Wednesday, June 19, 2019



Waiting is challenging for most of us.  What do we do when we feel assured that we have fulfilled all the applicable requirements of The Word…and GOD appears to have pushed the pause button?  Sisters and brothers, what do we do?  As always, we have definite alternatives, some good, some not so.

We can opt to purposely plunge ourselves into a deep sense of frustration, emotionally taking GOD to task for being A.W.O.L. (absent without leave) during our perceived moments of need. Alternatively, we can assume a somewhat self-righteous and arrogant posture, patting ourselves on the back for at least holding up our end of the covenant agreement with God.  Or, we could make a far better choice: the conscious decision to trust that GOD knows exactly what He is doing, in and around our lives.

Friends, how do you choose to react during those times when answers to prayers seem to be hindered, or, at best, delayed beyond the scope of your personal expectations, finite logic, or limited understanding of the big picture?  One of the things that I love best about God is that ‘HE GETS IT!’  In other words, HE is the “only wise God” Who foresees the end from the beginning, Who is always in tune (and in control) with what is going on behind the scenes, Who is (get this) arranging and re-arranging the affairs of the universe to meet the smallest needs of His children. (Romans 16:27 – I Timothy 1:17 – Jude 1:25)  WOW!  What an immeasurably caring, compassionate, loving and mighty GOD we are privileged to serve!

Here’s the thing, though.  The Word clearly teaches that we “have need of patience, that, after [we] have done the will of God, [we] might receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:36)  Hence, the level of patience we practice is an indispensable component and accurate predictor of our end results.  The Apostle James admonishes us to “let patience have her perfect work, that [we] may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (James 1:4)  It seems that our completeness in Christ and our success in this earthly realm are inextricably tied to our willingness to exercise patience.  Jesus Christ, Himself, declared this: “In your patience possess ye your souls.” (Luke 21:19)

Precisely what IS patience?  In a word, patience is the elapsed time between your call and God’s response.  God declares that YOU have every right to “call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” (Psalm 50:15)  However, Your call is placed within the context of time, or “kronos.”  On the other hand, God’s answer is issued out of the context of eternity, or “kairos.”  Bottom-line: We human beings do not always know what needs to be done, how it should be done, or when it should be done, i.e. the optimal existential moment in which maximum positive results may be achieved.  So…we have to wait.

Be assured of one thing.  God does not use caller I.D.  He has need of such mundane technological devices.  To wit, the fact that GOD does not always answer your call immediately in no way indicates a lack of divine awareness, compassion, or concern.  However, there are some forms of human static that hinder prayer signals and diminish receptivity.  The Apostle Peter warns us husbands to honor our wives, that our “prayers be not hindered.” (I Peter 3:7)  Another example: If we stand in relational opposition with another person, we are instructed to “leave…[our] gift before the altar…first be reconciled to [our] brother, and then come and offer [our] gift.” (Matthew 5:24)

In the absence of any self-imposed barriers to communication with the Throne of Grace, it becomes all about trusting GOD enough…and loving GOD enough…to WAIT.  We must wait proactively, not passively, thoroughly engaged in Kingdom business while living in faithful expectation of answered prayer.  Trust me on this one: GOD IS NEVER SLOW!  We just don’t always know…what GOD is up to!  So wait, sisters and brothers, and be ultimately blessed!

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. 

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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