Thursday, August 29, 2019



Our prior devotional posting raises a practical question: ‘What’s in all of this for us?’  That is, in light of David’s praise admonition (Psalm 103:2), what are the SPECIFIC BENEFITS that KINGDOM PARTICIPANTS enjoy while walking in covenant with the Living Word of God?  We highlighted an awesome benefit in Kingdom Principle Number One.  “AS KINGDOM STEWARDS, WE ARE IN DIRECT PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD.”  This benefit is strategic (and somewhat ironic) since it relates to the fulfilling privilege of SERVICE which takes place at the intersection of HUMAN BROKENNESS and DIVINE GRACE.  As such, we are naturally flawed (but supernaturally redeemed) participants in God’s CONSTRUCTION PROCESS, with the primary objective of glorifying God and building His Kingdom.

Kingdom Principle Number Two: GOD PROVIDES A POWERFUL AND REDEMPTIVE ILLUSTRATION OF HIS GRACE WHENEVER DISCIPLES EMBODY AND TESTIFY TO THE AMAZING CONTRAST BETWEEN OUR FORMER LIFESTYLES AND OUR NEW LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS.  Admittedly, this presents a serious challenge for some believers because of the corporate culture of the church.  In a word, we are institutionally conditioned, not only to BE RIGHT, but to always APPEAR RIGHT in the eyes of both believers and unbelievers.  Although the underlying motive for this could be positive, this constant pressure to “appear right” provides a subtle push towards dishonesty and hypocrisy.  The net result is that many redeemed believers give off the impression that their lives are completely pleasing to God, and always have been since their initial submission at Calvary’s cross.  This obvious falsehood is easily discernible by all, both within and without the church.

This unfortunate situation leads to an important insight on how we can be used more effectively by God.  Our understandings of grace must be amplified to include both a private and public recognition of the sinful nature and the ongoing conflict (spiritual warfare) that is aggressively waged within us.  Although the Bible declares that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), we ‘act’ as if this only applies to distant or remote encounters with the sin issue.  The truth (the real deal) is this: SINCE we first knelt at the cross of Calvary, ALL of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect Word and will.  God will be able to get much more mileage out of our lives, that is, to showcase the spiritual development HE has achieved and the ‘real contrast’ between where we once were and now are, if (and only IF) we are willing to own up to our failures, foibles, fiascoes and flaws.  In truth, some of our spiritual tests have resulted in less than passing grades.

Albeit, this does not suggest that we should casually CONTINUE IN SIN once we have been saved by grace, with no real recognition of the blood covenant that CHRIST sacrificially established or acknowledgment of the ongoing process of sanctification through His Word. (Romans 6:1 and Ephesians 5:26)  We must never diminish the effectual power of our new birth by succumbing to a notion of what Dietrich Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace.”  We are saved “by grace through faith” as the loving “gift of God.”  And, we steadfastly refuse to diminish this precious gift by a haphazard response to His Word. (Ephesians 2:8)  Through HIS power, WE CAN AND SHALL OVERCOME both the penalty and the practice of sin, since we carry THE SEED of the Living Word within us. (I John 3:9)  However, our honesty, transparency and integrity must be safeguarded in this redemptive process.  Indeed, it is a PROCESS, and we have not yet attained or arrived at the perfect will of God.  If the world is to be won through our testimonies, we must press beyond any sanitized, pasteurized, or homogenized version of what God has wrought in us and we must dare to tell others ‘the real deal’ about WHO CHRIST IS and WHAT CHRIST HAS CHANGED in and around our lives.

Paul’s teachings on this matter are so powerful. “We have this treasure in EARTHEN VESSELS, that the excellency of the power may be of GOD, and not of us.” (II Corinthians 4:7)  At times, the institutional church encourages us to be careful and conservative about sharing our ‘real’ testimonies, and I fully understand their reasons and rationale.  In truth, there is a definite element of RISK when we publicly engage our past, that is we risk strong condemnation by close-minded Christians or unbelieving detractors.  However, I hear a deeper and more authoritative voice resonating within my spirit.  It is the clear voice of THE GREAT COMMISSIONER (Matthew 28:19-20), along with His blessed assurance that regardless of any allegations or accusations, “there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1)

As God’s privileged partners, as faithful stewards, as joint-heirs with Christ, we choose to be courageous enough to passionately share our PERSONAL CONSTRUCTION PROCESS with others who stand in need of the practical and powerful Words of life.  I am aware that some might be ‘put off’ by such transparency, but multitudes will discover hope, forgiveness, acceptance and the road that leads to eternal life.  After all, this is the precise reason HE has called us out of darkness: not only to be saved ourselves, but to bring ETERNAL LIFE AND LIGHT to others.  Therefore, all of us are challenged to prayerfully actualize the Word of God, i.e. to go forth sharing our personal testimonies with a holy boldness and spiritual authority that will literally turn the world upside down! (Acts 17:6)

II Corinthians 4:6
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give THE LIGHT OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST.

I Peter 2:9
You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should SHOW FORTH THE PRAISES OF HIM who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Acts 4:13
Now when they saw the BOLDNESS of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that THEY HAD BEEN WITH JESUS.

Let your divinely appointed CONSTRUCTION PROCESS allow Christ-in-you, “the hope of glory” to shine. (Colossians 1:27)  SHINE, BELIEVER…SHINE!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019



The Psalmist David penned this powerful praise admonition: “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all HIS BENEFITS.” (Psalm 103:2)  Thus, David advised believers never to develop ‘spiritual amnesia’ regarding the manifold blessings of God.  Exactly what is a BENEFIT?  A benefit directly promotes personal well-being or advantage.  In this connection, a job-seeker might conclude ‘I did not accept such-and-such job because it had NO BENEFITS.’  Currently, many corporations are apt to hire part-time employees because they want to avoid providing costly benefits.  Compensation may be defined as not only one’s hourly wage or annual salary, but as one’s monetary paycheck PLUS other corporate benefits, e.g. healthcare, sick leave, vacation days, holidays, savings, pensions, etc.

