Tuesday, December 23, 2014



The Bible records over 700 names and titles for our Lord.  However, none is more glorious than Jesus.  The sound of that name is music to our ears, for at all times and in all circumstances, we may confidently lean upon the power and authority that is resident in the name of Jesus.  That name, Jesus, is closely related to the name, Joshua.  Its literal meaning is “Jehovah, the Savior,” or simply “saved.”  Even a superficial examination of the New Testament reveals the importance and power of that name.  By far, it is the name most often used in the gospels.  Even in the book of Acts, which uses the title “Lord” quite often, the name “Jesus” is used three times as much.

It is fascinating to note that during the earthly life of Jesus, he was seldom referred to (directly) by his given name.  With the exception of the thief on the cross who cried “JESUS…Lord, remember me,” there is no record of anyone ever addressing him by the name, “Jesus,” during the course of his public ministry. (Luke 23:42)  Instead, they called him “rabbi” or “Rabboni” or “master” or “teacher.” (John 1:49 – John 20:16 – Mark 11:21 – John 3:2)  He was also known as the “son of David,” “son of man,” or “Son of God.”  Some referred to him as “Christ,” the anointed one.  But once the angel Gabriel named Him, nobody (other than a thief hanging adjacent to his cross), addressed Him directly as “Jesus.”  This fact, alone, makes me realize how good God is to US.  What a privilege and honor it is for you and me to have the ability and authority to call him (anywhere and anytime) by the wonderful and wonder-working name of JESUS!

When his earthly father, Joseph, learned that his son’s name would be “Jesus,” he was also informed of the nature of his life’s work: “He shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)  Initially, it was believed that the salvation Jesus wrought would be the exclusive property of the Jewish people.  However, God demonstrated to the Apostle Peter (via a vision) that Jesus Christ is the universal savior.  That is, he can save anybody, anyplace, anytime.  For in Christ there is no East or West…no rich or poor…no brown or yellow…no black or white…no Jew or Gentile.  The compassionate Christ calls “whosoever will” for free and full access to the “water of life.” (Revelation 22:17)

Bottom-line: the only name by which humankind may attain salvation and at-one-ment with the Father is Jesus Christ. (John 14:6 – Acts 4:12)  In our age, it has become politically correct to envision many alternative pathways to God.  But the Word of God directly contradicts this mindset: “There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  We should pay special attention to this scripture because it is twice repeated (verbatim) in the Word of God. (Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25)  No other name (nor no other person) can save us. There’s something about that name…JESUS!

Jesus Christ is the Logos, the Living Word of God. (John 1:1-2)  As the incarnation of God, he is both the fullness of the Godhead and the human embodiment of the promised Word of redemption. (Colossians 2:8-10 – John 1:14)  As such, Jesus Christ is “Emmanuel,” which literally means “God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)  The cross of Calvary is the vehicle by which the Son sheds his atoning blood and reconciles fallen humanity back to the Father. (John 3:16 – Colossians 1:18-22 – Hebrews 9:22)  As we achieve RE-UNION with the Father through the Son (“God in Christ”), we become part of the “Body of Christ” and thereafter we function as productive branches of “The True Vine.” (II Corinthians 5:19 – I Corinthians 12:27 – John 15:1-3)  From that point onward, we are positioned by Christ as fruit-bearing branches, which he constantly purges, by His grace and for His glory.  The divine intention is to bring forth “more fruit,” and indeed “much fruit,” that will forever “remain” and flourish in the Kingdom of God. (John 15:2;8;16)

By the power and authority that resides in the name of Jesus, believers become disciples, i.e. soul-winners-par-excellence who reproduce themselves and thereby replicate His Kingdom. (Matthew 28:19-20 – Acts 1:8)  Through our ministry efforts, always empowered by His name, Kingdom and covenant are established through0ut the earth.  What a signal honor this is for us!  What an awesome privilege!  How blessed we are to be in partnership with God!  We are stewards of the Word, the very mysteries of God. (I Corinthians 4:1-2)  

The singular requirement for our shared covenant of stewardship is FIDELITY.  As we perform our various and sundry assignments within the Kingdom of God, we must always be found FAITHFUL.  Remember this.  No God-given task is insignificant or inconsequential.  What we do TODAY…will echo throughout ETERNITY.  This is of such vital importance that it bears repeating: WHAT WE DO TODAY…WILL ECHO THROUGHOUT ETERNITY.

How so? Carefully consider this. “CHRIST in YOU [is] the HOPE of GLORY.” (Colossians 1:26-27) CHRIST-IN-YOU not only assures your personal salvation and ultimate arrival in the eternal presence of God, CHRIST-IN-YOU is quite possibly THE ONLY HOPE for the redemption or restoration of those persons you know, whether family, friend, or foe.  Indeed, we are responsible and accountable for ‘SALTING’ and ‘LIGHTING’ those who exist within our sphere of influence. (Matthew 5:13-14)  So why not tell more people about our loving Lord and Savior?  Why not become a NAME-DROPPER?  Tell the world about JESUS…tell them about his love.

Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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