Thursday, April 29, 2021



I AM A BELIEVER.  TodayI will share one final reason in this series regarding my decision to be a Christian disciple.  Indeed, there are many more than I have time and space to articulate.


I have personally witnessed THE SOVEREIGN HAND OF GOD, moving in and around my life.

Each one of the redeemed has a powerful personal testimony, whether we know it or not, whether we tell it or not.  With your permission, I would like to share just a portion of my own. 

Long before my birth, “prevenient grace” (John and Charles Wesley’s theological term) orchestrated the conditions for my existence in this world.  Godly parents (and grandparents) set the stage for a very early encounter with Christ.  Thankfully, I was bathed in fervent prayer, surrounded by Christian values and virtues.  To wit, nine siblings and I never heard our parents utter a single word of profanity, never witnessed them smoking a single cigarette or imbibing a single glass of any alcoholic substance.  In a word, Jesus Christ was the spiritual head of our home and His Word was our constant companion.

I remember two modest plaques hanging on our dining room wall: “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths” and “There is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” (Proverbs 3:6 and Acts 4:12)   I suppose that these scriptures were unofficial Bass family themes.  Our father was an esteemed man of God, a pastor, a hard-working provider and an exceptional role model.  Our mother meticulously cared for her family and home – cradling us in loving nurture and covering us with daily prayer.  We were never permitted to leave home for school without first bowing on our knees before Our Creator and being anointed with blessed oil.

Thanks to the purposefully spiritual environment fostered by our parents, at the tender age of eight I had more than sufficient knowledge of the gospel to recognize my personal need for the Savior.  By His grace, I accepted salvation and developed a lifelong relationship with our Lord.

At age fifteen, I was miraculously called into the ministry.  Although I had been saddled with a major speech impediment, God healed me and empowered me to do something I never imagined I could, to speak boldly before congregations large and small.

On a personal level, I know Jesus Christ as The Great Physician.  I am a cancer survivor, and I am still here by the grace of God.  Beyond any shadow of doubt, our God is indeed great, and greatly to be praised!

Additionally, Jehovah Jireh has come to my financial rescue more times than I can recall.  I know Him to be “a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) What a mighty God we serve!

Years ago, when I was a backslider, momentarily turning my back on God while still active in the church, His unconditional love sought me and brought me back into spiritual balance within the Father’s family fold.  Oh, how He loves you and me!

Now, by the grace of God, I am what I am.  My accomplishments may be modest, but daily I sense His presence and His power; and, I am eternally grateful for an intimate covenant connection with Christ.  There are no other alternatives for me; there is no other way that I choose to live.  From my heart, I joyously echo the words of the Apostle Peter, “Lord, to whom shall we go?  YOU have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68)  My heart rejoices in the assurance that I am His, and He is mine.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for allowing me the position, privilege and power of sonship.  Thank you, Jesus, for dying vicariously in my place and securing my salvation and victory, both now and forevermore.  Amen.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!



I AM A BELIEVER.  TodayI will share more of my faith perspective, detailing one more reason that undergirds my decision to be a Christian disciple.  Indeed, there are many.


The original disciples personally experienced the teachings and miracles of Jesus Christ.  In fact, they were eyewitnesses to His resurrection; and subsequently, they willingly experienced ostracism, suffering and even martyrdom as a direct result of their abundant faith in Him.  The lives and testimonies of these courageous men comprise a significant and powerful reason why I am firmly established in the Christian faith.

Consider this: If Jesus had NOT existed, if Jesus had NOT performed miraculous works, or if Jesus had NOT risen from the dead, would these men have been willing to suffer such extreme persecution, physical suffering and even death in His name?  I think not.

In the American system of jurisprudence, the most important determiner of guilt or innocence (other than the jury itself) is the WITNESS that is summoned to the bar for testimony.  Each witness establishes the credibility (or lack thereof) of the defendant, regarding his/her alleged actions or crimes.  Consider the PRIMARY WITNESSES who confirmed the teachings, miracles and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST.

ANDREW, the brother of Peter, was a fisherman before Jesus called him.  He was crucified and died as a martyr in Achaia, Greece.

