Monday, April 18, 2016



One of the more memorable sermons of the late great civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was entitled “Loving Your Enemies.”  He had been imprisoned for protesting and daring to suggest that African-Americans should have the same civil rights as others.  During his lifetime, he received countless death threats, he was physically stabbed, he was accused of being a communist, his family home was bombed and he was jailed over 20 times.

Yet in his historic sermon, Dr. King contended that “hate multiplies hate…in a descending spiral of violence” and is therefore “just as injurious to the person who hates” as it is to the victim of hate.  Moreover, he concluded that “love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend” for it has both “creative” and “redemptive” powers.

So who will you touch today with love?

Yesterday, Belinda and I viewed the inspirational film, “War Room,” for the third time.  Both of us find it impossible to watch without being reduced to tears.  Along with its poignant proclamations on prayer, its message speaks volumes about forgiveness, acceptance and unconditional love.  To be transparent, there are many times I have come short in that area.  But here’s a hopeful thing: Long ago, my wife and I dedicated our own “war room.”  It is our home sanctuary, a spiritual space for family prayer, worship and Word study. 

In connection with this, just yesterday we commenced what we call a “complaint fast.”  God being our help, instead of carping or complaining about enemies, frenemies, or anyone else, we will lovingly lift these persons to the Lord on the altar of steadfast and fervent prayer.  While doing so, we will prayerfully and carefully consider ourselves, i.e. our own faults and imperfections, seeking God's grace for our growth edges.

As Dr. King stated so eloquently, our capacity to love is transformative and life-changing.  So we should never underestimate its power, both to transform ourselves and to touch others.

Who will you impact with a proactive and persistent love?

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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