Thursday, April 28, 2022



 The community of Pastor Tom Erickson has a public Library that created a popular children’s program called “Dial-A-Tale.”  Anytime children want to hear a fairy tale, they just dial a certain number and a friendly voice reads a short fairy tale to the excited and expectant child.  However, Dial-A-Tale’s number is only one digit different from Tom Erickson’s phone.  Because young fingers make dialing errors, Tom often gets calls from children listening expectantly for a fairy tale.  After several unsuccessful attempts to explain this to small children, Tom felt he had only one alternative.  He obtained a copy of “The Three Little Pigs,” and set it by the phone.  And now, whenever such calls come in, he simply reads this children’s tale. 

 How nice is that?  The Word reveals God’s keen interest and love for all children.  We adults must be proactive in transforming young minds and spirits by embodying genuine love, kindness, compassion and wisdom.  There is truth in the saying that ‘It takes a community to raise a child.’  Whether they are related to us or not, whether they meet our personal expectations or not, we must reach, touch, bless and transform young impressionable minds with a lasting legacy of heartfelt love.

 Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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