In my endeavor to define a truly superlative compensation program, I cannot help but reflect on the PHENOMENAL BENEFITS that are an integral component of working for OUR LORD.  Jesus Christ sets forth an employment offer that wise persons could scarcely refuse: “Go into the vineyard; and WHATSOEVER IS RIGHT, that shall you receive.” (Matthew 20:7)  Without hesitation, we can depend upon HIS WORD!  Peter questioned the compensatory value of working in the Kingdom when he asked Jesus ‘What’s in it for US?’ Christ’s response: “Verily I say unto you, there is no man who has left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.” (Luke 18:29-30)  Unquestionably, it pays to serve Jesus!  Indeed, His KINGDOM BENEFITS are unlimited and incomparable.  Importantly, God entitles us to these incredible benefits, even though we are still engaged in the CONSTRUCTION PROCESS.  Although our ‘life-buildings’ are demonstrably incomplete, HE DECLARES US TO BE “the righteousness of God” and assures us that we stand COMPLETE IN HIM.  (Romans 3:20-22 and Colossians 2:10)  Wow!  What a marvelous and mighty God!

Consider this intriguing fact.  It is possible to be employed by a Fortune 500 corporation and yet be denied benefits due to sheer personal ignorance about the personnel perks that are free and available upon request.  To avoid this, major corporations publish detailed employee manuals outlining their compensation programs.  However, should employees fail to read or understand the manual, extraordinary benefits could become inaccessible to those who have every right to receive them.  Likewise, all Christian believers are provided more-than-generous benefits that are rendered available and accessible to us by reading, honoring and obeying THE WORD.  Nevertheless, many live far beneath their privileges and experience difficulty, delay, or denial of benefits, simply due to a “lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

There are other impediments that block the reception of divine benefits, including our reliance on our sensory perceptions and our reasoning faculties.  In truth, believing and receiving God’s promises is diametrically opposite to natural knowledge and common sense.  Why?  “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (II Corinthians 5:7)  Allow me to cite the example of a Pittsburgh man who was miraculously converted from his association with a religious group that does not believe in miracles.  His child had been born with club feet, and while he attended a Pentecostal church service, the young boy was instantaneously healed.  The following week, the father attended a meeting at his own church and reported enthusiastically how GOD had fully restored his child’s feet.  Since this group does not subscribe to faith in divine healing, its leaders immediately intervened and rebuked the man, saying “The devil did that, not God!”  Here is what the father of the healed child replied: “I don’t know how YOUR GOD works…but MY GOD loves my son as much as I love my son…and MY GOD HEALED HIM!”  The Word clearly provides for our healing, but too often we fail to receive it because we are too sense-oriented, too logical, or too burdened by unbelief. (Isaiah 53:5 – Malachi 4:2)

In light of David’s praise admonition  in Psalm 103:2, what are some SPECIFIC BENEFITS that Kingdom employees may enjoy as they fully covenant with the Living Word of God?

Kingdom Principle Number One: AS KINGDOM STEWARDS, WE ARE IN DIRECT PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD.  If you really think about it, this is a fascinating benefit.  We redeemed lumps-of-clay are called into covenant relationship, and yes, even into full partnership with Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, the Lord of Heaven and earth.  How could this possibly be?  In other words, “What is man that God is mindful of him, and the son of man that God visits him?” (Psalm 8:4)  Yet, despite our mortal weaknesses and character flaws, God crowns us with glory and honor.  In case you are not yet aware, our glory and honor rises solely from our association with HIM.  When we honor God, He in turn honors us.  We are gratified and overwhelmed by these awesome acts of amazing grace.  In spite of the indisputable fact that believers are certainly WORKS-IN-PROGRESS, our GOD graciously labels us (unabashedly and enthusiastically) as “HIS WORKMANSHIP” and empowers us with the capacity to grow, develop, mature and conform to the IMAGE OF CHRIST. (Ephesians 2:10 and Romans 8:29)  Stay tuned for the conclusion on tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019



Despite the fact that the construction zone is an apparent ‘mess’ to the unimaginative eye, both ORDER and DESTINY are embedded within the BLUEPRINT that is designed by THE MASTER ARCHITECT.  Our God, the Supreme Architect, simultaneously breathes purpose and completion into our life processes via the blueprint of His Word.  The principle challenge for us humans is refocusing our vision, i.e. redirecting our eyes from the zonal construction chaos and fastening them on The Christ.  In the words of the Apostle Paul, “for I KNOW whom I have believed, and am persuaded that HE IS ABLE to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” (II Timothy 1:12)  Such intimate knowledge automatically triggers absolute confidence.  The Apostle Paul offers confirmation: “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)  This is my life-verse.

As children of The Creator, despite the fact that our lives are under construction, we have the fundamental right and spiritual authority to CALL “those things which be not as though they were.” (Romans 4:17)  That is, God allows us ‘developing disciples’ to “decree a thing” with the promise that “it shall be established.” (Job 22:28)  As a result of this Word-of-faith benefit, WEAK people can SAY authoritatively, “I am strong!”  SICK people can SAY, “I am healed!”  And POOR people can SAY, “I am rich!”  What I love about this COVENANT PRIVILEGE is the fact that, while Satan makes his best effort to “kill, steal and destroy” and to bring us once again under the power, penalty and practice of sin, we are enabled to PROCLAIM, “Not so Satan…because I HAVE BEEN REDEEMED!” (John 10:10)  Well, I feel like shouting “Hallelujah” in the wake of that revelation, so I might as well go on and do it.  HALLELUJAH!!!  Thank God, I HAVE BEEN REDEEMED!

