Friday, May 31, 2013



There are several things I love to do when God awakens me each morning.  I love sharing time with Him; it’s a divine appointment that truly edifies me and blesses my day.  I love preparing breakfast for my wife, Belinda, who does more to benefit me than words could ever convey.  And I love taking pieces of bread out on our deck to feed the birds.  Squirrels stop by to dine also.  I know this might seem odd to some.  Allow me to explain.

As a young boy, Mama occasionally gave me an occasional and unusual task.  She handed slices of bread to me and told me to tear them into tiny pieces.  Then, she ordered me to take those bread crumbs to the back yard and spread them on the ground in order to feed the birds.  There are several reasons this seemed somewhat strange to me.  I was a child and my first thoughts were rather selfish.  There were twelve hungry mouths to feed in our family, and I wondered (silently I might add) at the necessity and wisdom of doling out ‘our bread’ to random brown sparrows.  Secondly, it never occurred to me that it might be ‘our job’ to feed nearby birds; I thought ‘nature’ handled such matters handily.  After all, it seemed logical that birds have their own buffet of bugs and worms at mealtime.  Finally, it seemed patently unfair for Mama to ask me to don winter coat, hat, boots and gloves and head out into the icy cold and snow to handle this aviary meal matter.  The depth of her concern about these birds puzzled me to no end.

One day, I decided to inquire (respectfully) about it.  Mama responded, rather matter-of-factly, “God made the birds, and everything God made is precious in His sight.”  I had no way of knowing that a full-fledged ‘Sunday School lesson’ would be forthcoming!  Indeed, Mama was a Sunday School teacher; she opened her Bible to the gospel of Luke and read it slowly so I could glean an important lesson about our caring Creator.

Luke 12:6-7
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

And then, without any commentary, Mama started singing the chorus of a song I had heard a thousand times before: “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.  His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.”

Then, Mama explained that God created everything.  Afterwards, He made us stewards over all of creation.  Suddenly, it all made perfect sense.  If the birds could not find an adequate supply of worms due to the wintry weather, it was indeed our job (as good stewards) to supplement their diet and sustain them.  In that way, all of us have significant participation and partnership in the ongoing creative activity of God.  Wow!

Mama took time to emphasize a powerful point Jesus made in this passage of scripture.  If God cares that much for birds, just think how much He cares for us!  She asked me a rhetorical question, “If God takes care of tiny and seemingly insignificant birds; how much more will He take care of us and supply all our needs?”  From that point on, I did not mind so much sharing our bread, or venturing outdoors to feed God’s birds, regardless of the weather.  And it stays with me.  I still hear Mama’s voice, and by extension, the voice of our Creator: “Feed the birds.”

Admittedly, I don’t know if bread is the healthiest diet for birds.  Undoubtedly, bird seed would be a better alternative.  I think I’ll go out and buy some today.  Thank you for the lesson, Mama.  And thank you, Jesus, for your constant care.

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