Thursday, March 3, 2016



As I previously stated, DONALD TRUMP is a clear and present danger to the USA, as well as to the prospect of sustaining healthy relationships within the community of nations.  Nevertheless, America seems to be asleep at the switch as our national locomotive rumbles headlong toward a bridgeless chasm – while so many feel safe and secure on this carnival ride of ill intentions, incompetency and misalignment with the divine will.

GOD’S ANSWER to our current dilemma is summarized in one verse of scripture: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)

In the absence of proactive spiritual engagement, frustrated citizens surrender their hope and future to Donald Trump, an unabashed showman, an imposter, a charlatan, a slick-and-sly hypocrite who is nothing more than a pretentious braggart and a blustering bully.  The popular rise of this reality show entertainer defies conventional wisdom since he brutally assaults political opponents while serially denigrating women, immigrants, Muslims, minorities, handicapped persons, heads of state and our own governmental leaders. 

His policies of governance are either non-existent or nonsensical – all style, no substance.  As the Texas saying goes, “All hat, no cattle!”

Donald Trump is aN EXTREMELY dangerous man.

Indeed, if he was elected to the American presidency (God forbid!), his over-the-top commentary and braggadocio would cause regional and/or global wars to become imminent possibilities.

While I do not subscribe to the theory that Mr. Trump is the Antichrist, HE CERTAINLY OPERATES IN THE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST, which according to The Holy Writ, “has already gone out into the world.” (I John 4:3) To wit, his presidential candidacy serves as 1) a clear affirmation that these are the end-times; and, 2) a harbinger of political events that could soon usher in the EMERGENCE OF THE ANTICHRIST and the start of The Tribulation Period. (Matthew 24:29 – Daniel 9:27 – I John 4:1-6)

Now hear this.  One of the primary hallmarks of the Antichrist (and, by extension, a characteristic of the spirit of Antichrist) is that he will have a brazen mouth that will speak “pompous words.” (Daniel 7:21)  We need only recall the rallying mantras of Mr. Trump to connect the dots: “I’m smart; I’m really smart!”  “I’m rich; I’m really rich!”  “We’re gonna’ win; we’re gonna’ all the time!”  “It’ll be great; it’ll be really great!”  Pomposity!  In fact, the level of arrogance that is the public persona of Donald Trump is unprecedented on the American political scene.  He is fully capable of rambling on ad nauseam, spewing out obscene levels of slander, vitriol, hatred, xenophobia and divisiveness.  Yet, he promises to “Make America Great Again!”

Satan is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44) And his followers hold a tenuous relationship with truth.  As such, they fail to embrace both The Benefiter and the benefits of eternal truth. (John 14:6 – Revelation 22:15)

But here’s the really scary thing about Donald Trump.  This is a man who aspires to occupy The Oval Office and to hold the executive reins of federal government in the palms of his hands.  This is a man who would have access to the nuclear codes and would be entrusted with the security and survival of our nation.  This is a man who would be commander-in-chief of what is arguably the greatest military power on our planet.  But this is also a man who is mastered by his mouth, which is merely the puppet piece of his delusionary mind. 

As such, far too many world leaders view our current political process with shock and skepticism, while quietly assessing the grave challenge of sustaining diplomatic relationships and international peace under the auspices of ‘President’ Donald Trump.  Incredibly, the Parliament of one of our closest allies, Great Britain, has considered banning him permanently from their nation.  That, in and of itself, is a travesty.

Furthermore, this is a man whose rhetorical support for the nation of Israel is dubious and doubtful to those with discerning spirits.  According to the Word, our regard for Israel (or the lack thereof) will factor into the future status and welfare of our nation.  Centuries ago, Almighty God forged an unwavering covenant with the Patriarch Abraham, and by extension to the nation of Israel: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you.” (Genesis 12:3)

I am convinced that sitting idly by while someone like Donald Trump has the possibility of winning the day would be an open door to destruction.  America is already in a rapid downward spiral because we have abdicated our moral compass.  If Mr. Trump is elected, an already divided nation will be even more polarized.


Please!  Let’s not allow partisan thinking or political kabuki to promote the Entertainer-In-Chief.  Why not?  Because glib rhetoric, loud voices, profane words, divisive speeches, disparaging remarks, narrow minds and exclusionary thinking should never be the qualifications or character of an American president.

I will not suggest who we should vote for, but we all need to pray and ask GOD for guidance.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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