This redemptive CHRIST CONNECTION is the practical manifestation of our blood covenant and spiritual transfusion.  That is, we have become ONE again with the FATHER (AT-ONE-MENT) because we have been “accepted” IN the BELOVED SON, in whom the FATHER is “well pleased.” (Ephesians 1:6 - Matthew 17:5)  As such, we are permanently positioned “IN CHRIST” (Who is the propitiation for our sins), and we are no longer subject to satanic condemnation or spiritual death.  Miraculously enough, this is our sure and steadfast heritage, even though we experience daily life within the confines of THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE! (II Corinthians 5:17 - Romans 8:1 - Romans 6:23)

Herein lies every person’s pivotal decision point.  WHOSE REPORT will you BELIEVE…about YOURSELF? Will you believe the cynical suggestions of Satan, who constantly wages war against the seed of the Word that is planted and living within?  Or, on the other hand, will you choose to believe the life-giving REPORT OF THE LORD?  Prayerfully read these powerful words (penned by Psalmist David) and see if you can discern traces of God’s perfect will for your life:

Psalm 103:1-5
1 Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!
2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:
3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,
4 Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

WOW!  God’s plans for us are truly awesome, aren’t they?  Just think.  GOD offers all of this to us WHILE WE ARE IN PROCESS…WHILE WE ARE INSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE.  I am ecstatic about digging deeper into the details of this covenant-of-transformation because it is literally loaded with AMAZING BENEFITS.  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, August 26, 2019



I seldom remember dreams, but I vividly recall a rather curious one that occurred during the summer of 2012.  The setting of my dream was the now destroyed Twin Towers of The World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, New York.  It appeared that engineers were testing the elevators for safety.  After the tests were completed, I rapidly ascended with two other gentlemen.  All three of us had been employed recently by a Fortune 500 Corporation and we were GIVEN expensive laptop computers containing extensive software packages.  

One of the new employees, an apparent techno-whiz, was making a fuss about the fact that he already had an advanced laptop that was more than adequate for his needs.  I listened in astonishment at his incredibly firm insistence that he would NOT accept the computer (even for a day or so) to compare it to one he already owned.  Eventually, a high-level manager looked directly into his eyes and issued a stern warning: “LOOK…I know you are NEW here and don’t know much about our corporate culture, but I have to tell you this: We only need and keep OPEN-MINDED EMPLOYEES.  So…TAKE THE COMPUTER…all right?”  My co-worker’s face reddened as he mumbled softly, “All right.” I stood there watching in silence…wondering why he would not just RECEIVE that which was so freely GIVEN.  At that point, I woke up.

Quickly climbing out of bed, I rushed into my office to write this daily devotional.  My dream reminded me of a powerful scripture penned by the Apostle Peter, one that is a frequent source of encouragement to me.  It contains blessed assurances for all believers that ALMIGHTY GOD has PLANNED and PRODUCED a PROCESS by which we will ultimately arrive at a state of COMPLETION IN HIM.  Read carefully and consider prayerfully what HIS WORD says about YOU.  And may I offer you some sage advice?  After all is said and done…JUST TAKE THE COMPUTER!

II Peter 1:3-8
3 As HIS DIVINE POWER HATH GIVEN UNTO US ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN UNTO LIFE AND GODLINESS, through the knowledge of him who has called us by glory and virtue,
4 By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
5 But also, for this very reason, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
6 To knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
7 To godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
8 For if these things are yours, and abound, your will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The fact that God has already given us “ALL THINGS that pertain unto life and godliness” seems implausible when we take a sensory or carnal view of our present states-of-being.  How so?  At times, our lives appear to be on hold or practically stalled.  Sometimes they ‘look like’ a MESS…far less than what the scriptures trumpet as the life situation and heritage of Christian disciples.  That is the reason I employ a CONSTRUCTION ZONE METAPHOR in my attempt to describe ‘where’ and ‘how’ we are in this DIVINE PROCESS called LIFE.

First and foremost, always remember this: THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE IS A MESS!

In fact, there is absolutely NOTHING APPEALING about it; and (at least on the surface) there is NOTHING LOGICAL about it.  As a matter of fact, to observers that are untrained, uninformed, or unimaginative, it is virtually impossible to see how a BEAUTIFUL AND FINISHED BUILDING could ever be derived from such a helter-skelter situation!  However, the Master Architect possesses a powerful tool that brings PERSPECTIVE and ORDER into the curious chaos of the construction zone.  It is THE BLUEPRINT – and it works!  Carefully prepared architectural renderings calibrate and coordinate the overwhelming variety of tools, tasks and tradespersons that operate simultaneously in what appears to be an unequivocal mess.  

Now hear this!  The clear vision and expectations of the Master Architect only reach fruition in the presence of deliberate and purposeful multi-tasking.  The fact that there is a virtual army of workers and an endless array of materials constantly flowing in and out, with so many diverse tasks concurrently in the works, causes the construction panorama to ‘LOOK’ and ‘FEEL’ completely OUT OF CONTROL.  Can you mentally picture the confusion and craziness of the construction zone?  Stop for one moment; close your eyes and visualize.  Do you SEE it?  And do you know that OUR GOD is THE MASTER ARCHITECT and the ULTIMATE MULTI-TASKER?  Appearances notwithstanding, HE never fails to breathe order, purpose, confidence and completion into our LIFE PROCESSES via the DIVINE BLUEPRINT OF HIS WILL AND WORD.  What a phenomenal Spirit is he!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Sunday, August 25, 2019



Recently, I came across a story by Keyur Shukla, detailing his illuminating experience of visiting a very poor Indian family that really seemed to have everything:

When I was in the final year of graduate studies, I visited a friend’s home for a lunch.  Prior to this, I had no idea where he lived.  I just knew he traveled by bus to and from college.

