Wednesday, September 18, 2019



In 1981, an exceptional inspirational film was released.  “Chariots of Fire,” set in the 1920’s, depicts a true story surrounding Great Britain’s national track team and their participation in the 1924 Summer Olympic Games held in Paris, France.  Eric Liddell, a citizen of Scotland and a Christian missionary, was absolutely thrilled to qualify as a member of Great Britain’s team.

While some members of Eric Liddell’s family disapproved, viewing the games as a distraction from his important work of ministry, Eric was steadfast in his insistence that his personal participation was the will of God.  In his words, “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast.  And when I run, I feel His pleasure.  To give up running would be to hold Him in contempt.  To win is to HONOR HIM!”  Therefore, Eric was running (not to gain accolades or fame), but for the express purpose of HONORING GOD.  He had qualified to run in track and field’s premier sprinting event, the 100-meter race.  He was considered to be the odds on favorite to win against the likes of Jackson Sholz, the elite American sprinter.

However, as the British team sailed from London to Paris, Eric learned that the qualifying heat for the 100-meter race would be held on a Sunday.  This was most disheartening, because Eric and his family had unwavering convictions about honoring the Christian Sabbath.  He was convinced that there was no alternative but to drop out of the race.  And no matter who tried to dissuade Eric, or how aggressive their urgings, from the head of Great Britain’s Olympic Committee to the Crown Prince of Wales, he firmly refused to do that which he felt would DISHONOR GOD.

At the 11th hour, a door of opportunity opened for Eric to run in an alternative race, scheduled on another day.  A teammate, who had previously medaled in another event, offered Eric his place in the 400-meter race.  Everyone quickly came on board with this compromise because Eric was so fast that he just might win, and it was an absolute joy to watch him run.

Just before the start of the final heat of the 400-meter race, Jackson Sholz, a young American sprinter who was also a Christian, walked onto the track and delivered a handwritten note to Eric Liddell.  Here’s what Jackson had written: “It says in the Old Book that those who honor ME…I will honor.”  What an awesome message of inspiration that was for Eric, that GOD, Himself, would be present to honor his very unpopular decision to publicly own and honor HIM!  The starting gun sounded, and although Eric Liddell had never trained for the 400-meter race, which is arguably one of the most difficult races in track and field, he won easily and by a considerable margin.

The note that Jackson Sholz had written and delivered to Eric Liddell is drawn from the following scripture:

I Samuel 2:30
Therefore the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before Me forever.’  But now the Lord says: ‘Far be it from Me; for THOSE WHO HONOR ME I WILL HONOR, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.’

The word “HONOR” means to highly reverence, respect, esteem, and defer to, with the utmost demonstration of value and the greatest degree of integrity.  This concept is crucial to every aspect of Christian living.  In addition to my ministry involvements, I have taught history to students in Connecticut public schools.   While I do not purport to be an expert in the field of public education, one obvious missing component in the American educational system is the intangible (but mission critical) quality called HONOR.

It is painfully apparent that a large number of students lack positive FAMILY ROLE MODELS that reinforce respect and honor, i.e. parents who both train and enforce honorable attitudes and actions in the daily lives of their children.  As a result, student behavior frequently spirals downward and out of control while the teaching and learning process is either disrupted or entirely dissipated.  In public schools, this lack of HONOR translates into substandard academic performance, which has profoundly negative rippling effects on the overall well-being, success and future of our students and our society.

Let’s take a look at one of the origins of this downward slide in American schools.  In 1963, an atheist activist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, won a decidedly ungodly lawsuit in which the Supreme Court of the USA permanently disallowed prayer and Bible reading in public schools.  In their attempt to protect the First Amendment rights of non-religious citizens and to ensure the separation of Church and state (which was NEVER intended by the founding fathers and is NOT a part of The Constitution), the Supreme Court made a very egregious and grave error.  Clearly, they did not foresee the awful consequences of their decision.  

When JESUS CHRIST WAS LEGALLY EXPELLED from our schools, SATAN WAS SYSTEMICALLY ENROLLED!  And his institutional influence results in what we observe today: a profoundly negative transformation of our public schools, especially our urban schools.  What is the quantitative impact on our students and our nation?  According to the Program for International Student Assessment, the USA EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM (once ranked number one globally) finds itself ranking 21st (in reading), 31st (in math) and 24th (in science).  There is a clear correlation between our LACK OF HONOR FOR GOD and our current state of affairs.  Proverbs 14:34 declares that “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Unfortunately, many nations of the world find themselves emulating American culture and values because of our material prosperity.  From my perspective, this ‘cloning’ of American society is very much like purchasing first-class tickets on a ship that is about to sink!  While we truly love America and pray fervently for repentance and revival in our land, the Christian community must become more aware, concerned and engaged regarding our present plight.  Family dissolution and moral decay exist everywhere; and, the spirit of antichrist now rests, rules and reigns throughout our land. (I John 4:3-4) 

NOW HEAR THIS!  If we are to survive and thrive, AMERICA MUST RETURN TO HONORING THE TRUE, LIVING and sovereign GOD!  Two strategic questions lay before us: 1) As a Christian, what are YOU doing to SAFEGUARD THE FAMILIES AND CHILDREN of your own nation, whether you are American, African, Asian, European, Australian, or from any other region?  2) What are YOU doing to TURN YOUR LAND AND YOUR PEOPLE BACK TO THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST?’  Please reflect soberly on these questions via careful self-evaluation and fervent prayer.  GOD says “THOSE WHO HONOR ME I WILL HONOR.”  Therefore, let us collectively resolve to rededicate ourselves to steadfastly HONORING HIM!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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