Tuesday, September 30, 2014



Some years ago, I read an extraordinary narrative about a poverty stricken farmer in Scotland with the surname Fleming.  While struggling to make a living for his family, one day he heard an apprehensive cry for help coming from the swamp nearby.  Fleming immediately dropped his tools and sped toward that Scottish bog.  He soon discovered a terrified young boy sinking in quicksand, just about to go under.  With the help of the Lord, Fleming managed to set the lad free.

The next morning, a resplendent carriage pulled up in front of Fleming’s poor home.  A genteel nobleman exited the carriage and introduced himself as the father of the young boy whose life Fleming had saved.  The rich man offering a generous reward, but Fleming declined saying “I cannot accept payment for what I have done.”

At that moment, the farmer’s son emerged from the house to see what was happening.  “Is that your son?” the nobleman asked.  “Why yes!” Fleming replied proudly.  The nobleman looked the young lad up-and-down for a moment and said “I have a great idea!  You saved my son’s life.  Since you won’t take any money, I’ll make you a deal.  If you let your son come home with me, I’ll make sure he is well cared for, and he will receive a proper education.”

Although the Flemings were sad to see their son leaving home, they were hopeful about his future, so in time they agreed.  The wealthy man kept his promise, and years later Farmer Fleming’s son graduated from the Medical School of London and went on to become a renowned and knighted physician by the name of Sir Alexander Fleming.  This brilliant doctor discovered what the world’s most important antibiotic, penicillin.

Later on, incredibly enough, the nobleman’s son was stricken with pneumonia, and it was Sir Alexander Fleming’s penicillin that saved his life.  Even more astonishing is the family lineage of the elder nobleman, Randolph Churchill.  His beloved son, whose life had been saved twice by the Fleming family, grew up to become one of England’s most celebrated statesmen, Sir Winston Churchill!

Farmer Fleming had no clue about the seeds he planted on the day he saved that young boy’s life.  Although he had refused any monetary reward, the benefits of his courageous act (saving the nobleman’s son) and his sacrificial act (freeing his son for education and opportunity) continue to resonate throughout time and eternity.

This phenomenal story raises three practical points for every believer to carefully consider: (1) Are YOU focused on getting whatever you can right now, or are you willing to freely invest and trust GOD for long-term dividends?  (2) Are YOU Kingdom-minded enough to invest all of yourself (time, talent and treasure) in the work of the Lord, or are you what Christ described as a “hireling?” (John 10:12-13)  (3) What are your MOTIVES for service, erecting a personal empire or building God’s Kingdom?  

While the Lord has no issue with Christian workers receiving just compensation (Luke 10:17), we should never be motivated solely by money or material possessions.  We should be fundamentally and fully dedicated to building the Kingdom of God.  Think about it.  Just as Farmer Fleming gained unexpected and overflowing blessings for what he was willing to give (without any expectation of compensation), we will be rewarded generously for our contributions to the Kingdom, whether they are noticed or appreciated by others.

Money is a necessary medium of exchange that remedies certain natural needs, but we should never become greedy for it or love money more so than God or people.  The Apostle Paul said “the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some have coveted after, they have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (I Timothy 6:10)  The authoritative command of Jesus Christ yet challenges every believer: “Go into my vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give (pay) you.” (Matthew 20:4) 

Although our rewards are somewhat temporal, they are primarily eternal.  Hence, believers should not expect to be materially compensated for every single thing we do for the sake of the Kingdom!  Think about it.  Believer, are you willing to work on a “DEFERRED COMPENSATION” basis, or do you want to receive ALL you possibly can within this short earthly lifetime?  MOTIVES DO COUNT to the God who is always found “testing the mind and the heart.” (Jeremiah 11:20, NKJV)

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Monday, September 29, 2014



In 1981, an exceptionally inspirational film was released.  “Chariots of Fire,” set in the 1920’s, depicts a true story surrounding Great Britain’s national track team and their participation in the 1924 Summer Olympic Games held in Paris, France.  Eric Liddell, a citizen of Scotland and a Christian missionary, was absolutely thrilled to qualify as a member of Great Britain’s team.

While some members of Eric Liddell’s family disapproved, viewing the games as a distraction from his important work of ministry, Eric was steadfast in his insistence that his personal participation was the will of God.  In his words, “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast.  And when I run, I feel His pleasure.  To give up running would be to hold Him in contempt.  To win is to HONOR HIM!”  Therefore, Eric was running (not to gain accolades or fame), but for the express purpose of HONORING GOD.  He had qualified to run in track and field’s premier sprinting event, the 100 meter race.  He was considered to be the odds on favorite to win against the likes of Jackson Sholz, the elite American sprinter.

However, as the British team sailed from London to Paris, Eric learned that the qualifying heat for the 100 meter race would take place on a Sunday.  This was most disheartening, because Eric and his family had unwavering convictions about honoring the Christian Sabbath.  He was convinced that there was no alternative but to drop out of the race.  And no matter who tried to dissuade Eric, or how aggressive their urgings, from the head of Great Britain’s Olympic Committee to the Crown Prince of Wales, he firmly refused to do that which he felt would dishonor God.

At the 11th hour, a door of opportunity opened for Eric Liddell to run in an alternative race, scheduled on another day.  A teammate, who had previously medaled in another event, offered Eric his place in the 400 meter race.  Everyone quickly came on board with this compromise because Eric was so fast that he just might win and it was an absolute joy to watch him run.

Just before the start of the final race of the 400 meters, Jackson Sholz, a young American sprinter who was also a Christian, walked onto the track and delivered a handwritten note to Eric Liddell.  Here’s what Jackson had written: “It says in the Old Book that those who honor ME…I will honor.”  What an awesome message of inspiration that was for Eric, that GOD, Himself, would be present to honor his very unpopular decision to publicly own and honor HIM!  The starting gun sounded, and although Eric Liddell had never trained for the 400 meter race, which is arguably one of the most difficult races in track and field, he won easily and by a considerable margin.

The note that Jackson Sholz had written and delivered to Eric Liddell is drawn from the following scripture:

I Samuel 2:30
Therefore the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before Me forever.’  But now the Lord says: ‘Far be it from Me; for THOSE WHO HONOR ME I WILL HONOR, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.’

