Friday, February 3, 2017



Whatever your current age, hopefully you have discovered that true contentment does not emerge from external conditions or circumstances.  Simply put, other people, things, and/or situations can neither attain or sustain life fulfillment.  The reason is rather obvious.  Every condition, person, place, or object we encounter and experience with our senses is temporary or transitory.  Eventually, all will die, depart, or simply fade away.

What, then, is the optimal source of our “joie de vivre?” [Note: joie de vivre is a French term meaning joy of life].  Our response to this question must begin with the understanding that happiness and joy are not synonymous.  Happiness is temporary and conditional, based solely upon prevailing conditions and our emotional responses to the same.  Joy, on the other hand, is enduring and existential, that is it comes from within.  To wit, joy is an inside job.

When we opt to invest precious time and energy in random and frantic quests for happiness, we only reap disappointment, frustration, or emptiness.  However, when we make the wiser choice to embrace the true source of joy, which is unwavering faith in the person and gospel of Jesus Christ, we reap a fulfilling harvest of peace, power, pleasure and productivity.

What is joy?  Simply defined, it is the assurance that Christ is at the center of our circumstances.

Therefore, joy sustains itself (and us) unconditionally.  As such, joy will not and cannot be based on external matters such as money, clothing, cars, or the places in which we reside.  We must endeavor to make a sound decision to embrace the legitimate and lasting joie de vivre.  It is important to note that this path will not convey immunity to problems or pains, but it will manifest the bright light of joy, which provides a divine perspective as we travel through unexpected and problematic places.

Joy is an inside job!  So first of all, establish the fact that Jesus Christ lives on the inside via a simple prayer of salvation, which grants Him access to be your Savior and Lord.  Then, read His Word (daily) and talk to Him (often) in prayer.  Remember: GOD has your back and He never ever fails.  

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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