Monday, November 27, 2017



At times, life seems to mirror precarious roller-coaster rides – up and down, in and out, with startling curves and sudden drops in altitude.  I have a crystal-clear memory of joining a childhood friend on that daunting Kennywood Park ride, known to us as “The Wild Maus.” [mouse] It was far more alarming than my young mind’s imagination had previously conceived.  So, disembarking, I blamed my friend, who (according to me) had talked me into going on that ride ordeal in the first place.

Truthfully, it was not Wesley’s fault, nor his decision.  I entered that ride of my own free will and volition.  The blame game was simply my means of coping with those dizzying twin-terrors of imbalance and fear.

Unanticipated curves-in-life can cause us to feel like mere pawns in some grand ‘celestial game’ – as if God is allowing us to experience ups-and-downs for no good purpose, without rhyme or reason.  Indeed, His process of personal growth and development certainly does not ‘feel’ like love, not while we are navigating through the dire straits of pain, disappointment, loss, reversal, or survival.

To be candid, there have been moments in my faith-walk when I wondered whether it would be accurate for Heaven to dub me a FAIR-WEATHER CHRISTIAN.  In truth, it is remarkably easy to proclaim faith and pursue commitments while sailing through calm seas and experiencing clear skies.  Rough waters are quite different.  On occasion, I must admit that I silently blamed God for my own choices and circumstances.

The failure is never in God.  Let’s not blame Him.

Instead of cursing the darkness, true faith mobilizes us to light candles of hope.  Thus, we are gradually transformed into bright lights that will illuminate and inspire others during the inevitable challenges that knock on every door.

Whether we know it or not, whether we feel it or not, GOD is riding alongside us on “The Wild Maus” of our lives – and assuredly, He will see us through every outlandish dip, drop and curve – even though we might have made the deliberate choice to occupy those terrifying spaces and places.  Grace, mercy and favor will always be our traveling companions.  And God’s got our back!

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING.  Maranatha!

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