The word “HONOR” means to highly reverence, respect, esteem, and defer to, with the utmost demonstration of value and the greatest degree of integrity.  This concept is crucial to every aspect of a Christian’s life.  In addition to my ministry involvements, I have taught history to students in Connecticut public schools.   While I do not purport to be an expert in the field of public education, one obvious missing component in the American educational system is an intangible (but crucial) quality called HONOR.

It is painfully apparent that a large number of students lack positive family role models that reinforce respect and honor, i.e. parents who both train and enforce honorable attitudes and actions in the daily lives of their children.  As a result, student behavior frequently spirals downward and out of control while the teaching and learning process is either disrupted or entirely dissipated.  In public schools, this lack of HONOR translates into substandard academic performance, which has profoundly negative rippling effects on the overall well-being, success and future of our students and our society.

Let’s take a look at one of the origins of this downward slide in American schools.  In 1963, an atheist activist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, won a decidedly ungodly lawsuit in which the Supreme Court of the USA permanently disallowed prayer and Bible reading in public schools.  In their attempt to hold up the first amendment rights of non-religious citizens and to ensure a separation of Church and state (that was NEVER intended by the founding fathers and is NOT a part of The Constitution), the Supreme Court made a very egregious and grave error.  Clearly, they did not foresee the awful consequences of their decision.  

When Jesus Christ was legally expelled from our schools, Satan was SYSTEMICALLY enrolled!  And his institutional influence results in what we observe today: a total negative transformation of our public schools, especially our urban schools.  What is the quantitative impact on our students and our nation?  According to the Program for International Student Assessment, the USA educational system (once ranked number one globally) finds itself ranking 21st (in reading), 31st (in math) and 24th (in science).  There is a clear correlation between our LACK OF HONOR FOR GOD and our current state of affairs.  Proverbs 14:34 declares that “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Unfortunately, many nations of the world find themselves emulating American culture and values because of our material prosperity, which is now also in decline.  From my perspective, this ‘copying’ of America is very much like purchasing first-class tickets on a ship that is about to sink!  While we truly love America and pray fervently for repentance and revival in our land, the Christian community must become more aware, concerned and engaged regarding our present plight.  Family dissolution and moral decay exist everywhere; and, the spirit of antichrist now rests, rules and reigns throughout our land. (I John 4:3-4) 

NOW HEAR THIS!  If we are to survive and thrive, America MUST return to HONORING THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD!  Two strategic questions lay before all of us: 1) As a Christian, what are YOU doing to safeguard the families and children of your own nation, whether you are American, African, Asian, European, Australian, or from any other region?  2) What are YOU doing to turn your land and your people BACK to the lordship of Jesus Christ?’  Please reflect soberly on these questions via self-evaluation and prayer.  GOD says “THOSE WHO HONOR ME I WILL HONOR.”  Therefore, let us collectively resolve to rededicate ourselves and steadfastly HONOR HIM!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, September 25, 2014



Satan often utilizes another efficacious strategy to deprive all who fall for it of the synergy that believers possess whenever we stand in unity.  Dictionary.com defines “synergy” as “the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements.”  Put simply, we are much greater together than the sum of our parts.  Deuteronomy 32:30 confirms the fact that while ONE Godly person has the power to defeat ONE THOUSAND enemies, TWO Godly persons (acting in concert) have the potential to defeat TEN THOUSAND enemies.  God generates geometric progressions of divine dunamis (Acts 1:8) when we stand in union with Christ and in unity with one another.  One of the more clever end-times strategies deployed by Satan is the contention that people do not necessarily need the church.  We hear it over and over: ‘I don’t attend church because I don’t believe in organized religion.  But I’m SPIRITUAL.’

A while back, when that comment surfaced during a conversation, I asked this question: “What do you mean by SPIRITUAL?”  His response was “I’m a good person…I try to do what’s right.  I believe in God.”  My follow-up question was “WHICH GOD do you believe in?”  His response: “You know…(very long pause)…GOD!”  After my second question, he became increasingly defensive, even though I made a genuine effort to be diplomatic, and it became apparent that this gentleman had neither deeply considered WHO GOD IS, nor his own spiritual status and its possible future outcomes.  In fact, he was clearly a victim of a very hypnotic satanic strategy deployed to malign the church, with the intent of keeping people as far away as possible so they have less likelihood of hearing “truth,” which according to Jesus Christ makes people free. (John 8:32)

Let’s be honest here.  When most people say ‘I’m spiritual,’ they are really saying ‘I do not want to make a COMMITMENT TO CHANGE my life and lifestyle, so I choose not to participate in any GROUP that might make demands for such personal adjustments.’  Although I tried to change the subject when I discerned that this man’s mind was closed to matters of the Spirit, the conviction he was feeling caused him to travel down the route that so-called ‘spiritual people’ typically take when confronted with truth.  “Besides,” sneered the man, “isn’t the church LOADED with HYPOCRITES?”  Satan uses maximum powers of deception to focus our attention on everyone and everything else to distract us from seeing “Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2)  Admittedly, saved people DO have flaws and imperfections.  We are not perfect; we are forgiven.  Satan’s strategy is diffusion, i.e. to toss out an endless array of seemingly legitimate excuses to derail the all-important connection with divine truth.

But there is another reason why Satan doesn’t want self-identified ‘spiritual people’ to attend or embrace the church.  He is keenly aware that regular fellowship with believers diminishes the effects of his discouraging and doubting voice during moments that we feel isolated or alone.  In the presence of God and His people, there is strength to gain and there is integrity (wholeness) to glean.  In the company of other believers, both our ideas and ideals are ‘checked’ and we are led into proper alignment with God’s Word.  Otherwise, we might adopt strange beliefs and unsound practices.  Believers definitely need to be taught in the faith. (I Timothy 4:13-16)  There is an old wise saying: “A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient.” (Anonymous)  Likewise, any believer who teaches himself (without opportunities to examine, refine and build his faith under the tutelage of God-ordained teachers) is prone to doctrinal error and/or backsliding.

