Wednesday, December 4, 2013



In our time, we seem always to be searching for answers and fulfillment elsewhere.  A quick walk down any street in America occasions frequent encounters with persons who (while walking or driving) are immersed in smart phone diatribes with people in distant places.  It seems that we resist the common sense notion to become fully engaged and immersed in our existential moment.  Somehow, we want to be where we are not, to have what we do not, to become what we may not.  Question: What does this vain preoccupation convey about our society, and more importantly, about us?

There is an ancient legend which tells of a mouse that was very afraid of cats.  So she wished she could become as powerful as a cat.  Her wish came true as she was suddenly transformed into a female feline.  But then she spied a dog.  Becoming fearful again, she wished she could be a canine.  Her wish was granted instantaneously and she turned into a dog.  Then she saw a lion and she was totally terrified by his power and strength.  You guessed it.  She wished she could become a lion so that she might never be fearful of lions again.  Her wish was granted and right away she became a lion.  After this, she saw a man with a gun who was about to shoot her.  You can imagine what happened next.  She wished she could become a human being and she did.  But only a few hours later, as she was sitting in her house, she spotted a mouse.  Totally frightened, she fell to her knees and began to call on the Lord.  In the end, she discovered that only Jesus can break the cycle of fear.

In our endless quest for difference and distinctiveness in life, we eventually come to realize that inner peace, joy, contentment and real success are not discoverable in any alternate identity, or locale, or group, or career, or status, or circumstance.  True peace produces true rest, which is an attitude of gratitude and contentment that is never about externals.  It is found only within, divinely deposited from above, and it is the undeniable heritage of ALL who diligently seek HIM.  With or without life’s frills, that is the only legitimate and lasting success.

And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed!

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