Thursday, September 25, 2014



Satan often utilizes another efficacious strategy to deprive all who fall for it of the synergy that believers possess whenever we stand in unity. defines “synergy” as “the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements.”  Put simply, we are much greater together than the sum of our parts.  Deuteronomy 32:30 confirms the fact that while ONE Godly person has the power to defeat ONE THOUSAND enemies, TWO Godly persons (acting in concert) have the potential to defeat TEN THOUSAND enemies.  God generates geometric progressions of divine dunamis (Acts 1:8) when we stand in union with Christ and in unity with one another.  One of the more clever end-times strategies deployed by Satan is the contention that people do not necessarily need the church.  We hear it over and over: ‘I don’t attend church because I don’t believe in organized religion.  But I’m SPIRITUAL.’

A while back, when that comment surfaced during a conversation, I asked this question: “What do you mean by SPIRITUAL?”  His response was “I’m a good person…I try to do what’s right.  I believe in God.”  My follow-up question was “WHICH GOD do you believe in?”  His response: “You know…(very long pause)…GOD!”  After my second question, he became increasingly defensive, even though I made a genuine effort to be diplomatic, and it became apparent that this gentleman had neither deeply considered WHO GOD IS, nor his own spiritual status and its possible future outcomes.  In fact, he was clearly a victim of a very hypnotic satanic strategy deployed to malign the church, with the intent of keeping people as far away as possible so they have less likelihood of hearing “truth,” which according to Jesus Christ makes people free. (John 8:32)

Let’s be honest here.  When most people say ‘I’m spiritual,’ they are really saying ‘I do not want to make a COMMITMENT TO CHANGE my life and lifestyle, so I choose not to participate in any GROUP that might make demands for such personal adjustments.’  Although I tried to change the subject when I discerned that this man’s mind was closed to matters of the Spirit, the conviction he was feeling caused him to travel down the route that so-called ‘spiritual people’ typically take when confronted with truth.  “Besides,” sneered the man, “isn’t the church LOADED with HYPOCRITES?”  Satan uses maximum powers of deception to focus our attention on everyone and everything else to distract us from seeing “Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2)  Admittedly, saved people DO have flaws and imperfections.  We are not perfect; we are forgiven.  Satan’s strategy is diffusion, i.e. to toss out an endless array of seemingly legitimate excuses to derail the all-important connection with divine truth.

But there is another reason why Satan doesn’t want self-identified ‘spiritual people’ to attend or embrace the church.  He is keenly aware that regular fellowship with believers diminishes the effects of his discouraging and doubting voice during moments that we feel isolated or alone.  In the presence of God and His people, there is strength to gain and there is integrity (wholeness) to glean.  In the company of other believers, both our ideas and ideals are ‘checked’ and we are led into proper alignment with God’s Word.  Otherwise, we might adopt strange beliefs and unsound practices.  Believers definitely need to be taught in the faith. (I Timothy 4:13-16)  There is an old wise saying: “A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient.” (Anonymous)  Likewise, any believer who teaches himself (without opportunities to examine, refine and build his faith under the tutelage of God-ordained teachers) is prone to doctrinal error and/or backsliding.

There are so many reasons why we need to attend church regularly, not the least of which is the fact that it is a commandment from Almighty God.  Hebrews 10:25 says “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”  One key ingredient of any faith-based assembly is WORSHIP.  Therefore, worship is an indispensable component of fellowship with other believers.  While I love to worship God in my home, my car, or anywhere else, there is something entirely unique about corporate worship.  To wit, worship may be defined as “a powerful togetherness.”  Uplifted amid the synergy of sincere saints, we are led to the throne of grace – with much more power and passion than most of us can summon independently.  Indeed, WE are the branches of The True Vine, and WE abide in Him. (John 15:5)  Indeed, WE have this ministry. (II Corinthians 4:1)  And when WE abide in HIS presence, WE are TRULY SPIRITUAL…for “in HIS presence is fullness of joy; at HIS right hand, there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalm 16:11)

Don’t become a victim of satanic deception by ever distancing yourself from the place and people deputized by Heaven to engage and equip you – to obtain, to sustain and to release the awesome power of God.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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