There are so many reasons why we need to attend church regularly, not the least of which is the fact that it is a commandment from Almighty God.  Hebrews 10:25 says “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”  One key ingredient of any faith-based assembly is WORSHIP.  Therefore, worship is an indispensable component of fellowship with other believers.  While I love to worship God in my home, my car, or anywhere else, there is something entirely unique about corporate worship.  To wit, worship may be defined as “a powerful togetherness.”  Uplifted amid the synergy of sincere saints, we are led to the throne of grace – with much more power and passion than most of us can summon independently.  Indeed, WE are the branches of The True Vine, and WE abide in Him. (John 15:5)  Indeed, WE have this ministry. (II Corinthians 4:1)  And when WE abide in HIS presence, WE are TRULY SPIRITUAL…for “in HIS presence is fullness of joy; at HIS right hand, there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalm 16:11)

Don’t become a victim of satanic deception by ever distancing yourself from the place and people deputized by Heaven to engage and equip you – to obtain, to sustain and to release the awesome power of God.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014



Another end-times satanic strategy that threatens to erode the effectiveness of the mission and message of the church is a seemingly all-pervasive sexual immorality, which increasingly plagues both pulpit and pew.  While sex, in and of itself, is a God-given gift that authorizes matrimonial fulfillment between husbands and wives and procreation of the human species, it is intentionally regulated by divine will and writ.  That is to say, while the Word of God clearly endorses sexual relations between spouses, it patently prohibits pre-marital or extra-marital intimacy. (I Corinthians 6:18 – Galatians 5:19 – Ephesians 5:3)  It is a divine directive that all believers be “sanctified,” i.e. set apart for service. (I Thessalonians 4:3-5 and Ephesians 5:26)  Therefore, we are responsible and accountable (via the ongoing process of Word purification) to proactively “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.” (Ephesians 5:26 and II Corinthians 7:1)

In light of this, the question is begged: ‘How have sex and sexuality become such powerful preoccupations and/or challenges for members of the institutional church?’  To answer accurately, let’s take a look back in time.  The evidence of scripture suggests that Eden’s ‘original sin’ could POSSIBLY have been sexual in nature.  There are several circumstantial clues.  First of all, Adam and Eve’s initial sin robbed them of their INNOCENCE and “opened” their eyes. (Genesis 3:5)  Secondly, they became keenly aware of their NAKEDNESS, which caused them to cover themselves and hide from God. (Genesis 3:7-8)  Thirdly, one of the post-Edenic judgments of God was CHILD-BEARING via multiplied “sorrow” and “conception.” (Genesis 3:16)  There is at least a POSSIBLE IMPLICATION here that Eve might have been impregnated by the initial act of sin and would therefore ‘labor’ to bear children.  In my judgment, “the tree in the midst of the garden” (Genesis 3: 3) COULD well be a euphemism for sex.  It’s just an opinion – so please don’t ‘kill me’ for expressing it.

We could extend this conjecture all the way to the instigator of original sin, Satan himself.  As the archangel Lucifer, he deliberately defied divine order and sought to usurp God’s authority and throne. (Isaiah 14:12-17)  Incredibly enough, the scriptures tell us that Lucifer somehow managed to convert ONE-OUT-OF-THREE ANGELS to join in his insurrection against ALMIGHTY GOD!  It begs the question: ‘What did Lucifer possess (or do) that was so attractive to so many God-created beings that they risked everything to rebel against THE OMNIPOTENT GOD?’  Have you ever wondered about that?  I certainly have.

Scriptures are silent on this matter, so we cannot at all be sure.  But perhaps his strategy was some form of sexuality or sex.  The circumstantial evidence here is the related possibility that Satan (a.k.a. Lucifer) might have introduced a similar (and now familiar) temptation to Eden’s first couple.  It’s just an opinion – so please don’t ‘kill me’ for expressing it.  One additional sidebar: ‘Have you ever wondered why the area of Lucifer’s greatest expertise (MUSIC) has become a veritable hotbed for sexual promiscuity and perversion within the institutional church?’  Think about it.  Sexual distortion surely seems to be an area of satanic expertise.

We certainly cannot be sure of that which is inferred or conjectured above.  However, it is quite certain (and increasingly evident) that Satan is NOW making full use of sexuality and sex to diminish the influence and impact of the institutional church.  To verify this, we need only consider recent sex scandals that have rocked the church world.  These scandals cover a wide range of territory, including pedophilia, fornication, adultery and even rape.  As a result, the church is paying a hefty price relative to its reputation, its witness and its financial stability, due to monumental litigation and settlement costs.

One additional sidebar: ‘Have you ever wondered why sexuality has so greatly influenced the way we DRESS (and even how we MINISTER) in today’s church?’  In many quarters, worship has morphed into something subtly resembling pagan IDOLATRY.  Bottom-line: Praise and worship seems to have become more-and-more infused with sexuality and less-and-less inspired by spirituality.  In far too many cases, our moments of worship have deteriorated into God forsaken fashion shows, replete with sexually suggestive hip gyrations by praise-team-pom-pom-girls!  In many cases, Christ and His anointing have simply exited the scene.  Or should I say “exited the STAGE?”…because more-and-more that is what our altars have become!  This is the tragic result of a satanic deception of the highest order.  Perhaps, the worst fall-out of all is the corrosive cynicism with which many non-believers have come to view church leaders and laity.  Where and when will it all end?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014



It bears repetition: Arguably, the foremost satanic deception of our time is the New Age movement, a blatant denial of the supreme revelation of God-in-Christ, who gave His life to redeem and restore fallen humanity.  New Age thinking rejects Jesus Christ as God’s only begotten Son, elevates fallen humanity to a level of divinity, denies the reality of Satan and sin, and thus nullifies our need to seek salvation.  In the process, all customary religious practices are redefined or deemed irrelevant.  Since faith’s ultimate goal is reduced to a generic form of brotherly love and peace, all religions become equal and therefore none can attest to any authentic or higher revelation of divine truth.  My candid response: NONSENSE!

I will highlight a brief history of my alma mater, Yale University, as a cautionary tale about the impact of PLURALISM (the everything is o.k. mentality) on the Christian faith.  According to the university website, “Yale’s roots can be traced back to the 1640s, when colonial clergymen led an effort to establish a college in New Haven to preserve the tradition of European liberal education in the New World.  This vision was fulfilled in 1701, when the charter was granted for a school wherein youth may be instructed in the arts and sciences and through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for public employment both in church and civil state.”  As the third oldest American university, Yale was preceded only by Harvard and William and Mary.  Since its original emphasis was on the training of ministers, for the first 200 years of its 313 year history every Yale president was a Christian minister.  Early on, Yale was responsible for dispatching dedicated missionaries across the globe.  And history records that one of its earliest and most highly regarded presidents, Jonathan Edwards, was even known to “speak in other tongues” in Yale classrooms.  Wow!

