Thursday, April 9, 2015



As a long-time Connecticut resident in the northeast region of the USA known as New England, I have a definite ‘love-hate’ relationship with winter weather.  I am particularly averse to those biting blasts of chilly Arctic air that frequently invade our borders, from December through February, and beyond.  However, I love to lounge in front of a cozy fireplace, totally mesmerized by the warm glow of embers and the crackling of burning wood.

Let me be clear.  I am no fan of shoveling mountains of snow, especially in the volume and frequency of this winter past.  The snow blower ably assists my efforts, but never increases my likability for wintry storms.  Nevertheless, I love to stand at the window and gaze at the absolute beauty and awesome tranquility of newly fallen snow.

Bottom-line: I am emotionally ambivalent about our frequent downpours of winter snow, but I have a deep-seated and abiding admiration for their basic building-block, a.k.a. the snowflake.  Why?

Snowflakes are survivors.

How so?  Their birthplace is high in the stratosphere, where they form amid violent blasts of winter wind, conditions totally unimaginable and unendurable for us.  Along their gravity driven journey, they collide forcefully with one another.  And they are continually shaped (and reshaped) by treacherous winds, changing temperatures and violent collisions with fellow flakes.

In fact, before reaching the ground, their transitions and transformations are far too numerous to count.  But the difficulty of their journey produces miraculous results.  Every snowflake achieves the rare beauty of individuality and uniqueness.  In fact, no two are alike.  This is amazing, even astounding, in light of the multiplied millions that comprise any visible blanket of fallen snow.

We, too, are snowflakes.

The circumstantial winds of our lives constantly shape us; the gravity of our lives continually transports us.  We move.  We change.  We develop.  We grow.  We rise; we fall; we rise again. (Proverbs 24:16)  Indeed, we become fearless and faithful along our pathway, despite our collisions, conflicts, pressures, or pains.  And GOD transforms our diverse situations into divine appointments that develop our distinctiveness and destiny.

As we allow the Creator to define and refine our journey (and ourselves), we become the beautifully crafted, absolutely awesome, beings-of-purpose that were conceived by in His Mind long before the foundation of the world.

It’s His PLAN.  It’s our PROCESS.

Romans 8:28 (NKJV)
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Glide fearlessly, snowflake, for divine meaning and mission reside in your wintry storm.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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