BARTHOLOMEW lived in Cana of Galilee. This was actually his second name; his first name was NATHANIEL, whom Jesus called “An Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.” (John 1:47)  The Armenian Church claims him as its founder.  He died as a martyr in India, having been flayed alive with sharp knives.

JAMES, THE ELDER, was the brother of John the Apostle.  Also a fisherman, he preached in Jerusalem and Judea and was beheaded by Herod in AD 44.  He was a member of Christ’s inner circle and the first of the twelve to become a martyr.

JAMES, THE YOUNGER, lived in Galilee and was the brother of the Apostle Jude.  He preached in Palestine and Egypt.  Eventually, he was crucified in Egypt and his body was cruelly sawn into pieces.

JOHN, “the beloved disciple” and part of the inner circle, was the brother of James, the Apostle.  He preached in Asia Minor.  Banished to the Isle of Patmos, he was later freed and died an ordinary death.  An unsuccessful attempt was made on his life via a chalice of poison, but he died later from natural causes.

JUDE, also called Thaddeus, was the brother of James the Younger.  He preached in Assyria and later in Persia, where he died from arrow wounds.

MATTHEW, also called Levi, lived in Capernaum.  He was a publican or tax collector.  He wrote the gospel that bears his name and died as a martyr in Ethiopia.

SIMON PETER, also known as Cephas, was a fisherman who lived in Bethsaida and Capernaum.  He famously confessed Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God, yet denied him on crucifixion day.  He did evangelistic and missionary work among the Jews and ultimately was crucified upside-down in Rome.

PHILIP, also a fisherman, came from Bethsaida and preached in Phyrgia.  He was a highly effective missionary who died as a martyr in Hierapolis.

SIMON, the Zealot, was one of the little-known followers of Jesus who lived in Galilee.  Tradition says he was crucified as a martyr.

THOMAS DIDYMUS lived in Galilee and preached in Parthia, Persia and India.  He suffered martyrdom near Madras, India, at a place now called Mount St. Thomas.

Each of these men had an UP-CLOSE-AND-PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST.  They lived and traveled with him during 3½ years of public ministry.  They beheld his awesome miracles, the multiplicity of signs and wonders that emanated daily from His person and work.  Importantly, they were EYEWITNESSES OF HIS RESURRECTION, directly seeing Him, conversing with Him, dining with Him and being taught Kingdom principles for a period of forty days after He arose.  Finally, they personally witnessed His ascension into Heaven.

No level of threat, persecution, pain, or even death was ever able to cause any one of them to recant his faith in The Living Christ.  Their unwavering steadfastness is just another piece in the puzzle of my personal belief. 

Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha! 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021



I AM A BELIEVER, and I thought it might be instructive and inspirational to share some personal points of faith, i.e. to delineate my specific reasons for being a lifetime proponent of Christianity.  There are many.


There is substantial evidence supporting the existence of the GOD (I cannot see) in everything I can see.

The Psalmist David stated it eloquently and succinctly: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1)

It is impossible to objectively view the universe without perceiving traces of INTELLIGENT DESIGN.  However, much of modern science is based on a perspective that is the polar opposite of a divinely created universe.   Nevertheless, it is much more difficult for me to wrap my brain around concepts like THE BIG BANG THEORY, which was set forth by George Gamow in 1948.  It suggests that the entire universe emerged from a colossal explosion of compressed hot neutrons and has been expanding ever since in every direction at the speed of light.

This theory produces more questions than answers.  Simple logic makes it extremely difficult to imagine that ALL OF THE MATERIAL that makes up the 200-billion-plus galaxies in the observable universe, with estimates of up to 400 billion stars and countless planets in our own Milky Way Galaxy, could possibly have been contained in one relatively tiny primordial substance and space.

However, if there is any credibility to the big bang theory, I believe it must align with a principle set forth by St. Thomas Aquinas, that our GOD IS THE FIRST CAUSE.  That is, the universe was created by God – not by some spontaneous and inexplicable event that science ‘supposes’ might have occurred at some point in the far distant past.