Let’s contrast Yale’s Christian roots with the situation today.   Nowadays, the Yale University Chaplain’s Office does not exclusively or prominently display the primary symbol of Christianity, the cross.  Rather, the cross is displayed in an inclusive graphic circle, as one of 14 equally endorsed faith communities.  Besides Christianity, the Yale Chaplain’s website supports participation in the Baha’i Faith, Judaism, Taoism, Islam, Jainism, Shintoism, Buddhism, Unitarian Universalism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Native American Traditions.  Additionally, many contemporary religious leaders at Yale are proactive advocates for ‘lifestyle rights’ which are diametrically opposed to the Word of God.   All of this is deemed ‘normal’ because the university culture now demands openness to (and a full embrace of) diversity.  How far will it go, and where will it end?

The Bible declares that the “spirit of antichrist even now already is in the world.” (I John 4:3)  What a timely and true prophetic pronouncement!  While religious pluralism ‘feels’ reasonable and equitable, and ‘seems’ just and appropriate based upon the current values of our society, Proverbs 16:25 asserts “there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

As Christians, we are sorely tempted to allow our voices to be muted by those who resist or resent divine truth.  Why?  Because we can be labeled as narrow-minded or closed-minded when we espouse views that do not coincide with mainstream thinking.  This is increasingly true in America, and so it is throughout the world.

Two examples immediately come to mind:  

1) During the summer of 2014, Samuel Truett Cathy, the recently deceased founder of Chick-fil-A, expressed strong support for traditional marriage between a man and a woman.  As a result, he came under intense attack by the gay and lesbian community and by all who support their lifestyle agenda.  It was not Mr. Cathy’s intention to ‘bash’ gay citizens; he was merely invoking his first amendment constitutional right to freedom of speech, and most importantly, he was affirming the Word of God.  It is amazing to me that gay citizens can appear in the media as outspoken advocates of their worldview; they can organize and participate in gay pride parades; they can even mobilize political leaders to speak out on their behalf…but the moment someone publicly states an opposite point of view, they are labeled as gay-bashers.  This is neither the original design of America, nor the righteous plan of God.

2) To attain my second Yale degree, I enrolled in an urban education graduate program.  From day one, it was established fact that I have long since been (and always will be) active in ministry.  During class, we participated in wide-ranging discourse on social and moral issues surrounding public education.  However, it quickly became apparent that there was a collective expectation of silence regarding THE MINISTER IN THE ROOM, that is, the group consensus seemed to be that I should sit quietly and passively while being ‘indoctrinated’ by a barrage of liberal worldviews via my professors and fellow students.  One day, we had a controversial discussion about a brochure entitled “My Two Moms” (involving two gay parents) and how we would present such a brochure to our students.  When I was directly asked my opinion and decided to candidly share it, I was firmly rebuked and informed that “educators are public servants!”  As such, we “have no right” to express any personal perspectives on the gay lifestyle.  Please remember that my opinions were expressed in direct response to their questions (within a UNIVERSITY SETTING), and please know that I would not have shared my personal views with students in a PUBLIC SCHOOL SETTING.  [Note: Neither would I have presented that brochure, as was being asked of me].  As the class proceeded, both my position and I were completely condemned.  My response was simply this: “If you can speak so openly and freely about SIN AND YOUR ADVOCACY OF THE SAME in my presence, I must and shall exercise my right to present GOD’S PERSPECTIVE, which matches and mirrors my own.”  Thankfully, I did obtain my second degree from Yale, but eventually became persona non grata, based upon my “narrow and politically incorrect” views.

Consider this: New Age thinking is NOT neutral thinking, even though it typically purports to be so.   That which is usually characterized by its proponents as “open-minded thinking” is a viewpoint that is PROFOUNDLY CLOSED to the Word and will of God.  As such, New Age thinking is a proactive strategy that seeks to minimize Christ and maximize Satan’s plan to prepare the world for the one-world religion and one-world government of the antichrist. To be perfectly candid, I am amazed at how we Christians allow ourselves to be so easily maneuvered into SILENCE for the sake of political correctness and popular acceptance.  With that being said, please know that it is not necessary for us to live each moment in ‘open confrontation mode’ with the world.  Our nonverbal witness is often sufficient to speak volumes to (and against) the world system.  Nevertheless, whenever this is insufficient, we must be ready and willing to stand up and speak up as ambassadors of Christ, in harmony with His Word and empowered by His Spirit.  Point to Ponder: Are you equipped and empowered to effectively represent Jesus Christ in these end-times?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

Monday, September 22, 2014



Since Satan is keenly aware that these are the end-times (the last days), he has intensified his efforts to distort and subvert the teachings of the gospel and to replace them with humanistic and allegedly rational systems of thought.  The Apostle Paul’s pastoral epistle to Timothy issues a strong and urgent warning “that in the last days perilous times shall come.”  It is a remarkably accurate and prophetic description of contemporary society and, admittedly, of today’s institutional church:

II Timothy 3:1-5 
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

It is important to make a clear-cut distinction between the INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH, i.e. the DRAGNET described by Jesus Christ in Matthew 13:47-48 which gathers all kinds for ultimate judgment and separation, vis-à-vis the INVISIBLE CHURCH, which is comprised of genuine born again believers.  Modern critics of the church typically focus on the INSTITUTIONAL church, which is inherently human and subject to error, vis-à-vis the INVISIBLE church, which is fully redeemed through the sacrificial atonement of Christ and continually purified by His Word. (Ephesians 5:25-27)  The apparent flaws and failures of human beings (and the institutional churches they occupy) become easy and disingenuous targets for those who would reject God.  And Satan gets maximum mileage out of these attacks in support of his argument for a more ‘reasonable’ and ‘realistic’ approach to faith.  Paul confirms this truth: “The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (II Corinthians 4:4)

Such powerful satanic deceptions form the philosophical platform and framework for the NEW AGE MOVEMENT.  Please take careful note of this: THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT IS THE NUMBER ONE SATANIC DECEPTION DESIGNED FOR THE END-TIMES.  Dictionary.com defines “New Age” as follows: “of or pertaining to a movement espousing a broad range of philosophies and practices traditionally viewed as occult, metaphysical, or paranormal.”  The Word of God contains compelling warnings against such humanistic and satanic systems of thought.   The following scripture reference is so important that four translations are provided for your consideration:

Colossians 2:8 (King James Version)
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Colossians 2:8 (New King James Version)
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

Colossians 2:8 (New International Version)
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.

