Tuesday, October 29, 2013


integrity may be defined as “the state of being whole, entire and undiminished” [or] “soundness of moral character and honesty.” (Dictionary.com)  In connection with Christianity, integrity is that quality of professing disciples by which gospel truth becomes verifiable to non-believers, who are the primary participants and proponents of the world system.

In order to process the importance of this, let’s go back to the beginning of time.  Since the dawning of creation, Almighty God has demonstrated a propensity to forge the substantial from the insubstantial.  For example, humankind (God’s highest creation) was divinely crafted from “the dust of the ground.” (Genesis 2:7)  It literally staggers the imagination to ponder God’s original vision for creation.  For our God was able to ‘see’ the extraordinary potential residing in ordinary specks of dust.  And so, on Day 6, he formed and fashioned the extraordinary from the frail fabric of the ordinary.  In a sense, we are walking dust-balls, only made special by an endowment of The Pneuma, the Spirit-breath of our Creator.  What a mighty God we serve!

The very essence of God, the character of God, and thus the creation of God are inherently supernatural.  And, according to the Word, we are created “in His image, after His likeness.” (Genesis 1:27)  Therefore, whenever the world observes The Church, there is an automatic expectation to see more of the super and less of the natural.  Herein lies our present-day quandary…our existential dilemma. 

For oftentimes, there is a dramatic difference and a considerable distance between the aspirations and the actions of believers.  Such a stark contrast between our testimony and our reality does much to generate doubt, disbelief, or cynicism among non-believers.  In the words of the Apostle Paul, the lives of professing believers are tantamount to “epistle[s]…known and read of all men.” (II Corinthians 3:2)

This is important because, in a sense, the life of every believer represents a crisis moment in human history.  The Chinese say that every crisis has two heads, one of danger and one of opportunity.  To wit, our time on Earth (and service in The Kingdom) constitute a dangerous opportunity for ourselves and for others.  It is opportunity because “many are called.”  Yet, it is dangerous because “few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)  For relatively few live up to the lofty standards of the faith.  Thank God for grace!  But the question is begged: ‘If GOD is looking for a few good men (and women), what will our response be?’  That is, what will the world see when they examine us, our lives, our lifestyles, our attitudes and our actions?  Will Christ be visible at all?  Or will it be just you and me to show up on the scene?  Can we state with spiritual authority and authenticity, “Look on us,” as Peter and John advised the lame man at the temple gate? (Acts 3:1-9)

There can be no doubt: “If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.” (II Corinthians 4:3)

Clearly, the Lord Jesus Christ summons all of us to personal integrity, which is the caliber of wholeness that becomes an objective witness to (and verifier of) the gospel truth.  I will be fully transparent and freely admit to many errors I have made along the way.  Nevertheless, my sins, which were many, are all washed away!  I am acutely impressed by The Holy Spirit that this is the existential moment for The Church of The Living God to stand up and represent the gospel…by being the gospel.  We must never allow our dust origins to become an excuse for a continuation in sin and shame. (Romans 6:1-7)  Grace testifies for us: “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” (II Corinthians 4:7)

Remember this: Nothing you or I have done has ever caught God off guard or taken Him by surprise.  It occurs to me that Almighty God (who knew us before the foundation of the world) has factored into His divine plans every one of our life experiences (good, bad, ugly, indifferent) and via Calvary He transforms our faults, failures, foibles and fiascoes into tangible testimonies that serve as powerful agents for winning the lost in these end-times.  But we must choose wisely; we must make up our minds. (Joshua 24:15 and II Peter 1:10)  From now on, you and I will never allow space for Satan to distort or damage our witness.  Because of Calvary, we now possess God’s integrity.  We have wholeness.  We will represent and serve His Kingdom well, as “ambassadors of the King eternal detained on foreign soil.” Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed!

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