Monday, November 14, 2016



Early this morning, I awakened with a powerful gospel song resonating within my spirit.  It’s lyrics simply say:

Grateful…Lord, I’m grateful…
Grateful…for the things You’ve done for me
Grateful…Lord, I’m grateful…
Grateful…I give my all to Thee.

Grateful…Lord, I’m grateful…
For everything You’ve done for me…
You’ve done for me.

Sisters and brothers, I find myself resting in an attitude of gratitude for all that the Lord has done for me, blessings that abound and resound throughout time and eternity.

I am grateful…for the wonderful people that He has placed in my life: family and friends (and even frenemies) who have helped to strengthen my relationship with and trust in the sovereignty of God.

I am grateful…for the sins from which He has saved and delivered me, for grace, mercy and salvation through the precious blood of The Crucified One, for sanctification through His Word and for the resident endowment of His Holy Spirit.

I am grateful…for the opportunities of service He has afforded me and for those He has providentially denied me.  Every door open and every door closed represent divine provision and divine protection.

I am grateful…for a reasonable portion of health and strength.  Jesus Christ is my Great Physician, my Healer and my continual strength.

I am grateful…for by faith I am already seated together with Him, in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus.  He is the all wise God who knew my end before my beginning, and I am eternally grateful to be a small part of His purpose and plan.  Victory is mine.  Victory is yours.  Be grateful.


Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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