The moment I reached his building, I noticed that it had not been painted for many years and the staircase leading up to his apartment was in total disrepair.  By every sensory measure, this was a dilapidated and impoverished dwelling.

But one of the greatest things about that day was meeting his loving parents.  We sat on the floor for lunch because they didn’t own a dining table.  Nevertheless, his mother was most hospitable, serving us delicious food and smiling throughout, with a friendly graciousness I shall never forget.

My friend’s father worked as a mechanic and I wondered silently if he earned enough money to support his family.  While we were eating lunch, his father returned home.  When he entered, his hands were blackened with oil; his clothes were soiled and greasy.  My friend did not seem to notice this and greeted his father warmly and made introductions.  How loving this family was – something so rarely seen in our generation.

My friend asked if I wanted to taste papad, a traditional Indian food.  Before I could respond, the mother apologized and said there were no papad in the house.  Then, though he had labored all day, the tired father immediately went out to purchase some papad for us.

As I sat there on the floor that day, I had an unexpected thought about this rather poor family.  Quite  unexpectedly, it occurred to me that this was the richest family I had ever known!

Today, my friend is a team leader at Oracle.  He now lives in a beautiful home, but he regularly sends money home to assist his family and he pays for his younger brother’s education.

I learned two valuable lessons at that memorable lunch years ago.  Firstly, the amount of money we make will not win the hearts of others – the only way to do that is by living with genuine love and kindness. Secondly, the struggles of life only come to make us strong.  If we make up our minds to work our way through them with faith and a smile in our hearts, we will be successful people in the only ways that matter.

Certain moments in life you will always cherish.  Whenever I speak with my friend, I remind him of one of the most remarkable days of my life, the day I had lunch with he and his parents. 

Thanks Mr. Shukla.  You have provided a wise lesson for all of us, one that actually echoes the teachings of Jesus Christ: “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” (Luke 12:15, NKJV)  In other words, Mr. Shukla, it is possible to be rather poor, yet remarkably rich.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, August 22, 2019



Jesus Christ alluded to a childlike attitude of openness in order to describe the necessary conditions for living the abundant life and entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. (Luke 18:17) 

Sometime ago, The Washington Post conducted a fascinating social experiment at a Washington D.C. Metro Station.  It was designed to evaluate people’s priorities, i.e. the degree to which we focus on the moment (on our surroundings) due to the harried and frenzied state of mind that is a disconcerting byproduct of contemporary society.

THE SCENE:  Washington D.C. Metro Station on a cold January morning.  A skillful musician played six Bach pieces for about an hour.  During that time, approximately two thousand people passed by, most of them on their way to work.

AFTER 3 MINUTES: A middle-aged man noticed there was a musician playing.  He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to continue his busy schedule.

AFTER 4 MINUTES: The violinist received his first dollar.  A woman threw the money in the till and, without stopping, continued to walk.

AFTER 6 MINUTES: A young man leaned against the wall to listen, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

AFTER 10 MINUTES: A 3-year-old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly, as the child stared at the violinist.  Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time.  Several other children repeated this action.   Every parent, without exception, forced them to move on.

AFTER 45 MINUTES: The musician continued to play.  Only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while.

About 20 people dropped money but continued to walk in their normal pace.  In total, he collected 32 dollars.

AFTER 60 MINUTES: The musician finished playing and silence took over.  No one noticed; no one applauded; nor was there recognition of any kind.

No passerby knew that the violinist was Joshua Bell, a world-renowned violinist.  That morning, he had played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, and he had done so with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before, Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the average ticket cost 100 dollars.

This is a true story. 

Are you paying attention to your life?  Hopefully, we will never become so mesmerized by OUR AGENDAS or so absorbed in our anticipation of THE NEXT that we fail to perceive and appreciate THE NOW.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019



There is a class of flowering plants known as LATE BLOOMERS.  The following article by an unknown author demonstrates that this state of being is not limited to flora.  Indeed, it is part of the human experience.

Whenever you feel a little discouraged, just remember that the following people accomplished great things when everyone else looked at them as failures.  So believe in yourself!

ALBERT EINSTEIN was 4 years old before he could speak and 7 years old before he could read.

ISAAC NEWTON performed poorly in grade school and was considered “unpromising.”

When THOMAS EDISON was a youngster, his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything.  He was counseled to go into a field where he might succeed by virtue of his pleasant personality.  Can we say “electric light bulb?”

F. W. WOOLWORTH got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21, but his boss would not permit him to wait on customers because he “didn't have enough sense to close a sale.”

A newspaper editor fired WALT DISNEY because he “lacked imagination and had no original ideas.”

WINSTON CHURCHILL failed 6th grade and had to repeat it because he did not complete the tests required for promotion.

BABE RUTH struck out 1,300 times, a major league record.

A person may make mistakes, but is not a failure until he or she starts blaming others.  We must believe in ourselves.  Somewhere along the road, we will meet someone who sees greatness in us and expresses it.

AMEN!  This article was so inspirational that I feel motivated to add to it…:

HENRY FORD went broke 5 times before pioneering mass production and founding the Ford Motor Company.

R. H. MACY started 7 failed businesses before establishing Macy’s.

SOICHIRO HONDO was turned down by Toyota for an engineering job and went on to form one of the world’s most successful car manufacturing companies.

BILL GATES was a Harvard drop-out who started a failed company called Traf-O-Data.  He persevered, founded Microsoft and is one of the wealthiest persons on the planet.