While the principle of evolution is accepted as absolute fact in academia, a careful study of the same reveals major MISSING LINKS in the process which allegedly produced humankind.  When the full picture is known, it is far easier to believe that both the universe and its inhabitants were CREATED, not randomly produced by accidents of nature and genetic selection.

A side-by-side study of the heavens and the human body yields incredible insight and evidence of intelligent design.  The phenomenal and orderly MACROCOSM OF THE GALAXIES (even our solar system) is precisely duplicated in the MICROCOSM OF THE ATOM, which is the basic building block of all the elements.  That is, the nucleus of an atom (comprised of neutrons and protons) is situated at the center of fast orbiting electrons.  This bears an uncanny resemblance to the way our planets circle the sun.  These similar and synchronized systems speak of intelligent design!

A few years ago, Belinda and I experienced the inspiring beauty of The Grand Canyon in Arizona.  Having traveled extensively, we continue to be awestruck by the infinite diversity and phenomenal beauty of our world.  And beyond Earth, the Hubble telescope presents panoramic glimpses of the gargantuan spaces and awesome places that exist in God’s created universe.  As I reflect upon the wonders of creation, my very soul cries out to God, “HOW GREAT THOU ART!”

 NASA’s New Horizons completed a photographic fly-by of Pluto, traveling over 3 billion miles to reach the outermost (dwarf) planet in our solar system.  While this feat constitutes a scientific achievement of monumental proportions, it pales in comparison (both time-wise and distance-wise) to the post-resurrection ASCENSION of Jesus Christ and to the imminent RAPTURE of His Church.  While it took NASA nine years to propel New Horizons TO THE EDGE OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, believers shall be changed from mortal to immortality (instantaneously) and transported TO THE FARTHEST REACHES OF GOD’S UNIVERSE – “in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.” (I Corinthians 15:52)

 Do you require additional evidence, more tangible proof?   If so, prayerfully consider the following:

Scientists have discovered a molecule called LAMININ which holds everything together in the human body at the cellular level.  In effect, laminin is the GLUE that binds cellular organ tissue together.  When viewed through an electron microscope, laminin (the glue that holds us together) is visualized in the shape of THE CROSS.  Wow!  This is merely the physical manifestation of a spiritual reality proclaimed by the Apostle Paul.  That is, JESUS CHRIST, “the brightness of God’s glory…UPHOLDS ALL THINGS by the word of His power.” (Hebrews 1:3)  In other words, CHRIST IS OUR PERSONAL AND COLLECTIVE LAMININ!  CHRIST IS THE glue OF OUR human LIVES AND his created UNIVERSE!  Considering David’s assertion that “the heavens declare the glory of God,” it is nothing less than miraculous to learn that the Hubble telescope has taken photographic images of one far distant galaxy, which actually appears to be in the shape of laminin, IN THE SHAPE OF THE CROSS.  Awesome!  Indeed, the heavens do declare the glory of our God.

Our faith perspective identifies substantial evidence supporting the existence of THE SUPERNATURAL GOD (that we cannot see) in everything that we naturally see.  And that’s just one more reason why I believe

Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Monday, April 26, 2021



Some years ago, I read a rather startling anti-religious statement by James Harvey Johnson.  It was written while he was part of a group known as The Thinkers Club.  Here’s what Mr. Johnson penned:

“Religious beliefs are against common sense.  There are no angels, devils, heavens, hells, or miracles.  These superstitious beliefs are promoted for the purpose of making gullible people believe that by paying money to the priest-class, they will be favored by one of the gods.  There is nothing that is supernatural – there is nothing that is contrary to natural law.”

Incredible, isn’t it?  Nevertheless, his thinking typifies certain contemporary thinkers who characterize Almighty God in humanistic ways, as fundamentally flawed, or even non-existent.  These views are examples of the teachings of the Apostle John,  who wrote, “THE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST…is now already in the world.” (I John 4:3) As a result of such satanic influences, many have great difficulty believing in the God of the Bible.

Allow me to begin today’s discourse with an interesting illustration about faith.  First remember this: Anything that is TRUE does not rise or fall because WE DO or DO NOT personally understand or accept it. 

