Friday, March 27, 2015



In order to be successful in life, we must discover, develop and deploy the God-ordained reasons for our being.  As children of divine destiny, we exist for His purpose.  Without knowing what they are and without actualizing them, our lives seem empty, irrelevant and unfulfilling.  Today, let’s take our last look at the dynamic Kingdom Principles presented to us by the late great Bible teacher and author, Dr. Myles Munroe:

Kingdom Principle #4:
“Without VISION, we lose self-control and discipline.”

How so?

- Crystal-clear vision orders our daily attitudes and actions.
- Crystal-clear vision gives us tangible reasons for eagerly embracing each day.
- Crystal-clear vision gives us a gauge for involvement and commitment.
- Crystal-clear vision gives us courage to persevere through difficult times.
- Crystal-clear vision stretches our faith and our intimacy with God.

How do we bring glory to God?  The answer is quite simple: By identifying and accomplishing the unique work that He has set our hands to do.  According to Dr. Munroe, “the cemetery is the richest place on Earth because it is filled with unwritten books, unstarted corporations and unrealized dreams.”  Wow!

In a very real sense, the vision that you have been provided is out-of-this-world!  Why?  Because at birth, GOD breathed something supremely special and unique into your body, mind and spirit. 

Get to it!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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