is $65 per credit.  Each class commences once a minimum of 10 students per class are enrolled and registered.  Proceeds benefit the ongoing mission endeavors of LoveStream Africa.

For further information and payment methods, three methods of communication are available:
1)        Inbox Pastor Wayne M. Bass on Facebook.
2)       Email
3)       Call (203) 430-9293.

Be continually blessed!

- Pastor Wayne Manning Bass, Sr.

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