Thursday, May 2, 2019



Jesus Christ admonishes us to be life-long learners.  He says, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.” (Matthew 11:29)  This is a clear portrait of two oxen, yoked together, pulling in tandem toward a common goal. Nevertheless, many misunderstand the true nature of the discipleship “yoke.”  Although Jesus declares that his “yoke is easy” and his “burden is light,” he never intends for us to become so accustomed or acclimated to the journey that we become either overconfident or apathetic, not focusing on the practical life lessons that surround us daily. (Matthew 11:30)  My friend, along your journey, please pay attention!

In my spiritual walk, my principle teacher is The Holy Spirit, and His lessons are always measured and managed through The Word.  However, there are other teachers in life that God wisely connects us with for continual growth and development.  Some of these ‘teachers’ can be found nearby, so close in fact that many of us fail to glean the wise life lessons that they share.  Believe it or not, I am talking about our CHILDREN and our GRANDCHILDREN.  I read a one-paragraph article that really caught my attention; read it below.

Being a mother always presents challenges and rewards.  Someone told me early in my parenting career that “Children will teach you everything you need to know.”  Aside from the maternal and instinctive vows we make during pregnancy, in a sense being a mother is being raised.  Our children become our mentors.  Their first milestones enroll us as active students.  Their dreams become our professors, since we are constantly attentive and taking careful notes.  We learn through their sicknesses and health, via constant devotion and sacrifice.  The sounds of their laughter and the smiles on their faces nominate us for the Honor Roll.  Their occasional tears remind us that it is alright to fail sometimes, to wipe away the tears and to try again.  Eventually, on our graduation day, we have to let go of holding their hands.  The life results of our children are testimonies to the entire world whether we have studied hard enough.  - Jan Davis 

My friends, resolve now to become life-long learners.  Be active readers of books and articles.  And, yes, never forget to check-out diverse situations and people from THE LIBRARY OF LIFE.  I have learned to discover truth in the smallest of things, in seemingly mundane and insignificant matters.  So I repeat: PAY ATTENTION!  Observe the bees, the trees, the seas, the flowers, the towers, the powers, the hours, the steeples and the people.  By all means, none of us should pass through this life in an ‘awareness-coma.’  GOD gave us our world, and since it was created by Him, it’s important enough to warrant our undivided attention.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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