Thursday, November 2, 2017



If you are struggling with the notion that you are now experiencing far too much loss, illness, pain, or problems, please read the following true story and be encouraged.

Jobs were extremely hard to find in New York City in 1930.  At the age of 19, I was fresh off the boat from Sweden and could not speak any English.

When I had boarded the train in my hometown of Karlskrona, Sweden, a woman seated next to me asked, “Where are you going?”

“America,” I said, “to make a new start.”

“My cousin Lars works in New York City,” she informed me, “at the Steinway piano factory.  Look him up when you get there.”  She wrote his name on a piece of paper, handed it to me and said, “God be with you.”

It was a sweltering summer day in New York when I set out in search of the factory.  I had no idea where it was located.  I wandered the city for hours, showing people that scrap of paper, which bore four words: “Lars Olsen - Steinway Piano.”  Nobody could help.

I was very disappointed and so tired.   When I saw a parked car, I opened the door and slid into the front seat.  Where I was from in Sweden, anyone could rest in someone else’s wagon or cart.  I hoped the same was true in America.

I soon fell asleep, but was jolted awake by the blast of a whistle.  Workmen streamed out of a nearby building.  One of them yelled at me, in English.  I thought, ‘What is he so upset about?’ I answered instinctively in Swedish that I was sorry.  Amazingly, he responded in Swedish: “What are you doing in my car?”  I explained, then showed him my piece of paper.  The man smiled.  He said the whistle I had heard announced the end of the workday at Steinway & Sons.  Then he walked me around the corner and introduced me to someone who gave me a job as a painter.

By now you have guessed.  The man who owned the car was Lars Olsen!

My friend, just when you sense that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, and the voice of discouragement whispers that your life is beyond repair, GOD shows up.  One of His covenant names is “Jehovah-Shammah.”  It simply means “THE LORD is THERE.” (Ezekiel 48:35) Always trust His plan, even when you cannot trace His hand.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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