Friday, May 31, 2013



Sometimes, we tend to answer our own prayers, instead of allowing for ‘real’ answers from God.  In total haste to gratify our selfish desires or to fulfill our ‘can’t wait’ agendas (that we have allegedly laid before the throne of grace), we foolishly delude ourselves into thinking that GOD is speaking, when it is only US.

Just a little story and a little smile to end your work week…

After starting a new diet I altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery.  I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and as I approached, there in the window were a host of scrumptious goodies.  I felt this was no accident, so I prayed: “Lord, it’s all up to You.  If you want me to have any of those delicious delicacies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery.”  And sure enough, on the eighth time around the block, there it was!  God is s-o-o-o-o good!

Sisters and brothers, the next time you pray (and get an answer), think about it.  Is it GOD…or is it YOU?

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