HARLAND DAVID SANDERS, a.k.a. COLONEL SANDERS, had his famous secret recipe rejected 1,009 times before a restaurant accepted it.  The result: Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).

ORVILLE and WILBUR WRIGHT battled serious depression and illness before their famous ‘flight’ into history.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN was busted from captain to private and started several failed businesses before becoming president of the USA.

At his first audition, SIDNEY PORTIER was counseled by a casting director: “Why don’t you stop wasting people’s time and go out and become a dishwasher or something?”

HARRISON FORD was told by several movie execs that he didn’t have what it takes to become a star.

STEVEN SPIELBERG was rejected 3 times by the Southern California School of Theater, Film and Television.

Contemporary art critics cruelly mocked MONET for his impressionist style of painting.

LUDWIG BEETHOVEN was completely deaf when he composed 5 of the world’s greatest symphonies.

In addition to being cut from his high school basketball team, MICHAEL JORDAN missed more than 9,000 shots during his career, lost almost 300 games and missed the winning game shot 26 times.  His commentary: “I have failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.”

YOU just might be a LATE BLOOMER – or perhaps YOU are a DELAYED BLOOMER.  Just keep on cultivating yourself.  With the help of God, know that it will happen.  Enough said! 

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019



I discovered an intriguing and inspirational story by Wayne Rice.  It‘s a highly creative, allegorical response to those who doubt the existence of God and His marvelous plans for us. (Jeremiah 29:11 and John 1:18)

Once upon a time, twin boys were conceived in the womb.  Seconds, minutes, hours and days passed as the two embryonic lives developed.  The spark of life grew and each tiny brain began to take shape and form.  With the development of their brains came feeling, and with feeling, perception – a growing perception of their surroundings, each other, and life itself.  They discovered that life was good and rejoiced in their hearts.

One said to the other, “We are surely blessed to have been conceived and to have this wonderful world.”
The other chimed in, “Yes, blessed be our mother who gave us life and each other.”

Each of the twins continued to grow and soon arms and fingers, legs and toes began to take shape.  They stretched their bodies and churned and turned in their little world.  They explored it and found the life cord which gave them life from their mother’s blood.  They were grateful for this new discovery and sang, “How great is the love of our mother – that she shares all she has with us!”

Weeks passed into months and they noticed changes in each other and in themselves.
“We are changing,” one said.  “What can it mean?”
“It means,” said the other, “that we are drawing near to birth.”

An unsettling chill crept over them.  They were afraid of birth, for they knew that it meant leaving their wonderful world behind.

Said the one, “Were it up to me, I would live here forever.”
“But we must be born,” said the other.  “It has happened to all the others.”  Indeed, there was evidence inside the womb that the mother had carried life before theirs.  “And I believe that there is life after birth, don’t you?”

“How can there be life after birth?” cried the one.  “Do we not shed our life cord and our blood tissue when we are born?  And have you ever talked to anyone that has been born?  Has anyone ever re-entered the womb after birth to describe what birth is like?  NO!”

As he spoke, he fell into despair, and in his despair he moaned, “If the purpose of conception and our growth inside the womb is to end in birth, then truly our life is senseless.”  He clutched his precious life cord to his breast and said, “And if this is so, and life is absurd, then there really can be no mothers!”
“But there is a mother,” protested the other.  “Who else gives us nourishment?  Who else created this world for us?”

“We get our nourishment from this cord -- and our world has always been here” said the one.  “And if there is a mother, where is she?  Have you ever seen her?  Does she ever talk to you?  NO!  We invented the mother because it satisfied a need in us.  It made us feel secure and happy.”

Thus, while the one raved and despaired, the other resigned himself to birth and placed his trust in the hands of his mother.  Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months.  And soon it was time.  They both knew their birth was at hand, and they both feared what they did not know.  As the one was first to be conceived, so he was the first to be born; the other following.

They cried as they were born into the light.  They coughed out fluid and gasped the dry air.  And when they were sure they had been born, they opened their eyes, seeing life after birth for the very first time.  Their first sight was the beautiful face of their mother, as she cradled them lovingly in her arms.  They were home.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: While this is a somewhat fictional (and thus imperfect) analogy, it has much to teach us about the nature and reality of GOD, about His prevenient grace and wondrous love, acting on our behalves long before our birth and eons before the foundation of our world].

“No man has seen God at any time.  The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared him.” (John 1:18, NKJV)

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29b, NKJV)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, August 19, 2019



What is the biblical perspective on TIME?   That is, what does GOD have to say about TIME and our relationship to it?   First of all, there are GOD-ORDAINED SEASONS that are divinely ordered and strategically positioned within our lives.   Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that “to everything there is a SEASON, and a TIME to every purpose under the heaven.”   This scripture mandates SPECIFIC TIMES – to be born, to die, to plant, to harvest, to kill, to heal, to break, to build, to weep, to laugh, to mourn, to dance, to throw, to gather, to embrace, to refrain, to gain, to lose, to keep, to cast away, to rend, to sew, to be silent, to speak, to love, to hate, to make war and peace.   To wit, one practical definition for WISDOM is “the ability to be time-conscious and time-sensitive.”

