Tuesday, February 11, 2020



If we ever expect to attain ultimate success in life on the level GOD has designed for us, we must be ‘tuned-in’ and ‘turned-on’ by THE VOICE [THE WORD] OF OUR GOD.  In certain situations, our continued existence (our very survival) will be directly impacted by our ability to hear, or not to hear from our Creator.

CASE IN POINT: Some years ago, my old friends, Clinton and Sarah Utterbach of Redeeming Love Christian Center in Nyack, New York, shared an intriguing testimony.  Their story is a ‘poster-child’ for the importance of being tuned-in to the voice of God.  It goes something like this.

After preaching in their church service, Clinton was completely exhausted.  So he was reclining and resting as they headed homeward in the car.  Sarah was driving.

As they sat at an intersection waiting for the traffic signal to change to green, THE LORD SPOKE into Sarah’s spirit: “WHEN THE LIGHT CHANGES, DON’T MOVE!”

The light changed to green, and Clinton spoke up: “Sarah, the light’s green.”  She just sat still.  “Baby are you sleep?  The light’s green!”  Sarah just sat there.

In a split second, a huge Mac truck careened out-of-control through that intersection, due to failed brakes!  Wow!

Sarah simply turned to Clinton and gave him that look with which every husband is entirely familiar.  All Clinton could do was to affirm her decision rather sheepishly. “Amen,” he whispered.

Sisters and brothers, our ability to HEAR FROM GOD may cause us to either save or lose our very lives! Indeed, every believer must and shall LIVE BY THE VOICE OF GOD.  “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)

However, we have to admit that there is a fundamental skepticism that presents itself when someone says “I have been talking to God.”  Am I right?  Would you agree with me that MOST PEOPLE DOUBT the possibility of true, genuine, bona fide communication with GOD?  Do you know why?  Our mental institutions have many residents that claim that they are in constant conversation with God.  And sometimes, in the room adjacent to the one who says ‘I’ve been talking to God’ is someone who declares, “I AM THE GOD YOU’VE BEEN TALKING TO!” 

Perhaps it’s a bit humorous, but it is a clear illustration as to why our society discounts and doubts whether (or not) it is really possible to be in direct communication with God.  Sometimes, even in THE CHURCH, among the body of baptized believers, there is a FUNDAMENTAL SKEPTICISM that the Almighty God still dialogues with man.  And many are absolutely skeptical about the authenticity of THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, which are set forth in I Corinthians, chapter 12. 

So even when God does speak to us (by way of His indwelling Holy Spirit), we tend to display hesitancy and/or an overabundance of caution when disclosing it to others.  In such situations, we are more prone to pronounce, “SOMETHING told me to do (or not to do) such and such a thing.”  Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to inform you that THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE CREATOR AND SUSTAINER OF the UNIVERSE, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE GREAT I AM, THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS does not like to be referred to as ‘SOMETHING” by His children!

GOD DOES SPEAK TO US!  THE FATHER DOES SPEAK TO HIS CHILDREN!  Many of us can testify truthfully that ‘GOD DID SPEAK TO US, and if it had not been for hearing the crystal-clear impressions of His Holy Spirit within our human spirits, all might have been lost!  GOD HAS SPOKEN…LET THE CHURCH SAY “AMEN!” 

Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET YOUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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