For example, when European explorers first traveled to Australia, they encountered an incredibly unique animal.  Indeed, its very existence went against everything they ‘knew’ about animal life.  They discovered an egg-laying mammal [Note: Mammals don’t typically lay eggs] living much of the time in water, with a broad and flat tail, with webbed feet and with a snout that resembled a duck’s bill.  This animal SEEMED to be like a FISH, and at the same time like a BIRD, and at the same time like a LAND-DWELLING MAMMAL.  The European explorers named it PLATYPUS. 

When they returned home and told of their discovery, the scientific community only laughed, even though several of the eyewitnesses enjoyed excellent reputations.  So when the explorers returned to Australia, they returned with what they considered to be irrefutable proof, the hide of a dead platypus.  Nevertheless, some still refused to believe.  Intriguing, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, many people mirror the sentiments of Benjamin Disraeli, who famously said “I make it a rule ONLY TO BELIEVE in what I CAN UNDERSTAND.”  But if one believes only in that which can be personally understood, then (by extension) one must have a VERY LARGE HEAD and a VERY SMALL FAITH! 

I AM A BELIEVER.  So I thought it might be instructive and inspirational to share some personal points of faith, i.e. to delineate my specific reasons for being a lifetime Christian disciple.  There are many.


Although Christianity is based upon faith, it is A REASONABLE FAITH.

Quite often, the believer is accused of ‘assassinating the brain’ – just because s/he believes wholeheartedly in the inspiration of the Bible, or in miracles, or in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Many make the unwise assumption that Christian beliefs are based on sheer ignorance, that faith in something above-and-beyond is somehow blind or unintelligent.

In reality, the truth is just the opposite.  The Christian faith is an intelligent faith.  It never consists of a mindless act that is unrelated to reality.  The Bible encourages believers and unbelievers alike to use their MINDS when investigating the merits of Christianity.  Although God wants us to covenant with Him by FAITH, He has no issues or problems with our ‘PROVING’ Him. (Malachi 3:10)

There is abundant evidence that The Almighty encourages the use of our mental faculties as we embrace our faith.  Jesus taught, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and WITH ALL YOUR MIND.” (Matthew 22:37)  To wit, Christianity is no mindless matter.  The Apostle Paul wrote, “I speak as to wise men: JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES what I say.” (I Corinthians 10:15)  Likewise, he wrote to the Church of Thessalonica, “PROVE ALL THINGS, hold fast that which is good.” (I Thessalonians 5:21)

‘Thou shalt not THINK’ was NEVER listed among The Ten Commandments!  One of the reasons why I am a Christian is because OUR GOD (as revealed in the scripture) is a PROFOUNDLY INTELLIGENT GOD, who encourages His followers to be HIGHLY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE

Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Sunday, April 25, 2021



“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7)

When you truly ‘see’ the world around you through open eyes of discernment, you soon observe that so many of the people whom you encounter daily are loaded down with that weighty and agonizing burden of FEAR.  The scriptures reveal that “fear involves torment.” (I John 4:18) To wit, the majority of people around us are literally tormented (daily) by satanic attacks of fear.  Their negative self-talk includes such statements as:  ‘I’m not good enough.’ (or) ‘I will fail.’ (or) ‘Nobody likes me.’ (or) ‘They won’t accept or appreciate me.’

Truthfully, WE LIMIT AND JUDGE OURSELVES on a lower and harsher plain than how MOST PEOPLE ACTUALLY FEEL about who we are, what we do, or what we will become.  It’s a vicious cycle that perpetuates self-doubt and ultimately ends in defeat.

