Wednesday, September 24, 2014



Another end-times satanic strategy that threatens to erode the effectiveness of the mission and message of the church is a seemingly all-pervasive sexual immorality, which increasingly plagues both pulpit and pew.  While sex, in and of itself, is a God-given gift that authorizes matrimonial fulfillment between husbands and wives and procreation of the human species, it is intentionally regulated by divine will and writ.  That is to say, while the Word of God clearly endorses sexual relations between spouses, it patently prohibits pre-marital or extra-marital intimacy. (I Corinthians 6:18 – Galatians 5:19 – Ephesians 5:3)  It is a divine directive that all believers be “sanctified,” i.e. set apart for service. (I Thessalonians 4:3-5 and Ephesians 5:26)  Therefore, we are responsible and accountable (via the ongoing process of Word purification) to proactively “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.” (Ephesians 5:26 and II Corinthians 7:1)

In light of this, the question is begged: ‘How have sex and sexuality become such powerful preoccupations and/or challenges for members of the institutional church?’  To answer accurately, let’s take a look back in time.  The evidence of scripture suggests that Eden’s ‘original sin’ could POSSIBLY have been sexual in nature.  There are several circumstantial clues.  First of all, Adam and Eve’s initial sin robbed them of their INNOCENCE and “opened” their eyes. (Genesis 3:5)  Secondly, they became keenly aware of their NAKEDNESS, which caused them to cover themselves and hide from God. (Genesis 3:7-8)  Thirdly, one of the post-Edenic judgments of God was CHILD-BEARING via multiplied “sorrow” and “conception.” (Genesis 3:16)  There is at least a POSSIBLE IMPLICATION here that Eve might have been impregnated by the initial act of sin and would therefore ‘labor’ to bear children.  In my judgment, “the tree in the midst of the garden” (Genesis 3: 3) COULD well be a euphemism for sex.  It’s just an opinion – so please don’t ‘kill me’ for expressing it.

We could extend this conjecture all the way to the instigator of original sin, Satan himself.  As the archangel Lucifer, he deliberately defied divine order and sought to usurp God’s authority and throne. (Isaiah 14:12-17)  Incredibly enough, the scriptures tell us that Lucifer somehow managed to convert ONE-OUT-OF-THREE ANGELS to join in his insurrection against ALMIGHTY GOD!  It begs the question: ‘What did Lucifer possess (or do) that was so attractive to so many God-created beings that they risked everything to rebel against THE OMNIPOTENT GOD?’  Have you ever wondered about that?  I certainly have.

Scriptures are silent on this matter, so we cannot at all be sure.  But perhaps his strategy was some form of sexuality or sex.  The circumstantial evidence here is the related possibility that Satan (a.k.a. Lucifer) might have introduced a similar (and now familiar) temptation to Eden’s first couple.  It’s just an opinion – so please don’t ‘kill me’ for expressing it.  One additional sidebar: ‘Have you ever wondered why the area of Lucifer’s greatest expertise (MUSIC) has become a veritable hotbed for sexual promiscuity and perversion within the institutional church?’  Think about it.  Sexual distortion surely seems to be an area of satanic expertise.

We certainly cannot be sure of that which is inferred or conjectured above.  However, it is quite certain (and increasingly evident) that Satan is NOW making full use of sexuality and sex to diminish the influence and impact of the institutional church.  To verify this, we need only consider recent sex scandals that have rocked the church world.  These scandals cover a wide range of territory, including pedophilia, fornication, adultery and even rape.  As a result, the church is paying a hefty price relative to its reputation, its witness and its financial stability, due to monumental litigation and settlement costs.

One additional sidebar: ‘Have you ever wondered why sexuality has so greatly influenced the way we DRESS (and even how we MINISTER) in today’s church?’  In many quarters, worship has morphed into something subtly resembling pagan IDOLATRY.  Bottom-line: Praise and worship seems to have become more-and-more infused with sexuality and less-and-less inspired by spirituality.  In far too many cases, our moments of worship have deteriorated into God forsaken fashion shows, replete with sexually suggestive hip gyrations by praise-team-pom-pom-girls!  In many cases, Christ and His anointing have simply exited the scene.  Or should I say “exited the STAGE?”…because more-and-more that is what our altars have become!  This is the tragic result of a satanic deception of the highest order.  Perhaps, the worst fall-out of all is the corrosive cynicism with which many non-believers have come to view church leaders and laity.  Where and when will it all end?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!  Stay tuned…more to come tomorrow.

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