Colossians 2:8 (New Living Translation)
Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.

Here’s the thing.  While humanistic philosophies ‘sound’ so very nice, i.e. so open-minded, so rooted in common-sense and so inclusive of diverse persons and viewpoints, in reality they are tantamount to satanic deception.  It is of critical importance to recognize that the New Age Movement constitutes PRELIMINARY PREPARATION FOR THE ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT AND ONE-WORLD RELIGION to be ushered in (during the Tribulation Period) by the antichrist and the false prophet. (Revelation 13:1-18) 

The Jeremiah Project cites seven major teachings of the New Age.  We will list these errors today, and elaborate more as this series progresses.  [See http://www.jeremiahproject.com/prophecy/newage01.html]  For now, prayerfully consider their overall meaning and implications for our time.

1. Jesus was not and is not the only Christ, nor is he God.
2. God is impersonal and cosmic, a God of energy forces.
3. Man, himself, is God, for he consists of and is the creator of the forces.  Man already holds the powers inherent in his divinity and needs only to awaken to this fact.
4. Man should seek and accept spiritual instruction and direction directly from the spirit world.
5. All religions and religious teachings lead to the same goal.  All are equally of merit.
6. The ancient wisdom of Babylon, Egypt and Greece - not the Bible - is the basis of all truth.
7. Sin and evil do not exist. Peace and love are the ultimate realities.

At its core, the New Age Movement represents a blatant denial of the Word’s most foundational revelation, that God-in-Christ manifested Himself to redeem and restore fallen humanity. (II Corinthians 4:6 and 5:19)  Thus, it minimizes the power of God and marginalizes His Word by substituting HUMAN REASON in place of the expressed perfect WILL OF GOD.  

Recently, I had a fascinating conversation with a professed Christian who insists that he wants to have “A REASONABLE FAITH.”  Consider that phrase very carefully, and you will discover that it is an oxymoron.  The Word informs us that “THE CARNAL MIND IS ENMITY AGAINST GOD; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.” (Romans 8:7)  There can be no doubt; the natural mind IS the enemy of God!  In no way does this scripture suggest that God seeks ‘spiritual air-heads’ who lack the ability to think or reason.  NO.  He gave us our minds as a vital vehicle for THINKING and ACHIEVING.  So the logical question is this: “Thinking and achieving WHAT?”  The answer is quite simple: “Thinking and achieving...our divine purpose and destiny.”  We NEED GOD for this.  Bottom-line: Whenever we substitute human intellect or natural reasoning for faith, we become ‘GOD’ in and over our own lives.  It’s the premier satanic deception, an exact duplicate of Lucifer’s tragic and sinful fall from Heaven’s grace and majesty.  His signature transgression was the ludicrous THOUGHT that he could somehow be equal to Almighty God.

Let’s not make that same mistake.  My personal declaration to the devil is simply this: “Satan, stinkin’ thinkin’ is ALL you promote, and I refuse to internalize or act on it, not matter how hard you try!”

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.



Recently, I have felt a tremendous burden to alert everyone about the increasingly prevalent and powerful satanic deceptions that seek to subvert the gospel and pervert our faith in God.  This may not be my most popular devotional series because, in these end-times, truth is not always palatable or politically correct.  Rather, much of the Christian community seems to be embracing and espousing a ‘feel good faith’ that requires little in the way of personal change or commitment.  We call it “Christianity-Lite.”  Today, I begin with a simple illustration.  Although it is totally fictional, it will shed light on Satan’s subtle and deceptive strategies to distort our thinking and destroy our souls.

While walking along a busy thoroughfare, a successful female executive was hit by a bus; soon afterwards she died.  Her soul arrived at Heaven’s gates where she was met by St. Peter, himself.  “Welcome to Heaven,” smiled Peter.  “Before you settle in, however, we have a bit of a problem.  It seems that your life is somewhere in the ‘middle’ and we’re not exactly sure what to do with you.”  “No problem,” said the assertive business woman, “just go ahead and let me into Heaven.”  “Well, I’d love to do that,” said Peter, “but there are higher orders…so we’re going to do something totally unprecedented in your case.  You will spend one day in hell and one day in Heaven, and then you can choose where you want to spend eternity.”

“Actually, I’ve already made up my mind,” chimed in the woman, “I prefer to stay in Heaven.” “Sorry, but we have rules,” Peter insisted.  And with that, he escorted her to the elevator that transported her down-down-down to hell.  When the elevator doors opened, she stepped out onto a well-manicured putting green on a gorgeous golf course.  In the distance she spied a palatial country club.  Standing in front of it were numerous deceased friends, arrayed in lavish evening gowns and handsome tuxedos – all clapping and heartily cheering her on.  They ran over and greeted her warmly, kissing her affectionately on both cheeks and conversing about the good old times.

They played a delightful round of golf, which was followed by a phenomenal evening at the country club, where she enjoyed the most delicious steak and lobster dinner ever!  During dinner she met the devil, who actually turned out to be quite a nice guy (kind of cute she thought), and they had a great time laughing it up and dancing.  In fact, she was having such a good time that, before she knew it, her hour of departure had arrived.  Everyone shook her hand warmly and waved good-bye as she hopped onto the elevator.  The elevator went up-up-up and opened at the Pearly Gates where Peter was waiting.

“Now it’s time to spend a day in Heaven,” he announced with joy.  So she passed the next 24 hours lounging around on beautiful brightly colored clouds, playing enchanting celestial harps, dining on fabulous foods, listening to an awesome repertoire of gospel music and meeting all the saints of the ages.  She was having such a wonderful time that, before she knew it, 24 hours had flown by.  Peter arrived to retrieve her.

“So…” Peter began, “you have spent one day in hell and one day in Heaven.  Tell me, what do you think?  Now you must choose your eternal home.”  The woman paused for a split second and then replied, “Well, I never thought I’d say this – I mean Heaven is really great and all – but I think I had a much better time in hell with all of my friends.”  Peter clearly frowned and escorted her back to the elevator; once again she made the trip (a permanent one this time) down-down-down to hell.  When the elevator door opened, she found herself standing in a desolate pit loaded with putrid garbage and filth.  It was terribly hot and the awful stench of sulfur permeated the air.  Once more she saw her friends, but this time they were in agony.  They were miserably dressed in smelly old rags.  They were picking up nasty garbage with their hands and depositing it in huge burlap bags.