My friend, stop imprisoning your life and your potential in a self-constructed chamber of fear.  BE FREE!  Simply believe in the GOD who resides in you – because JESUS never fails.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, April 22, 2021



 THE GOD-KIND-OF-FAITH, which is the heritage of every winner-believer, is tantamount to sustained CONFIDENCE in God’s Word.  It is vital for the disciples of Christ to understand that, although faith is fabricated within the heavenly halls of eternity, it is executed within the frail framework of human time and space.  Consider this.  Time allotted for Kingdom service is indeed a precious gift from God, albeit it is a gift that is shared in pre-measured and finite proportions.  Our time is limited; therefore, we have a definite number of days to get the job done! (Psalm 90:12)  

 Knowing this, believers can never afford to squander those important opportunities that are sown within our environs by opting to major in minor matters.  Time represents potential, i.e. distinct possibilities for the present and future.  Therefore, every faithful and wise steward will ‘milk each moment’ of service for The Master. (I Corinthians 4:1-2) Never waste time complaining, because every second is a precious allotment that must be used productively to cultivate God’s gifts and maximize one’s potential.

 There is a rather humorous story about an Italian monk who joined the Monastery of Montserrat in Spain.  One of the requirements for being a monk at Montserrat was an oath of perpetual silence.  [Editorial Note: That’s a definite disqualifier for most of us]!  Those monks were only allowed to speak after two initial years had passed, and then they could only say two words.  After two more years would pass by, they would be allowed to say two more words.  Two additional years…two additional words…and so forth.  You get the picture.

 After the new monk’s first dual-year stint, he was called before his superior to offer his initial two-word statement.  The first two words out of his mouth were “Bed hard!”  Two more years passed.  His next two words were “Food bad!”  After another couple of years, the monk mumbled “I quit!”  His superior looked him over for a moment and said, “Doesn’t surprise me.  All you’ve done since you’ve been her for six years is complain, complain, complain!”

 It’s a funny story, but the point is well taken.  We don’t need to expend our limited time and energy focusing on the negative side of things.  Life is far too short, and our time of Kingdom service will expire before we know it!  Complaining is a satanic distraction that accomplishes several undesirable ends.  Firstly, it affects our state of mind along with our ability to think, and actually makes us miserable. (Philippians 4:6-8)  Secondly, it disturbs the atmosphere around us.  There is something distinctly troublesome about being in the presence of a chronic complainer. (Job 16:1-2) Thirdly, it wears away at our faith foundations. (Psalm 27:13) Fourthly, it impacts our health and our emotional well-being since “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) Finally, negativity absolutely nullifies praise.  We who truly love God exercise a level of self-control that allows us to set and maintain a firm focus on praise. (Psalm 35:28 and Psalm 84:4)

 Bottom-line: Do not waste valuable time ‘SEEING’ or ‘SPEAKING’ anything other than the powerful promises of God into your present and future life.  During my early years of seminary, I had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with the late Dr. Benjamin Mays, the distinguished former president of Morehouse College in Atlanta.  In fact, he interviewed me for a master’s degree fellowship sponsored by The Rockefeller Foundation, a.k.a. The Fund for Theological Education.  It was quite an honor to be in his presence.  Dr. Mays’ customarily mentored his young African-American male protégés via the recitation of his signature poem:

 Life is just a minute,

Only sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon you, can’t refuse it;
Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it.
But it’s up to you to use it;
You must suffer if you lose it.
Just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it!

 Since time wasted can never be recovered, it is incumbent upon each of us to invest each and every moment wisely.  Indeed, we must decide to SEE all the good that God has designed for us (before the foundation of the world), and we must praise Him for it, even in the midst of adverse circumstances.  Why?  Because an ATTITUDE OF PRAISE always mobilizes positive responses to current conditions while it stimulates an  EXPANSIVE AND ENERGETIC VISION FOR OUR FUTURE. (Proverbs 29:18)

  My friends, never forget.  IF WE CAN SEE IT…WE CAN BE IT!Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021



 Our current life-situations neither define us or predict our future.  Albeit, to achieve maximum success, we must activate TENACIOUS FAITH – faith that absolutely will not let go of God’s promises – faith that steadfastly refuses to surrender to doubt, fear, or sensory perceptions, no matter what comes and no matter who goes.  This is the GOD-KIND-OF-FAITH that (for every believer) is tantamount to sustaining CONFIDENCE IN GOD’S WORD.  Bottom-line: CHRIST’S WORD NEVER FAILS! (Matthew 24:35 - I Peter 1:23 – Colossians 3:16) The Apostle Paul concisely captures our prerequisites for success: “Therefore, do not cast away your CONFIDENCE, which has great reward.  For you have need of ENDURANCE, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:35-36)

