Monday, June 20, 2016



Believers must take care in an age where pluralistic thinking is embraced enthusiastically by the majority of society.  Simply defined, PLURALISM means opposing points of view are equally valid, which means ethical standards and moral absolutes become obsolete and politically incorrect. 

Nowadays humanistic philosophies and traditions seem to be running rampant, even in the institutional (not the invisible) church.  Far too many have adopted an ala carte faith in which people grant themselves the right to choose the quality, quantity and character of their connections to Christ.  However, even a superficial look at the condition of our nation (and others) offers clear evidence that our way is simply not working.

During my studies at Yale, I read the works of the philosopher David Hume.  He had a skeptical view of the supernatural, specifically of the possibility of miracles.  Hume believed that miracles were so improbable that it is virtually impossible for a rational person to believe in them.  In his view, to believe that a miracle occurred would require the testimony of people of such great learning that they could not possibly be deceived, of such good character that they could not be deceitful, of such high reputation that their loss of face (if they were found to be deceitful) would be overwhelming.  Furthermore, any valid miracle would have to be performed publicly so any fraud would immediately be detected.  I am happy that Jesus does not agree.

Unhappily, many adherents of Christianity have adopted a cynical and faithless worldview.  The Apostle Paul warned the Colossian Church: Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)

Let’s not allow our consciences to be morphed by vain philosophies, the media, or special interest groups.  The truth is simple.  It doesn’t matter how many flags we wave, or whatever agenda they serve.  The only thing that matters is what GOD says.  So dust off your Bible because His will is His Word.  Period.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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