Kingdom Principle Number One: GOD ESTABLISHES COVENANT WITHIN SPECIFIC TIME FRAMES AND DEFINED BEHAVIORAL PARAMETERS.  Sarah bore Abraham a God-promised son – at a set time. (Genesis 17:21 and 18:14)  God rested and thereafter mandated our weekly rest – at a set time. (Genesis 2:2-3 and Exodus 20:8)  Every male in Israel was commanded to appear before God in certain ways – at set times. (Exodus 23:14-17)  Jesus Christ died for our atonement in a particular manner – at a divinely appointed time. (Romans 5:6)

Kingdom Principle Number Two: WHENEVER WE FAIL TO OPERATE ON GOD’S CLOCK, WE SET OURSELVES UP FOR FRUSTRATION AND FAILURE.   We cannot afford to get ahead of God; neither will we achieve optimal blessings when we do not step forward (boldly, confidently, immediately) at His command.   Abraham was both blessed and a blessing because “he staggered not at the promise of God…but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.” (Romans 4:19-21)  Despite the fact that Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah’s womb was well beyond her fertile years, they sustained faith in God and acted in concert with divine revelation and timing.

Kingdom Principle Number Three: DELAY IS A SATANIC STRATEGY FOR PERMANENT DENIAL.  Had Moses responded doubtfully (or casually) to God’s command to ‘cover’ every Jewish doorway with lamb’s blood, the firstborn of Israel would have perished alongside the firstborn of Egypt.  Had Bartimaeus been hesitant to call out to Jesus at the precise moment he was passing by, that blind man would have lived out his remaining days without vision.  Had Jairus not moved with confident and expeditious faith in the direction of The Great Physician, his daughter likely would have died.  Hebrews 4:7 informs us that even God’s grace and mercy operate within the framework of preset seasons.  Consequently, man’s temporal delay can ultimately result in eternal separation from God.  There are hundreds of scriptural exemplars where THE OPERATION OF TIMELY FAITH MOVES GOD and thus transforms human circumstances.

Carvin Winans, the twin brother of Bishop Marvin Winans, penned a thought-provoking gospel song entitled “Tomorrow.”  One segment of the song lyrics: “Tomorrow…who promised you tomorrow…better give your life today…for tomorrow very well might be too late.”  It would do well for those of us who serve the Lord to remember that ‘The Manana Syndrome’ is not only a satanic tactic to prevent personal salvation (Isaiah 55:6), it is also a delaying strategy designed to marginalize and minimize God’s Kingdom, that is, to keep believers from the fulfilling mission of rescuing the perishing. (II Corinthians 4:3)  So please…please…do not delay!  One little known secret behind King David’s success was his determination to act in timely obedience to God.  David had an unequivocal response to the King of Kings.  He wrote “I made haste, and DELAYED NOT to keep thy commandments.” (Psalm 119:60)  Jesus Christ sums it up so well: “I must work the works of him that sent me, WHILE IT IS DAY: the night comes, when no man can work.” (John 9:4)

Prayerfully consider this: Are you presently caught in a chronic holding pattern – a place of persistent procrastination and daily delay?  Think carefully.  Examine yourself objectively.  Do it now!  Prayerfully consider your motives, your motivations, your proclivities and your priorities – in contrast with your daily agenda.  What specific strategies do you have in place NOW (or which ones can you immediately adopt) to hold your feet to the fire?  What choices will you make TODAY to be responsible and accountable for performing YOUR KINGDOM ASSIGNMENT with precision, punctuality and power?  Think and do!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!



Many 21st century people are trapped in what I call ‘The Manana Syndrome.’  How so?  Because life these days is inundated with a host of demanding tasks and activities that monopolize our time and drain our energy.  We are busy, busy, busy – and even while insisting that we are MULTI-TASKERS, we typically feel overextended and we truly struggle to handle the multiplicity of ‘stuff’ that is thrown our way all at once. Three primary casualties emerge from these crowded daily agendas: relationships with God, relationships with loved ones and our overall state of health.

In the Spanish language, the word “manana” means TOMORROW.  BECAUSE WE ARE SO OVERBURDENED WITH MINUTIA, WE TEND TO PROCRASTINATE!  Suffering from sensory overload, and failing to properly prioritize time, talent and treasure, we put off for tomorrow those mission critical objectives that should be accomplished today.  A wise adage suggests to us that “procrastination is the thief of time.”  And it is.  However, on the flip side of the coin, we do not allow ourselves the luxury of stopping our roller-coaster ride for just 30 minutes a day to think deeply about what we are doing, or not doing.  As I often say, we are too busy being busy!

I love the following story.  A beautiful brown baby hippo named Daisy was grinning and floating happily on her back in a water-filled mud hole in Central Africa.  Daisy’s Mom, Mrs. Penelope Hippopotamus, was beside herself with frustration!  You see, Mrs. H was very time conscious and consistently punctual.  With a busy schedule for the morning, including a planned shopping expedition to Hippos-R-Us, Mrs. H had no time to waste with Daisy’s shenanigans.

“Daisy! DAISY!” she shouted frantically, “Where are you child?”  No answer.  Before long, Mrs. H discovered Daisy at her favorite hideaway, bathing lazily in the intense African sun.  I don’t have to tell you that she was livid!  Mrs. H stood for a moment glaring down at Daisy, then voluminous vexation flowed freely from her lips: “DAISY!  Child, you’ll never amount to anything lying around like this!  What you doin’ down there, gal?  We got THANGS to do!”  However, Daisy just laid back, taking her time, floating on her muddy river of ease.

Adjusting her position ever so slowly, Daisy smiled up at her mother and offered an excuse: “Uncle Bobo says things will get better SOMEDAY…and I figure he ain’t talkin’ about TODAY…so I’m just chillin’ here, waitin’ on TOMORROW!  Yeah Momma, TOMORROW is my FAVORITE day.  Take it easy…we’ve got TOMORROW!”