 Others around you may perish due to a lack of knowledge or clear vision. (Hosea 4:6 and Proverbs 29:18) But YOU are a true believer, a bona fide achiever, a world-system survivor.  YOU have learned how to daily activate THE LOGOS, the Living Word of God that is seeded within.  So, at all costs, you must not allow worry, fear, or stress to block what you can SEE what you have seen through the eyes of faith.  Just stay focused, with full assurance that CHRIST-IN-YOU, “the hope of glory,” will surely bring to pass every single thing that He has promised.  GOD cannot and will not fail! (Colossians 1:27 and Philippians 1:6) Jesus Christ declared “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35) 

 My sisters and brothers, IF YOU CAN SEE IT, YOU CAN BE IT!

 Prayerfully consider this.  Some years ago, an unforgettable horse named Sunday Silence graced The Kentucky Derby.  This back-story of this horse is absolutely amazing because against all odds he made it into the elite ranks of The Derby.  As a young colt, he developed an advanced case of colic, typically a career-ender for race horses.  Additionally, he was involved in a near fatal accident when his trailer driver had a heart attack while traversing a busy highway.  As a result, nobody believed in Sunday Silence, and nobody wanted to purchase him.  As far as most were concerned, any future involving that horse was a dead-end street.

 Nevertheless, after two unsuccessful auctions, a visionary thoroughbred horse trainer named Charles Whittingham bought Sunday Silence, sight unseen.  He reasoned that if this horse had survived all that trouble, he must be extremely tough and determined.  Incidentally, Mr. Whittingham was 76 years old when he conceived this idea, so you are never too old to pursue your life’s dream!  The owners of the million-dollar stallions mocked and laughed at him prior to The Derby.  Even his jockey, Pat Valenzuela, had major stability issues, having recently been rehabilitated from drug abuse.  Most people would not have bet one dollar on that crazy trio: a damaged horse, an addict rider and an old foolish trainer.  But Charlie and Pat had great faith in Sunday Silence and labored quietly and untiringly to prep him for The Kentucky Derby.

 Something quite miraculous happened on Derby day.  At the starting gate, Sunday Silence looked utterly confused.  He wobbled back and forth and could not manage to run in a straight line once the race started.  But suddenly, it looked like Sunday Silence woke up and realized ‘I’m in a race, and I want to win!”  He straightened up and streaked down the track like a bolt of lightning.  On that day, history was made by a team of three unlikely champions who were counted out long before the starting gun.  To everyone’s surprise, Sunday Silence won The Kentucky Derby because he had been unconditionally valued, vigorously trained and lovingly supported; and, because he had sufficient heart to realize: ‘I’M IN IT TO WIN IT!’

 Undoubtedly, the owner/trainer, Charles Whittingham, possessed tremendous VISION. defines vision as “the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be.”  VISION emerges from, and is the product of, unwavering FAITH.  And “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) The scriptures advise us that “faith comes by hearing…and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

 Think about it.  What have you ‘SEEN’ (in your past) that has adversely positioned you to be discouraged, deactivated, or discarded, based solely on the attitudes or actions of others?  Most importantly, WHAT ARE YOU SEEING NOW?  This is your RHEMA WORD for today: Go back and reclaim YOUR VISION!  Reclaim your PROMISE!  Reclaim your POWER!  Reclaim your ANOINTING!  Reclaim your DREAM!  IT’S YOURS…and though it may have been delayed, it shall not be denied.  It is your GOD-GIVEN HERITAGE, and IT WILL COME TO PASS!  Prayerfully ponder the following powerful Words from the Lord – and be encouraged to continue.

 Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NKJV)

Then the Lord answered me and said: “WRITE THE VISION and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.  For THE VISION IS YET FOR AN APPOINTED TIME; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because IT WILL SURELY COME, it will not tarry.”

 Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow!