The devil showed up right on cue.  As he placed his arm on the woman’s shoulder, he appeared to be very different, not so cute after all.  “Welcome to your eternal home,” he grinned.  “I don’t quite understand,” stammered the woman.”  Just yesterday, there was a beautiful golf course and country club here.  We ate steak and lobster.  We laughed and danced and had a great time.  Now this is a terrible wasteland filled with garbage and foul odors.  And my friends who looked so happy yesterday…now they’re all miserable!”  Satan looked over at her and simply smiled.  “Yesterday,” he explained, “we were recruiting you.  Today, you are on our staff!”  And then he broke out into the loudest and most obnoxious laughter she had ever heard.  It was her very first day of forever…

I start our series with this story to underscore the power of satanic deception.  Satan is both a liar and the father of lies.  Matthew 24:24 warns us that crafty satanic deceptions will characterize the end times, and even suggests that much of this duplicity will take place in and around the church: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”  This is a tragic and perilous state of affairs.  Actually, one only need watch the evening news to discern how close we are to the age of this age.  I pray that you will allow the Holy Spirit to awaken and alert you through this vitally important devotional series.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come.

Friday, September 19, 2014



One of my favorite stories goes like this: A young frog in the remote jungle of equatorial Africa had just finished his desert of flies.  He had lived a totally sheltered life, so on his 12th birthday he had a very urgent question for his mother: “Mommy, are there other animals in the jungle besides us?”  His mother looked at him with some surprise, and then replied.  “Sure Kermit, there are lots of other animals out there.  Be careful, but go ahead and see for yourself.”

With maternal endorsement, this young-yet-naïve frog hopped confidently down the path, until he came to a handsome orange-flecked monkey.  Without hesitation, Kermit shouted out: “I’m a W---I---D---E--mouth African frog…and I eat flies.  What do you eat?”  “BANANAS!” responded the enthusiastic monkey.

Kermit kept on down the path until he encountered a tall giraffe.  He greeted the beautiful giraffe with the same shout-out: “I’m a W---I---D---E--mouth African frog…and I eat flies.  What do you eat?”  Mrs. Giraffe responded ever so kindly: “Well, I eat LEAVES from the tallest trees!”  With heightened curiosity about the animals that remained to be discovered, Kermit continued his hasty travels, and wound up by the riverside.

He spotted a huge crocodile dozing in the sun and similarly greeted him: “I’m a W---I---D---E--mouth African frog…and I eat flies.  What do you eat?”  Before Kermit could hop away, the crocodile opened his mouth really wide and shouted “I’m glad you asked.  That’s easy.  I eat W---I---D---E--MOUTH AFRICAN FROGS!”  And in one unfortunate gulp, Kermit’s tour of discovery had come to a sudden end.  The moral of the story is this: Don’t allow any negative force sufficient access or permission to devour YOU or YOUR DREAMS!

Unfortunately, the spiritual heritage of some people has been bitten and devoured by various issues: procrastination, shallow thinking, criticism, unbelief, immorality, or greed, just to cite a few.  I repeat: Don’t allow any negative force sufficient access or permission to devour YOU or YOUR DREAMS!  By the way, precisely what is it that YOU are pursuing: Your Cultural Dream, Your Corporate Dream, The American Dream, or The Heavenly Vision?

At least three factors are necessary to achieve every mission-critical goal for your life:
1) You must not be distracted by static or background noise.
2) You must be watchful, prayerful, studious and wise.
3) You must sustain sufficient faith to have dominion over your past, present and future.

In a word, despite any apparent lack of any aerodynamic capability, you must believe you can fly!  No matter how the R&B singer, R. Kelly, rates on your spirituality scale or righteousness meter, that musical artist somehow connected to Rhema and revelation in his popular ballad “I Believe I Can Fly.”  Brothers and sisters, consider this carefully: If you intend to FLY into the stratosphere of your God-given potential, you must first liberate your eyes from the barnyard floor and develop a dynamic vision that is singularly focused and fixated on the sky.  Put simply, if you ever intend to soar with the eagles, you must first set yourself free from the chickens!

In order to become equipped for our imminent season of revolutionary change, we must adopt a life-attitude that says “I can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST” (Philippians 4:13), i.e. we must walk with God-ordained confidence.  Such confidence is not tantamount to arrogance.  No.  Rather, it is a blessed assurance that Christ is not only on board our ship, but that He is, indeed, at the very center of our circumstances.  As has often been said, our attitude governs and determines our altitude.

Trust me, believer, our God has created a supremely unique and powerful YOU.  Indeed, He declares that you are a WINNER-BELIEVER!  Therefore, why are you sometimes so co-dependent, or so subjugated to the will and whims of others?   If no one wants to accompany your voice, or if no one perceives the inherent beauty of your song, then simply learn how to sing acapella.  If others fail to discern your worth or refuse to sow any measure of time, talent or treasure into your dreams, just keep believing the Word and relying on Christ-in-you, who is the singular and ultimate hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)

Three keys open life’s gateway-to-success: (1) the ability to discover one’s specific niche, (2) the power to unleash a long-term faith-focus, and (3) the ability to persevere through adverse circumstances.  However, along your journey, be aware of one vital truth.  Not everyone who has the same surname as you, or occupies the same pew, or self-identifies as friend or supporter is truly dedicated to your success.  Some of the aforementioned just might be frienemies, a.k.a. friendly enemies!  Their words might seem supportive, but their actions tell a different tale altogether.

Here’s the bottom-line: Your capacity for future flight is not defined by the words, opinions or actions of others.  Indeed, it is wonderful to have various resources, but all are completely secondary to The Source.  He alone is “the Author and Finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2)  When you and I are walking in HIS LIGHT, any outside voices and all images of doubt and fear grow strangely dim.  Now sing along with me…I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Thursday, September 18, 2014



It’s certainly not one of the ‘TEN.’  Nevertheless, it is a COMMANDMENT that echoes consistently throughout the scriptures.  Any parents who have ever driven their children in the backseat of a car can readily understand how OUR FATHER feels about His children’s tendency to complain.  From the rear of our vehicles, we sometimes experience emotional earthquakes, those especially annoying verbal rumblings that take place between allegedly loving siblings: “Mommy, Tumi TOUCHED me!” (or) “Daddy, Lucy keeps LOOKING at me!” (or) “Tommy…STOP THAT!”  This is absolutely exasperating (especially on long road trips), and we are tempted to pull over to the roadside to grant the ‘board of education’ an opportunity to transform their heads and hearts via their behinds!  I am completely cognizant of the fact that the previous line could seem politically incorrect to ‘The Timeout Generation’ – but can I get a witness anyway?