Serious Question: HAS YOUR MOTHER EVER DRILLED A HOLE IN YOUR FACE…using nothing but her eyeballs as power tools?  Answer: YES!  And your Momma’s non-verbal communiqué assured you that there would be grave consequences for any failure to comply with her wishes!  Well, in the heat of such a piercing maternal glare, Daisy was seriously reevaluating her original game plan.  Just then she heard Momma’s volcanic voice: “DAISY…if you don’t evacuate that mud hole pronto…I’ll make your TODAY so HOT…it will BURN UP the BACKSIDE of your TOMORROW!”  Daisy recanted her proposition and headed forthwith to Hippos-R-Us!

Carefully consider this: Equally as bad as being OVERWHELMED by busy and overcrowded schedules is the prospect of being UNDERWHELMED by inactivity and idleness (e.g. Daisy Hippo).  Time is indeed paradoxical; it can be spent and wasted, but never saved.  It can be lost, but never found; that is, once lost, it can never be retrieved.  The prolific author of children’s books, Dr. Seuss, once asked this comical question: “How did it get so late…so soon?”  While his question sounds rather humorous to us, it is a deadly serious matter.

William Penn, the founder of my home state of Pennsylvania, declared “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”  A famous fellow Pennsylvanian, Benjamin Franklin, said “You may delay, but time will not.”  In other words, time is the most precious human commodity.  The irony is that we spend far too little time or effort ORGANIZING OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET: THE GIFT OF TIME.  Only in hindsight do we measure and treasure its true worth.  For example, after a loved one has transitioned, we typically regard our shared moments with a higher degree of emotional awareness and sensitivity.

Here’s an important observation (in the form of a question) that I pray will be taken to heart by each and every reader: ‘Have you ever stopped for one moment and thought about the fact that you are now __ years old, and that you sometimes have difficulty remembering what has happened in the last 5, 10, 20 (or more) years?’  In a sense, it feels like you have been in a curious sort of coma, passing through YEARS with little or no awareness of what is really going on!  It’s frightening isn’t it?  I mean, when you stop to think, it feels like mere MOMENTS AGO that you were age 15, or 21, or 30, or 40, or whatever.  And you ask yourself: ‘Where did it all go…how did it pass by so quickly…and what have I noted, learned, done, or accomplished along the way?

That kind of ‘awakening moment’ brings us to another critically important question: What is the biblical perspective on time?  That is, how does GOD see TIME and how does He evaluate our relationship to it?  In the next installment of this series, I will provide a few practical scriptural insights, but here is one clue.  The late humanitarian, Mother Teresa, said this about time: “Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come.  We have only today.  Let us begin.”  Stay tuned…more to come manana…I mean tomorrow.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019



Achieving joy and contentment in life is relatively simple.  Of course, it involves complete commitment to Christ as our sure and steadfast foundation.  Beyond that, there is the need to maintain perspective, the art of viewing life through the wisdom lens of The Word, which keeps us focused, grounded and balanced.

A close friend once offered this advice: “To gain a reasonable degree of fulfillment, there are three rules.  The first rule says we must follow the second rule.  The second rule says don’t take yourself too seriously. And the third rule says there is no other rule aside from the second rule.”

While life is likely more complicated than that statement might indicate, it does represent a reasonable and practical viewpoint.  Attitude counts, much more than we may realize.  So…we should never take ourselves so seriously that we cannot smile during momentary setbacks, disappointments, or failures.  We all have challenging moments, don’t we?  But whenever I find myself obsessing over unchangeable circumstances, I remind the man in the mirror: ‘SMILE…it’s not that serious!”  Is there any supporting evidence?  Of course! The sun rose this morning.  It will set this evening.  And it will certainly rise again tomorrow morning,  regardless of today’s individual or collective experiences. 

Don’t worry so much.  God’s got your back; and, it will all work out in the end.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019



Life is a series of important lessons, either revealed through random experiences, or channeled through advising voices that fall into two categories: those we should carefully attend to and those we should totally ignore.

Once upon a time there was a group of tiny frogs that arranged an athletic competition.  Their goal was to see who would be the first to reach the apex of an extremely high tower.  A huge crowd gathered around the tower to observe the race and cheer on the contestants.

However, the race commenced with a strong overcast of collective doubt.  That is, no one in the crowd believed the tiny frogs could reach the top of tower.  Negative statements abounded: “They’ll never make it!”  “Fat chance even one will succeed!”  “That tower is much too high!”

True to the predictions of the crowd, the tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one, except for a few who in fresh tempo were climbing higher and higher.

Intermittently, the crowd still yelled, “It’s too difficult!  You won’t make it!”

More and more tiny frogs became discouraged, exhausted, or simply gave up.  Nevertheless, one continued to climb higher and higher and higher.  It seemed this unlikely climber just wouldn’t quit, despite her skeptics and naysayers.

At the end, everyone else had given up climbing the tower, except for that one tiny frog.  After a monumental and heroic effort, she was the only one who managed to reach the top!  Naturally, all the other frogs (both those who competed and those who observed) wanted to know how this one little frog could manage to scale such insurmountable heights.  

When a fellow contestant inquired as to how she had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal, she just seemed to ignore her questioner.  After a long pause, the whole crowd had a light bulb moment.  It turned out that the winner of the competition was TOTALLY DEAF!

Bottom-line: Never ever listen to other people who are negative or pessimistic because they may rob you of your wondrous dreams and desires, the ones you hold closest to your heart!  

My friend, all through life, keep on dreaming and keep on daring.  And while you are climbing, focus solely on the voice of THE PARACLETETHE ONE who walks alongside for your edification, direction and comfort. (John 14:26 – John 15:26 – John 16:13-14)  In the words of Jesus Christ, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27, NKJV)

Incidentally, you may also wisely attend to the encouraging whispers of like-minded believers whom HE sends and positions as covenant partners.  To all others, turn a deaf ear, and keep on scaling your personal mountain.  You can (and you will) make it!  

