Thursday, September 17, 2015


It is mission critical that we become ‘tuned-in’ and ‘turned-on’ by THE VOICE [THE NOW WORD] OF GOD. In certain situations, our very survival will be predicated on our ability to hear from Heaven.
Our ‘microwave society’ challenges our capacity to wait on the Lord for direction and results. In truth, there is an inherent resistance to living in accordance with GOD’S WILL and GOD’S TIMETABLE. But check this out: COAL never rushes or resists its process. The submission of the coal enables TIME and PRESSURE to partner and produce a magnificent result that we call DIAMOND.
In our helter-skelter hurry to get where others expect or proclaim we should be, we take-off down the runway of life under our own power and volition; and, our faces are shrouded with surprise and consternation when we go down (predictably) in flames. Think about it.
Thirty-four years ago, I served as director of staff and outreach for a well-established church in Atlanta, Georgia. The senior pastor asked me to host an eight-day Hawaiian Retreat for 50 leaders and laity. We spent most of our days on the beautiful island of Maui. On the day of our return to Atlanta, the captain made an unexpected announcement while we were sitting on the tarmac, ready to head down the runway for take-off. “There will be a major delay,” he stated over sounds of moaning and groaning in the jet cabin. “We have RADAR PROBLEMS that must be fixed before we can safely cross over the Pacific Ocean for our stop in San Francisco.”
Immediately, several of my fellow members started complaining. “Why should we have to WAIT so long – why can’t we go RIGHT NOW?” I could scarcely believe my ears: “Reverend Bass, can’t you DO something about this? We need to get back in Atlanta on-time!” My thought at that moment: ‘We need to get back to Atlanta in ONE-PIECE and ONE-PEACE!’ My response in that moment: “Look folks, if this 747 has a problem, then let’s sit patiently until the issue is handled. We’re not in that big of a hurry." As far as I was concerned, the voice we had just heard over the intercom (that SOUNDED like the pilot’s voice) was really THE VOICE OF GOD speaking through the pilot – telling US that it would be far better to WAIT! From my perspective, within the framework of our pilot’s decision and announcement, we were actually LIVING...BY THE VOICE OF GOD.
One of my favorite scripture passages is Psalm 51:1-4.
1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
3 For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
What was David saying in verse four? GOD is JUST WHEN HE SPEAKS and GOD is CLEAR WHEN HE JUDGES. In simpler terms, GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT...GOD IS NEVER WRONG!
Prayerfully consider this. If GOD is ALWAYS RIGHT and NEVER WRONG, why do we have the tendency to scrutinize and analyze and debate His decrees and directives? How is it that we (professed believers) have such difficulty honoring and adhering to “EVERY WORD the proceeds out of the mouth of GOD”...if GOD is ALWAYS RIGHT and NEVER WRONG? (Matthew 4:4)
Perhaps, we have become victimized by what I term “WILE E. COYOTE SYNDROME!” Allow me to paint a picture here. Have you ever seen that cartoon character - who so often appears to be WALKING CONFIDENTLY through what you and I know to be THE WRONG DOOR?
The cartoon creator allows us a view that reveals beyond any shadow of doubt that WILE E. COYOTE is just about to walk through the wrong door. Although he enters it with a smile, mere seconds later we witness him emerging through the other side – looking scared and scarred, whipped and worn, ragged and ridiculous – with hair flying in every direction, lips half-off and half-on, teeth shattered, with his head split clean-down-the middle and his entire body blown a mile high in utter terror!
Here's the thing. WILE E. COYOTE is a SERIAL SELF-DESTRUCTOR! That is, he will MAKETHE SAME DESTRUCTIVE DECISIONS over-and-over-and-over-and-over-again until we just want to shout through the television screen, “WILE E. COYOTE, would you please just leave MR. BEEP-BEEP ROADRUNNER alone! Enough with all of those Acme products and your continuous cycles of pain and humiliation! LEAVE ROADRUNNER ALONE!” As silly as his situation might seem, isn’t this cartoon scenario a true-to-life, practical portrait of you and me?
BECAUSE WHEN GOD’S VOICE SPEAKS SO CLEARLY TO US: “Do NOT go through that door!” OUR SELF-DESTRUCTIVE RESPONSE IS THIS: “Come on Lord…give me a break…I’ve been going through that door all my life...and I’m still here!” And via our messy condition, GOD speaks in SIGN LANGUAGE (SITUATIONAL LANGUAGE) saying, “Yes you have, and that’s your problem! You’re in that SAME OLD CONDITION because you’ve been going through that SAME OLD DOOR – all of your life – again- and-again-and-again-and-again!”
Stay tuned…more to come on Monday!
Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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