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021



 Almighty God is the creative artist of your eternal existence.  His original portrait of you is exceedingly bold, bright and beautiful.  Therefore, your current state-of-being does not define you.  More significant is the revelation and manifestation of THE TRUE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD that He designed, destined, deposited and designated as YOU. (Genesis 1:26-27) My friend, if you can somehow manage to SEE IT…you can BE IT.  In a word, there is hidden treasure ‘buried’ inside of you.  No thrill in life exceeds the discovery of THE DIVINE INTENTION that shapes and sparks your very existence.  This is something that is absolutely extraordinary and fascinating about God.  He hides His greatest treasures in the least likely of places: within frail, fallible, human, vessels of clay.

 As I say so often, GOD IS ALWAYS UP TO SOMETHING BEHIND THE SCENES.  It reminds me of a story I heard in a seminary class on world religions.  Some years ago, a priceless statue called “The Golden Buddha” was discovered in the city of Bangkok, Thailand.  It had been hidden in plain sight (right under everyone’s nose) for centuries.  Ostensibly, it was a plain concrete statue of Buddha, supposedly standing guard over the town square.  No one paid any attention to it.  In fact, tourists discarded their soda cans there, and rested packages on it while changing their camera film to snap the next ‘big’ picture.

 One day, a priest asked to relocate the statue to a temple in a rather obscure neighborhood of Bangkok.  His request was approved quickly, simply because no one cared about the statue.  Nevertheless, while the heavy statue was being removed, the crane cable snapped and the statue fell forcibly to the ground.  The severe impact caused the exterior concrete to crack.  What appeared to be tragedy morphed quickly into triumph.  Visible shafts of brilliant sunlight reflected off the gold that was hidden deep within the crack.  To everyone’s astonishment, inside that eight-foot-tall statue was an awesome work of art, forged from the world’s largest single chunk of gold. 

 Years before this, Thai citizens were in danger of being overrun by enemies, so they melted down all their gold and created a statue of Buddha.  Then they covered that gold image with concrete and mud to hide its enormous value from attackers.  Since all of those people were killed, their golden secret died with them and remained undetected for hundreds of years. Uncanny!

 Consider this: WHO KNOWS WHAT GOD HAS DEPOSITED AND HIDDEN INSIDE YOU?  This calls to mind the teachings of Paul, recorded in II Corinthians 4:7. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”  Practical application?  You must look ‘underneath’ your present condition and circumstance (with spiritual discernment) to discover all that GOD has created. 

 I love what I Corinthians 1:26-29 reveals about God’s propensity to use ‘concrete vessels’ to bring forth ‘pure gold.’  “Not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.  But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence.”

 So don’t be surprised if something ‘breaks’ in and around your life, so that your divine purpose and ultimate beauty can be revealed out of the depths of a cracked or broken vessel.  Look underneath and live.  

 It bears repeating: LOOK UNDERNEATH!  There are precious deposits of gold hidden there.  If I can paraphrase the words of Job: ‘I’m in a real tight situation right now.  All my children are dead.  All my stuff is gone.  My friends have abandoned me.  My health is disastrous.  My body is covered with oozing sores and death is lurking nearby.  In the middle of all this misery, my wife is losing focus and abandoning faith.  She’s telling me to curse the Creator and Lord of the Universe and just lay down to die.  Nevertheless, GOD KNOWS THE WAY THAT I TAKE.  And even in the midst of these decaying and dying circumstances, I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES!  Deep down in my spirit, I BELIEVE that when this is all over, I’M COMING OUT LIKE PURE GOLD!’  

 Job was keenly aware of his dire circumstances, but he was spiritually empowered to SEE something else.  Therefore, he challenged himself to SAY something else.  And his subsequent RESULTS were SOMETHING ELSE! (Job 42:10-16)  My friend, IF YOU CAN SEE IT…YOU CAN BE IT! 

 Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!



 As was his custom, a homeless man slept on the sidewalk across the street from an artist’s studio.  One morning, the neighboring artist sketched the face of this poor soul who for years had experienced the humbling indignities of living outdoors and begging for bread.  After his initial sketch was completed, the artist added bright colors to the homeless man’s face.  As the brilliant hues of oil paint were brushed skillfully on the canvas, the overall image of this destitute soul began to transform dramatically.  The artist brightened the man’s unwashed skin and gave his eyes a look of fierce determination and strength. Finally, he artistically ‘brushed’ the poor man’s clumpy and unkempt hair, giving him a polished and regal appearance.

