Wednesday, December 4, 2013


(Wednesday) 04 December 2013 ~ Daily Devotional of Pastor Wayne M. Bass


Vision casting is mission critical for personal or group success.  That is, in order for us to advance, we must first mobilize forward thinking, the ability to perceive and anticipate both challenges and opportunities for future growth and development.  It occurs to me that it is also necessary to acquire peripheral vision, the ability to visualize and comprehend the true nature of the things and persons that surround us.  The phrase that I often use to describe peripheral vision is seeing sideways. defines “peripheral vision” as “the capacity to see side or fringe areas when one is looking ahead.”  Wow…that is profound!  Carefully consider these questions: Who or what are you allowing close proximity to your life, your family, your dreams, etc.?  Who or what is spinning in your orbit and breathing in your oxygen?  How are those people, things or situations impacting your present circumstances, your future plans, and (most importantly) your divine purpose and destiny?

We are not only known by the company that we keep, we are eternally affected by the persons, things and situations that surround us.

Seeing sideways requires discernment.  True discernment transcends knowledge and intellect and lies within the realm of the Holy Spirit.  Without a doubt, the WISDOM OF GOD is indispensable to CLEARLY SEEING how we are shaped and transformed (either positively or negatively) by whoever/whatever we allow to walk alongside.  How I admire the simplistic folk-wisdom of David!  In his words, “I have set The Lord always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” (Psalm 16:8)  David’s sage epiphany on life-success positions GOD both in front of us and on the side of us.  If GOD is there…if HE is in front…if HE is alongside…certain people, places, events, situations, attitudes and actions are automatically excluded.   Think about it, sisters and brothers, and be continually blessed!

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