Wisdom dictates that, along this
voyage called life, we ANTICIPATE
of how seaworthy or stable your ‘vessel’ might be, sooner or later challenging
life-circumstances will appear on the horizon to rock your boat! Sailors
call them ROGUE WAVES.
They roll through at any moment, even in the calmest of seas; and their
intensity and magnitude potentially disturbs and damages the best-of-the-best
ships in any fleet.
However, never worry about rogue
waves. Since they are completely out of your control, you might as well
relax and enjoy the ride. Right? Some choose to pass their days in
a mindset riddled with paralyzing fear, high anxiety, or quiet desperation.
True believers choose balanced living, replete with peace and
tranquility. The prophet Isaiah clearly understood God’s unquestionable
sovereignty and unending care for His children. He wrote: “YOU will keep him in
perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusts in Thee.”
(Isaiah 26:3)
Kingdom Principle Number Three: GOD
IS OUR SOURCE! In financially troubled times, we are tempted to stress
instead of focusing all attention on THE SOURCE. Never forget: “The
earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell
therein.” (Psalm 24:1) This means that despite any losses of careers, cars,
homes, or even ‘homies’, Christ’s disciples recognize and remember that all of
these are mere RESOURCES. If we don’t lose THE SOURCE, we will find
shelter and security during the most vehement
storms. Unquestionably, “the name of the Lord is a strong tower: the
righteous run into it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)
It bears repetition: STOP WORRYING
ABOUT RESOURCES! Do you know who you are? YOU are the “blessed man”
(a spiritual truth that is gender-neutral) that is described in Psalm 1.
Since you consistently delight and meditate in the law of the Lord, your
Creator declares this about you: “And he (females included) shall be like a
tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season;
his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” (Psalm
1:3) Allow me to share a powerful revelation with you – an encouraging truth
that the Lord deposited in me years ago. Listen with your
spirit. Most of the things you have LOST are not FRUIT; they are
mere LEAVES. And leaves were actually created to serve a TEMPORARY FUNCTION – and then
those leaves will inevitably FALL
Kingdom Principle Number Four: LEAVES
WILL LEAVE! You need to declare this liberating Rhema
aloud. Say it: “LEAVES WILL LEAVE!” But Jesus said, “I HAVE
CHOSEN YOU, and ORDAINED YOU, that ye should go and BRING FORTH FRUIT, and that YOUR FRUIT SHOULD REMAIN.” (John 15:16)
As long as we are “ROOTED and GROUNDED in LOVE” [GOD IS LOVE states Ephesians 3:17], we will never again
worry about LOST
LEAVES. As long as we abide in HIM, Christ declares that we
will bring forth “MUCH FRUIT!” (John 12:24) Always remember: TREES ONLY ‘LOOK’
DEAD during winter. And typically, fruit does not fully manifest during
winter. God says a blessed man will “bring forth his fruit IN HIS
SEASON.” (Psalm 1:3) So stop fuming, fretting and fussing about WHAT TIME IT IS…GOD KNOWS YOUR SEASON…AND YOU WILL PRODUCE!
Understand this: Your winter season
is analogous to the disciples’ ship sailing far away from shore. What is
the spiritual message in this? God is simply saying, ‘Your ship has
not YET come in’…but it WILL…if you learn how to WAIT (proactive waiting), with
faith, fortitude, courage and consistency!’ The winter season of your
natural or spiritual life is quite similar to the foreboding circumstances in which
Christ’s twelve disciples found themselves. They were FAR OUT “in the midst of the sea”
(Matthew 14:24), and their remote location precluded help or hope as stormy
conditions circumscribed their ship. They felt alone, victimized by
contrary winds and tossing waves. Nevertheless, JESUS was close
by. Indeed, HE is
“a very present help in trouble, therefore WE WILL NOT FEAR.” (Psalm 46:1-2)
Kingdom Principle Number Five: YOU
ARE NOT A VICTIM…YOU ARE A VICTOR! Due to very dangerous and troubled
waters, those disciples DEFINITELY
FELT SEASICK AND HEARTSICK – partly because those events occurred
during “the fourth watch of the night” while they were shrouded in pitch-black
darkness. The disciples could SEE NOTHING! Light was absolutely
unavailable; the sun had long since set; the moon and stars were hiding in the
obscurity of ominous clouds. Their sails had been trimmed, and they were
rocking, rolling and reeling in the middle of a tumultuous sea, totally at the
mercy of terrifying winds and horrific waves.
HOWEVER…in their hour of deepest
despair, along came JESUS CHRIST…the Author and Finisher of their fleeting,
fading and failing faith! Along came JESUS CHRIST, walking calmly over
raging seas, through howling tempests! Along came JESUS CHRIST on His
life-or-death rescue mission, because (from a distance) He had heard the
hapless cries of His children. My friend, do not succumb to anxiety or
HELP IS ON THE WAY! Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!
Sisters and brothers, be continually
blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON
COMING KING. Maranatha!
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