Wednesday, September 11, 2019



Let’s recap yesterday’s devotional.  Never forget: Your opportunity-of-a-lifetime only takes place during the lifetime-of-the-opportunity.  Your God given assignment has a shelf life.  As Kingdom Kids, our mandate is to seize GOD-GIVEN MOMENTS (vision, assignment, anointing) in OUR SEASONS. TIMING IS KEY!  Occasionally, God moves us out of comfort zones and changes our seasons.  A blessed man inevitably “brings forth fruit IN HIS SEASON.” (Psalm 1:3)  Historically, God chooses human agents to give voice to revelation and redirection, so (whenever we hear His voice) we must resist the tendency to become stuck either in our failures or our successes.  As the main character in “Field of Dreams” eventually discovered, if one is sufficiently courageous to step out (even alone) and heed God’s call for directional change, it can and will happen for YOU.  In other words, “IF YOU BUILD IT…THEY WILL COME.”

You will never align with God’s great expectations if you are passively rest on your ‘brains,’ i.e. your rational mind and sensory perceptions. (Jeremiah 29:11)  Forget what you now see or feel; embrace whatever God declares.  “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.” (I John 5:4)  And this victory is coming to and through you at the speed of “light” via “an open door” that “no man can shut.” (John 8:12 – Revelation 3:8)  Let’s consider another Newtonian law of motion: “For every action, there is a reaction, equal and opposite in direction.”  Although God has set before you an open door, His Word informs us that every open door brings immediate and forceful opposition.  Nevertheless, your enemy can ‘show-up’ all he wants to for he can never ‘shut-up’ what God has decided to ‘open-up!’  The enemy of your soul (and his human agents) appear as blessings-blockers, with the intent of moving you away from faith and toward fear. However, on such occasions THE WORD ‘shows-up’ to ‘bust-up’ every blessing-blocker as The Lord of Hosts declares with power: “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn.” (Isaiah 54:17)  His Word declares that this phenomenal level of victory is the heritage of the servants of the Lord!

Who are you?  You are a WINNER-BELIEVER who consistently prevails in the face of insurmountable and overwhelming opposition. (I John 4:4)  You are ‘the anointed one’ of THE ANOINTED ONE – and there is absolutely no failure in HIM. (I John 4:17 – Matthew 16:16-19 – Philippians 4:13)  So, believer, here is what you must do: 1) Stop doubting God; 2) Stop minimizing His power; and, 3) Stop reading ‘the majority report’ about your past, present, or future.  For if you keep seeing yourself through the eyes of enemies, you will become a victim of THE GRASSHOPPER COMPLEX and never dare to take bold steps toward whatever GOD has conceived and breathed into your spirit! (Numbers 13:33)

My advice: TAKE GOD OUT OF THE BOX!  He is far greater than any situation or satanic force you will ever encounter! (Exodus 1:7 – Ephesians 3:20)  I love what Daniel and Paul declare about the resident power and authority that resides in KNOWING HIM! (Daniel 11:32 – Philippians 3:10)  Believe HIS WORD!  Meditate on it!  Stand upon it!  Declare it!  WE WILL DO GREATER AND GREATER EXPLOITS…BECAUSE WE KNOW HIM…AND WE ARE KNOWN BY HIM!

Whenever we take God out of the powerless box of ‘limiting traditionalism’ and ‘carnal imagination’ (a.k.a. stinkin’-thinkin’), we achieve OUR MAXIMUM MOMENTUM!  According to the science of physics, MOMENTUM is a property of a MOVING BODY.  In the natural realm, MOMENTUM is measured by the length of time required to STOP a moving body once it is under the action of a constant force.  In the spiritual realm, once we come under DIVINE FORCE, i.e. christ’s WORD-OF-FAITH-IN-ACTION, there is absolutely nothing that can stop or reverse anything that GOD has spoken and seeded within our lives!

How so?  Because at the end of the day, neither our hopes, our families, our ministries, our futures (nor nothing else that pertains to us) is tied to any external circumstances.  For “IN HIM…WE LIVE!  IN HIM…WE MOVE!  IN HIM…WE HAVE OUR BEING! (Acts 17:28)  Nothing can stop us now – because the God who inhabits eternity and executes in time has established THIS MOMENT.  And HE ordained OUR MOMENTUM – before the very foundation of this world.  So we must and shall stop magnifying our challenges with our natural minds and mouths.  We will DECLARE DIVINE MOMENTUM in and over our lives. Job 22:28 says, “You will decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you: and the light (THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD) shall shine upon all your ways.”  HALLELUJAH…WE are heirs and joint-heirs of ‘his majesty’ and our kingdom legacy of spiritual MOMENTUM!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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