Thursday, June 16, 2016



Sir Michael Costa was one of the great orchestra conductors of the 19th century.  One day he was leading a rehearsal in which the orchestra was joined by a great choir.  Midway through the session the piccolo player suddenly stopped.  It seemed innocent enough.  After all who would miss the tiny piccolo amidst that great mass of instruments and voices blazing away?  All of a sudden Sir Michael halted the entire orchestra and choir.  “Stop!  Stop!  Where’s the piccolo?  What happened to the piccolo?”

My friend, you might be tempted at times to feel just like that piccolo player – weary, unappreciated, unnecessary, having relatively little to offer.  But don’t dare stop.  More than likely someone you least expect is observing and gleaning from your presence and participation.  Most importantly, The Great Conductor is keenly aware of every note you are playing, regardless of its tiny volume or seeming unimportance in the symphony of life.  You were born for a reason and for a season.  You count.  And the Creator has great expectations!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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