Our children’s car behavior is an amusing yet accurate caricature of us.  As The Father drives us through this road trip called LIFE, all too often we fail to enjoy the gorgeous scenery He has provided (or) the sheer joy of being in His presence (or) the wonderful blessing of relationship and proximity with our brothers and sisters, because we SEE LIFE…we FRAME LIFE…in a never ending series of complaints.  Hmmm…think about it!

Actually, our God detests a carping and complaining spirit.  Why?  Simply put, NEGATIVITY never brings glory to God or gain to us.  It is the diametrical opposite of PRAISE, which consistently manifests the presence and power of God.  Praise operates at the very center of God’s will, the place of His power and provision.  On the other hand, complaining is a satanically spawned declaration of high anxiety, doubt and ingratitude.  For example, when the children of Israel had been delivered out of Pharaoh’s Egypt by the mighty hand of God, they soon fell headlong into the complaining trap.  God had provided manna from Heaven so they could make bread cakes to satisfy their appetites and nourish their bodies.  Yet, even though the Israelites had been physically freed from Egypt, they were still in emotional bondage to the customs and cuisine of their oppressors.  In a word, they needed to be fully delivered from the SPIRIT OF EGYPT that was deeply embedded within them.  These supernaturally blessed children of The Most High God implicitly mocked divine provision by their failure to praise and their proclivity to complain.  The Word of God clearly testifies against them:

Numbers 11:4-6
4 And the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat?
5 WE REMEMBER the FISH, which we did eat in EGYPT freely; the CUCUMBERS, and the MELONS, and the LEEKS, and the ONIONS, and the GARLIC:
6 But now our soul is dried away: there is NOTHING AT ALL, BESIDE THIS MANNA, before our eyes.

Think about it!  The Israelites were ‘hooked’ on the beans and watermelon of their enemy!  Now you can understand why Daniel refused to eat any of the king’s dainties. (Daniel 1:8)  There is an addictive quality to menus that are derived from sources outside the providence and provision of God!  That’s why we should not snack from Satan’s illusory lunches that seem so appetizing to our flesh but are surreptitiously laden with deceit, doubt and disappointment.  The net result of the Israelite’s complaining was the displeasure and wrath of God.  “When the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.” (Numbers 11:1)

In one of my favorite books, “The Greatest Salesman in the World” by Og Mandino, a character named Hafid discovers ten scrolls of wisdom.  The sixth scroll contains this advice: “Today I will be a master of my emotions.  Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.”  In other words, we who seek to be successful (while maintaining divine approval) must exercise a staunch refusal to fuss, fume, gripe or groan due to unanticipated changes in either the people or the circumstances that surround us.

There is a song written by Rev. Don Johnson, made popular by the gospel artist Rev. Paul Jones, entitled “I Won’t Complain.”  The lyrics are so powerful because they remind us never to embrace a sniveling, whining, moaning or complaining spirit:

I've had some good days, I've had some hills to climb;
I've had some weary days and so many sleepless nights.
But when I look around and think things over,
All of my good days outweigh my bad days;
I won't complain!

God’s been so good to me, He’s been so good to me;
More than this world or you could ever be,
That’s how good God is to me!
He dries all my tears away, turns midnight into day;
So I'll say “Thank you, Lord!” – “Thank you, Lord!”
I won't complain!

Here’s a suggestion for all of us.  We should ask the Father (who truly loves all of His children) to install a praise thermostat in our attitudes and spirits.  I submitted my requisition some time ago.  The result: whenever or wherever I am tempted to complain, I am soon regulated and restored by the phenomenal power of praise!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



This is the final installment of our devotional series on the spirit of rejection, so let’s recap what we have learned.  First of all, God graciously sows ‘pluses’ into our lives to offset the ‘minuses’ we experience through the carelessness or callousness of others.  It is mission-critical that we identify and cultivate His positive seeds.  Secondly, Satan leverages our feelings of inadequacy in order to negatively impact our attitudes, actions and long-term potential.  Thirdly, whenever we harbor unresolved feelings of rejection, we trigger a tendency to actually become a rejecter of other people, thereby diminishing our capacity to sustain healthy relationships.  Fourthly, in order to combat any feelings of inadequacy (rooted in rejection), we must do our best to avoid toxic people and relationships.  Fifthly, we must diligently guard our hearts, that is, we must deploy God’s Word as a filter for our meditations and our mouths.

These insights lead us to Kingdom Principle Number Three: REJECTION IS ACTUALLY AN OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE, MOTIVATION AND THE ABILITY TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS.  To understand the power of this statement, we need only consider the life of Jesus Christ.  Indeed, He is the master of managing personal rejection.   Consider the following scripture:

John 1:10-12
10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT.
11 He came unto his own, and HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT.
12 BUT AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

First of all, as the Architect of Creation, Jesus Christ was rejected by the very people whom he had created. (John 1:3 and Hebrews 11:3)  Secondly, Jesus was rejected by “his own,” i.e. his Jewish brethren. (John 1:11)  Thirdly, Jesus was marginalized by the religious establishment who sought to label him as “a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners.” (Luke 7:34)  But herein lay the key to the unprecedented level of success that characterizes the person and work of Jesus Christ.  He did not FOCUS on the rejection or the rejecters!  Jesus did not worry about the lukewarm reception of family and friends who were somewhat offended by the courageous words of their ‘homeboy.’ (Matthew 13:57) 

In my mind’s eye, I picture Jesus simply shrugging off their negative attitudes and opinions: ‘Oh well, He likely mused, a prophet is always without honor in his own country.’   Thereafter, Jesus made the wise decision to work with those who “RECEIVED him,” that is, JESUS MOVED ON!  His actions are our template for handling chronic rejection.  At least emotionally (if not physically), we must resolve to MOVE ON!  It reminds me of the call of Abram, in which GOD clearly commanded him: “Get out of your country, from your family and your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1)  Our greatest success occurs wherever GOD positions and plants us!

