Wednesday, July 13, 2016



For believers, it is a no-brainer to recognize the necessity of absolute trust in GOD. (Proverbs 3:5-6) However, sometimes it is rather challenging for us to invest trust in others.  The ‘me-generation’ tends to focus energy and effort on self-development – hailing independence as the highest of human virtues.  But it is mission critical that we learn how to trust and rely on one another.

I read an intriguing story about the Russian cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, who achieved fame as the first man to fly in space.  After the Cold War had ended, Russian cosmonauts revealed the tremendous pressure under which Gagarin had operated.  His rocket capsule was purposefully armed with an explosive charge that could be detonated remotely by radio signal.  

The purpose of the explosive charge was that the government wanted to ensure that Gagarin could not possibly defect politically by reentering earth’s atmosphere anywhere else but over Soviet territory.  The explosives were rigged so that the charges could only be disarmed (and the re-entry system activated) by entering a six-digit code into the onboard computer system.  Before the launch, Cosmonaut Gagarin was given the first three numbers.  However, the last three numbers were to be transmitted to him just before his retrorockets would fire for reentry into the earth’s atmosphere.

But even though the Soviet government was skeptical about investing complete trust in their cosmonauts, the head of their space program, Sergei Korolev, had a very different view.  Just before the rocket was launched Korolev pulled Gagarin aside and gave him the last three numbers.  Korolev had full confidence in Gagarin, a trust for which he was prepared to lay down his job and his life by whispering those secret numbers.  Gagarin didn’t let him down.

The times in which we live have a tendency to maximize personal skepticism and doubt.  Sometimes, given our ‘take’ on the attitudes and actions of others, it is tempting to head into ‘safety zones’ of self-dependence and solitude.  However, we truly NEED one another.  Indeed, we are at our very best when we are conjoined and cooperative with family and friends.  Let’s stay together.  We are stronger – and we are better – WHEN WE STAND TOGETHER!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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