 When the painting was completed, the artist called the indigent man to view his work of art.  The homeless man was hesitant and fearful because he had never been in the studio and did not know what to expect.  As you might imagine, the invited beggar did not immediately recognize himself.  “Who is this?” he whispered in subdued tones.  The proud artist only smiled.  Coming closer to the painting, the man had a growing realization that there was something vaguely familiar about the image caught on canvass.  “Is this…ME?” he finally asked.  “Could this possibly be a painting of ME?”  The artist replied “Yes, this is how I see you.”  After a few moments, that beggar squared his shoulders, stood significantly taller than he had in years, and announced proudly, “If this is the person you SEE…then that is the person I will BE!”

 My friend, if you can see it…you can be it!

 Our Creator looks upon you in the same manner that the artist conceptualized that humble beggar.  For whenever God considers us, He never focuses on the obvious: our faults, failures, foibles and fiascoes.  El Shaddai, The All-Sufficient One, The Alpha and Omega, The Designer of the Universe, SEES US FOR WHO WE ARE INTENDED TO BE in the sovereign Mind and Will of Almighty God.  Wow…chew on that for a moment!

 Here is a powerful exercise you can try.  After you finish reading this paragraph, close your eyes for one moment.  Try not to think of today’s duties or demands.  Just think about YOU.  Don’t think about your past.   Don’t consider your present condition and circumstances.  For just one moment, TRY TO SEE YOU AS GOD SEES YOU…ON THE DAY OF YOUR BIRTH…your very first moments on Planet Earth.  Incidentally, the God who is “the same yesterday, today and forever,” sees you that way still! (Hebrews 13:8)  It is likely that you had little or no issues on the day of your birth, or at least no awareness of any deficits or deficiencies.  In the months that followed, you smiled and laughed, freely, frequently, for scarcely any reason at all.  You were carefree, joyful, overflowing with energy and full of expectation about everything that was and would be.  Close your eyes and SEE THAT GOD-CREATED PERSON…right now…

 My friend, what did you see with your eyes closed?  You might have difficulty VISUALIZING YOURSELF through THE EYES OF GOD, so to speak.  It may seem impossible to SEE THAT BLESSED AND BEST YOU since over time you have been programmed by life experiences to SEE ANOTHER YOU.  Perhaps in your childhood, your parents did not sufficiently care for, nurture, or encourage you.  Perhaps significant others chose to highlight your limitations and losses, your insufficiencies and inabilities.

 Maybe you even married someone who lacks the ability to appreciate or support you.  So now – when you SEE yourself – you only visualize doubt, negativity, failure, or defeat.  If that be the case, please repeat these words after me: “IT IS RE-PROGRAMMING TIME!”  Affirm your ‘image emancipation’ once more, but this time say it louder and with more enthusiasm: “STARTING TODAY…I WILL RE-PROGRAM MYSELF…AND I WILL SEE MYSELF AS GOD SEES ME…BECAUSE IF I CAN SEE IT…I CAN BE IT!”

 In the world of computer technology, there is a familiar adage: ‘Garbage in…garbage out.’  This means that if erroneous information is somehow programmed into your computer software, your eventual output will be useless.  JUNK IN…JUNK OUT!  Whether you realize it or not, YOU CAN rise above the MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL SOFTWARE that others have designed and you have allowed to be programmed on the emotional computer of your life!  I now speak with spiritual authority to your future: “IT IS RE-PROGRAMMING TIME!”


 It does not matter whether you appear to be hapless, helpless, hopeless, or homeless in the moment that YOUR TRUE IMAGE is manifested and revealed.  As Bishop Charles Edward Blake says so often, “I see you in your future…and you look much better than you do today!”  So get up from whatever, wherever, or however you seem to be, and declare with all the faith you can muster: “IF I CAN SEE IT…I CAN BE IT!”  

 Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!