Tuesday, March 1, 2016



Chuck Swindoll is a world renowned author and preacher.  By all reports, Pastor Chuck has an outstanding capacity to impart practical wisdom and powerful inspiration into the lives of Christian laity and leaders.  However, he describes an occasion of real ministry crisis.  While speaking at a pastor's conference he had a discouraging feeling of absolute failure.  Although those in attendance were quite engaged, seeminglly clinging to every word, he was overwhelmed by a deep sense of emptiness and frustration.

Sensing that God was trying to communicate something significant, Pastor Chuck called four trusted friends to his home and gave them this directive.  “I want you to listen carefully to my life story and see if anything stands out to you.”  Beginning with his earliest memories, he poured out his life story as friends listened attentively.

When he had finished, one of the friends followed up with a few questions and then said, “Chuck, I want you to place your head on the table and close your eyes.”  Chuck complied willingly, laying his head on the table in front of him and closing his eyes.

“Now, Chuck, I want you to imagine that YOUR FATHER is holding you in his arms,” suggested his friend.  “Now what do you feel?”

Almost instantly Chuck began to cry.  For thirty minutes he sobbed uncontrollably.  You see, Chuck’s father had died when he was just seven months old so he had no experience or recollection of a father’s love.  But as he closed his eyes that day, he felt the presence of pure, profound, powerful and unconditional love.

At that moment, Chuck realized that although he had preached hundreds of messages about God’s great love for us, he had never personally felt the intimacy and warmth of that love.  While his head lay on the table that day he sensed, for the first time, that His Heavenly Father truly loved him – deeply, completely and unconditionally.

By his own testimony, Chuck Swindoll and his ministry were never the same again.

My friends, while I may be unfamiliar with your life circumstances, I am sufficiently sensitive to the human condition to know that each of us has experienced those troubling times of doubt or despair.  In our heart of hearts, perhaps we have even wondered if God really cares because our problems loomed so large and we seemed so small.

Here’s good news.  In the words of the late Bishop J. O. Patterson, Sr., “We have a FATHER who has never been accused of non-support."  Phenomenal!

During our prayer time today, Belinda and I were led to cry out together to Him, “FATHER...FATHER...FATHER.”  And before we rose from our knees, we felt a deep sense of assurance that HE is forever present and powerful – far greater than our ability to conceptualize or imagine.  In a word, OUR FATHER is absolutely awesome!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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