Kingdom Principle Number Four: GOD MOVES YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE TO BLESS YOU AND TO POSITION YOU TO BLESS OTHERS. (Genesis 12:2)  What you may now perceive as REJECTION is nothing more than an INTERMEDIARY STEP between your past and your future – between your human will and God’s perfect will – between your apparent failure and your appointed success.  Wow!

So live your life on purpose, my friend, with unmitigated faith and unshakable enthusiasm.  Never allow any person or circumstance to RAIN on your God-ordained REIGN!  Your footsteps have been divinely ordered. (Psalm 37:23)  So look up and think up!  Be focused and joyful!  That’s where your strength lies. (Nehemiah 8:10)  I love Norman Vincent Peale’s perspective on this: “Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm.”  If you persist in thinking positively about yourself and your future prospects, you will ultimately succeed. (Habakkuk 2:3)  How so?  After all is said and done, YOU ARE A WINNER-BELIEVER! 

Allow me to cite one practical example.  Early in life, I achieved substantial success in sales.  The secret underlying my accomplishments was simply this:  I LEARNED HOW TO PROPERLY INTERPRET REJECTION.  In other words, I discovered that each and every “NO” is a necessary step toward the person who would say “YES!”  Therefore, I carefully monitored and managed my sales activity and discovered that approximately 70% of my appointments had APPARENTLY NEGATIVE OUTCOMES, which simply meant that those prospects did not purchase what I was selling.  So instead of feeling discouraged when someone said “NO,” I strategically COUNTED IT as one more appointment I had to process before arriving at my “YES!”  The Word of God confirms this principle:

James 1:2-4
2 My brethren, COUNT IT ALL JOY when ye fall into diverse temptations;
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience.
4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

The philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson is in total agreement.  He wrote, “Dear to us are those who love us, but dearer are THOSE WHO REJECT US AS UNWORTHY, for they add another life we had not dreamed of, supply to us new powers and urge us to new and unattempted performances.”

I frame Emerson’s perspective this way: Every negative SITUATION IS prologue to future success.  So we will never despair about dark or dubious circumstances; we will never yield to doubt or discouragement.  Rather, we will celebrate every challenging circumstance and person who, by the apparent act of putting us down, is quite literally raising us up!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014



We have learned that Satan’s agenda is intensifying emotional struggles to produce long-term negative effects, while God’s agenda is transforming our shortcomings into strengths and life-wisdom so we are positioned to assist others who have similar life experiences.  To offset any perceived ‘minuses’ in our lives, God always grants unique and powerful ‘pluses’ for our balance today and our achievement tomorrow.  Our personal discovery of these God-given pluses is mission critical to breaking out of the ‘rejection box’ and attaining fulfillment and success.

Even when others do not seem to GET US, Satan certainly does.  In fact, his tactical portfolio on us is a work in progress from cradle to grave.  Therefore, he is historically aware of OUR EMOTIONAL BUTTONS, the best means of pushing them, and our probable response to such pressure.  I believe there are specific satanic forces, i.e. SPIRITS OF REJECTION, whose primary mission is PRODUCING REPEATED CYCLES OF SIMILAR REJECTION in our lives via those who are closest and most capable of causing serious pain and damage.  More often than not, these unwitting agents are our FAMILY AND FRIENDS.

Once you have identified your GOD-GIVEN PLUSES, it is imperative to use them proactively as weapons to nullify demonic attacks that are expressly formulated to reactivate feelings of rejection.  As you recall, the ‘minus’ that shaped my personal self-image was a speech impediment.  My God-given ‘plus’ was academic ability.  Whenever I felt LESS-THAN, I consciously reminded myself of my potential to excel in the classroom.  In other words, I might not be super at hoops, but I could be superlative in history!  YOU too have GOD-GIVEN PLUSES!  Find them and focus on them whenever significant others become unknowing agents of lowering your self-esteem and reviving those feelings of rejection.  Please hear this with your spirit.  It is imperative that you do so or you will have the potential to BECOME that which you now abhor.

Kingdom Principle Number Two: HARBORING UNRESOLVED FEELINGS OF REJECTION ULTIMATELY CAUSES YOU TO BECOME A REJECTER OF OTHERS.  The noted American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, was convinced that childhood problems of self-esteem are far more serious than commonly believed.  He discovered that children who feel rejected have low rates of pro-social behavior (difficulty with sharing), high rates of disruptive behavior (aggressiveness), high rates of immature behavior (impulsiveness and inattentiveness) and high rates of social anxiety (fears they will never fit in).  He believed that this basic lack of self-esteem, if unchecked, ultimately manifests as adult depression.  In other words, our need for acceptance is so powerful that if is unfulfilled we are motivated to act out the opposite of what we are in need of, that it, we eventually withdraw from the love and acceptance of significant others who genuinely seek our best.  Ironically, WE BECOME PASSIVE OR ACTIVE REJECTERS and eventually find it challenging to sustain healthy long-term relationships.

Having outlined the problem, what is the solution?  First of all, since much of what we become is influenced by factors in our environment, WE MUST AVOID TOXIC PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS.  Carefully consider this: Although most of us despise rejection, it is paradoxical that we are somehow drawn to people who continually reject us.  Why?  Because HUMAN BEINGS ARE TYPICALLY DRAWN TO THE FAMILIAR – even if those customary people or things are dangerous and disastrous for us.  Think about it.  At this stage in life, I have embraced a firm policy of zero tolerance for chronic negativity, which means I refuse to maintain involvement with those who do not speak positively into my life and into the lives of others.  This is no easy task since it may require distance or disconnection from persons whom I am naturally or emotionally inclined to be close.

Here’s why this is vitally important: WE TEND TO BECOME WHATEVER WE CONSTANTLY MEDITATE UPON OR ASSOCIATE WITH.  Therefore, our sense-gates MUST be guarded!  Association does bring about assimilation.  Solomon’s wise counsel is in agreement with my own: “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)  The alternative to guarding your heart, i.e. not constantly hearing, speaking, tasting, touching, or seeing anything that detracts from the image of God-in-you, is becoming a distorted and degraded version of your destined and truest self.  This powerful principle should have a direct impact on your daily intake.  Garbage in…garbage out!  WORD in…WORD out!  To facilitate your long-term health and wholeness, here a powerful scripture to live by:

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8, NKJV)

Bottom-line: When you make the decision to diligently guard your heart, you will also need to restructure your relationships.  Are you ready?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.