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, August 12, 2019



I am somewhat disappointed, but not at all surprised.  Numerous persons have communicated with me, either privately or publicly, expressing their disapproval of my so-called “political diatribes” regarding the current American president and the corrosive state of our union. 

The commandment of Almighty God, declared to us through the Prophet Amos, offers no viable alternative to boldly proclaiming justice, righteousness and truth to power: “Let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.” (Amos 5:24) 

While it is no pleasant task to stand against the onslaught of powerful public opinion (which seeks to define the roles of clergy and other civic leaders, i.e. to silence our voices), I cannot and will not be passive in the presence of such a clear and present danger to our Constitution, our democracy, our governmental and judicial institutions, our cultural diversification and our religious freedom.


If that is offensive to you, then one-of-two conditions have ensnared you in emotional, intellectual and/or spiritual bondage.  Indeed, you have willingly ingested ‘The Kool-Aid’ of right-wing partisan positions (OR) you are presently engaged in a serious struggle between your eternal soul and the demonstrably racist history and fabric of our nation.

Our Commander-In-Chief has publicly attacked Gold Star families; he has shamelessly denigrated American heroes, e.g. Senator John McCain (even while lying in his grave); he has systematically eroded the credibility of our sacrosanct institutions of jurisprudence and national security; he has declared those who enter our nation from the south to be “rapists” and “criminals;” he has stated that a tenured federal judge who is Mexican-American could not be trusted to be rational and fair; he has demanded the death penalty for ‘The Central Park Five’ and still refuses to acknowledge their proven innocence; he has endorsed the vitriolic attitudes and actions of white supremacists; he has denied equal housing opportunity to deserving minorities via the red-lining of applications and approval processes; he has obstructed justice during recent federal criminal investigations [Read The Mueller Report]; he has paid out substantial sums of hush money to cloak extramarital affairs; he has colluded with the leadership of our primary geopolitical adversary, Russia; he has audaciously violated ‘The Emoluments Clause’ [Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the U.S. Constitution] which prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or thing of value from a foreign state or its representatives; and tragically, he has become the international poster-child of immoral, despicable, licentious and abominable behavior.

Mr. Trump is an absolute disgrace to our nation and to our body politic.  To wit, no number of conservative federal judge appointments, no feigned support for the pro-life movement, no lowering of taxes for the wealthy, and no fiscal allowances empowering excessive corporate profiteering (a.k.a. corporate welfare) could possibly exonerate his despicable character or salvage his nefarious presidency.  Instead of “draining the swamp” (as pledged), he has appointed more unscrupulous cabinet members than any previous president.  History will record that Mr. Trump is by far ‘the worst’ to have occupied the oval office.

Therefore, I will not apologize for speaking prophetically about America’s leader or our current state of affairs.  Neither will I allow any person to define myself or my ministry.  That is up to GOD alone, not you, not others.  Finally, since each of us has freedom of choice, one may opt to accept my right to express my heartfelt convictions, or one may simply turn the channel.  The choice is yours.  But please know this:

Whatever the cost, I will not be silent.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, August 8, 2019



Let’s face it.  In life, one ought to be definitely going somewhere.  One’s intended destination is an integral component of fulfilling one’s destiny.  I suppose that’s one reason why I never did like merry-go-rounds.  As you well know, they turn in wide circles; they move up and down; yet they never travel anywhere.  Their entry and exit points are virtually one and the same.

There is a second reason why merry-go-rounds are not my cup of tea.  Although going up is a blast (take-offs are always lots of fun), I loathe that weightless and sinking feeling at the crest of the downward descent.  It takes away my breath and generally nauseates me.  Even now, thinking about it transports me to a rather unpleasant childhood memory, which is my third reason for disfavoring merry-go-rounds.

At our annual community picnic, one of my classmates, the late Keith Guzzie, coaxed me into riding with him. It really didn’t look like something I wanted to do.  That merry-go-round was tall and I was small; we were only in the 3rd grade and I had never ridden one before.  To my detriment, I was totally transparent about my anxiety, and outwardly filled with trepidation as we sailed rapidly through the air.  Keith loved it; I hated it!  Worse yet, when time came to disembark, we were stuck at the top while the operator slowly released riders seated below.  Keith took one glance at me, smirked mischievously, then started rocking back and forth, as hard as possible, laughing loudly and relishing my fear.

After what seemed like a lifetime, we arrived at the bottom.  With shaky sweaty palms upraised, I jumped from my seat and vowed never to ride that merry-go-round again.  It’s a vow I have happily kept.

It occurs to me that our lives are replete with potential for merry-go-round experiences.  It’s the circular and cyclical nature of the beast.  As Solomon wisely observed, “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9, NKJV) 

Actually, some people thrive on such circular sameness, even when it means succumbing to serial failure that springs from our tendency to favor familiar pathways.  It’s the practical reason why Satan needs only three weapons in his arsenal of spiritual warfare.  Few are required since, for most of us, it’s not the variety of sins that ensnares us, but the powerful pull of just one. (I John 2:16)  I call it merry-go-round syndrome, i.e. our human tendency to become mired in a quagmire of repetitious personal issues.  Indeed, it is the familiar and habitual trap that captures and victimizes many. 

I am eternally grateful that GOD eventually endowed me with sufficient wisdom and courage to dismount ‘the ride’ that was advertised as fun but felt more like folly and fear.  Upon exiting the merry-go-round of life, I made the same vow I had sent heavenward as an 8-year-old boy: “I won’t be back…no more!”  Thank God for the victory and peace that reside in the right-ride-of-life, i.e. a personal relationship with the living and loving Lord.  Please…as the old gospel song suggests, “Don’t let the devil ride!”  His is only a circular and senseless mode of transportation.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!