Monday, July 4, 2016



Today marks the 240th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence from British colonial rule. Indeed, it is a high and happy holiday in the USA – from festivals and fireworks to parades and picnics to block parties and boisterous family gatherings. Needless to say, abundant food and drink have become perennial centerpieces in our national celebration.

Admittedly, I am an American – through and through. I dearly love what I believe to be one of the most significant iterations of governmental democracy in human history.

But, in all humility and honesty, I must ask a very sobering question:


ARE WE REALLY FREE…when our ethical standards and moral values are in a state of freefall?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when our President, our Supreme Court and other national leaders boldly espouse socio-cultural views that are diametrically opposite to the requirements in the Word of God?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when the state of our Congress is precisely analogous to a divorcing couple submitting judicial claims of irreconcilable differences?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when we cannot agree on any sensible strategies to stem the rising tide of global terrorism and genocide?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when our national political discourse more closely resembles a wrestling cage match than a serious presidential election?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when both prayer and The Holy Writ are permanently banned from public schools, precipitating an historic tsunami of chaos, disrespect and degradation in our classrooms?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when “liberty and justice for all” seem to be freely available to some, not to others?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when racial polarity and divisiveness are experiencing an exponential resurgence in our society?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when many communities of faith are experiencing massive declines in participation?

ARE WE REALLY FREE…when the mere mention of GOD is politically incorrect and anathema in the public square?

According to King David. the true measure of liberty is our individual and corporate determination to embrace and exemplify the eternal truth and precepts of God. (Psalm 119:45)

According to the Apostle Paul, true liberty exists where the Spirit of the Lord is allowed to flow freely among us. (II Corinthians 3:17) As such, true liberty should never become a stumbling block to assist those who are weak or marginalized. (I Corinthians 8:9) Rather, our participation in “the glorious liberty of the children of God” should always inspire us to love and mobilize us to serve one another. (Romans 8:21 – Galatians 5:13)

According to the Apostle Peter, true liberty does not position us to become slaves of excess, greed and corruption, but rather to become genuine and compassionate servants of God and our fellowman. (I Peter 2:16 and II Peter 2:19)


Residing at the very heart of liberty are the twin virtues of responsibility and accountability. America, let us embrace both as intimate friends. Let us move rapidly in the direction of renewal, revival and restoration – before we pass the tipping point, i.e. the point of no return.

This mandate is especially required of our communities of faith. We have been issued a serious challenge by ALMIGHTY GOD: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)  How will we respond to our Creator?

I am keenly aware that this is not the expected celebratory message for this Independence Day holiday, but it is a prophetic and necessary one. My motivation is quite simple: I BELIEVE IN GOD AND I BELIEVE IN US.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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