Saturday, July 20, 2019



One fundamental fact of U.S. history: ALL ARE IMMIGRANTS WHO ARE NOT OF NATIVE-AMERICAN DESCENT. Unfortunately, our collective callousness and historical amnesia disallow our acceptance of this indisputable truth. While I regret that some will find my viewpoint to be offensive, allow me to be crystal-clear. As a nation, we have neither lived up to the 'promises' of our Declaration of Independence, nor have we fulfilled the 'proscriptions' of our Constitution. Notwithstanding our current dysfunctional dilemma and discourse...ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Indeed, it is a divine endowment – not a human construct.

The irony and irrationality of our public communications are that many of THE MAJORITY POPULATION (not all) feel absolutely entitled to voice personal perspectives and even strident commentary about our society and nation, as was so vociferously done by Mr. Trump during his presidential campaign. But whenever THE MINORITY POPULATION dares to exercise these same First Amendment rights, they are frequently deemed to be unreasonable or un-American.

The contemptuous phrase, “AMERICA: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT” is patently divisive, mean-spirited, (and in its present trope), OBVIOUSLY RACIST in inception and intent. The plain truth is that America’s immigrant groups have always undergirded the foundation and fabric of our nation, both socio-economically and historically.

Yet, far too many of us are expected to respond with ‘benign silence’ while Mr. Trump serves up daily dishes of toxic lies, racist rhetoric and xenophobic hysteria via Twitter and ‘The Bully Pulpit.’  Indeed, “BULLY” is a highly appropriate and accurate descriptor for him because our current president is (1) a serial liar and pompous antagonizer of our citizenry, (2) a misogynistic disrespecter of women, and (3) a cowardly deceiver who purposefully evaded military service to our nation, that so many have freely embraced, myself included.

Think about it. Our so-called Commander-In-Chief has publicly attacked Gold Star families; he has shamelessly denigrated American heroes, e.g. Senator John McCain (even while lying in his grave); he has systematically eroded the credibility of our sacrosanct institutions of jurisprudence and national security; he has declared those who enter our nation from the south to be “rapists” and “criminals;” he has stated that a tenured federal judge who is Mexican-American could not be trusted to be rational and fair; he has demanded the death penalty for ‘The Central Park Five’ and yet refuses to acknowledge their proven innocence; he has endorsed the vitriolic attitudes and actions of white supremacists; he has denied equal housing opportunity to deserving minorities via the red-lining of applications and approval processes; he has obstructed justice during recent federal criminal investigations [Read The Mueller Report]; he has paid out substantial sums of hush money to cloak extramarital affairs; he has colluded with the leadership of our primary geopolitical adversary, Russia; he has audaciously violated ‘The Emoluments Clause’ [Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the U.S. Constitution] which prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or thing of value from a foreign state or its representatives; and tragically, he has become the international poster-child of immoral, despicable, licentious and abominable behavior.

Mr. Trump is an absolute disgrace to our nation and to our body politic.  To wit, no number of conservative federal judge appointments, no lowering of taxes for the wealthy, and no fiscal allowances empowering excessive corporate profiteering (a.k.a. corporate welfare) will somehow exonerate his character or salvage his nefarious presidency. Instead of “draining the swamp” (as pledged), he has recruited and appointed more unscrupulous cabinet members than any previous president. History will surely record that “45” is by far ‘the worst’ to have occupied The White House.

Moreover, Mr. Trump is dangerously ill-informed about national and global history. And unfortunately, he has shown little interest in educating himself to assume the daunting role of the American presidency. Additionally, he reflects little respect for his presidential predecessors, especially Mr. Obama. He was a primary source of the blatant lie that our first African-American president was not born in the USA, and he strives (deliberately and daily) to obliterate every one of Mr. Obama’s accomplishments.

“45” has outlandishly shamed our nation on the world stage, with his unprecedented pandering to murderous tyrants and dictators, while simultaneously degrading nations and leaders that have been long-standing friends of America. He has also nullified important treaties that potentially protect us from environmental catastrophe and nuclear holocaust.  Unquestionably, he is a loose-cannon, an egotistical narcissist and a profoundly dangerous individual, one who will ultimately deprive our nation and world of its peace, prosperity, safety and security.

In conclusion, I do pray daily for Mr. Trump because that is what God requires, and because his actions have impact on all. However, my days of remaining silent in the face of his impudent attitude and impotent leadership are NOW OVER. Should any of you choose to disassociate with me because of my personal conviction that it is mission-critical to shine the glaring light of truth on this ungodly leader, then so be it. I will understand; and, I will offer no response to your commentary. However, I do reserve the right to delete any statements that are factually inaccurate or fundamentally disrespectful.

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