Thursday, January 4, 2018



The Word of God records the following dire warning: “But know this, that in the last days PERILOUS TIMES will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (II Timothy 3:1-5, NKJV)

To those who accurately perceive the inerrant lessons of biblical prophecy, OUR TIME is definitely that which is referenced by the Apostle Paul’s pastoral epistle to his protégé, Timothy.

In view of the apparently CLEAR AND PRESENT THREAT OF DANGER TO OUR WORLD AND OUR REPUBLIC, I now feel compelled to speak directly to an issue that some might deem to be more political than spiritual. On one hand, it truly troubles me to do so, since I try to avoid entering and embracing the morass of American politics. Alternatively, I seek to project and proclaim the Kingdom of God. But now I must speak.

FYI, I am neither Republican, nor Democrat. I am an Independent voter – simply because I discern foundational flaws in the moral composition of both major political parties. Based on my personal understanding of the Word of God, Democrats are far too liberal in their approach to mission-critical moral issues, such as abortion; and, Republicans are far too insensitive in addressing the survival needs of those whom Christ described as “the least of these.” (Exodus 20:13 and Matthew 25:45) Once again, I am neither Republican, nor Democrat. And I feel certain that JESUS CHRIST would not subscribe to the worldview of either Republicans or Democrats.

Therefore, what I am about to say should not be understood through the political lens of either party: OUR WORLD IS NOW REELING IN THE THROES OF EXISTENTIAL DANGER AND JEOPARDY!

Just yesterday, I overheard a troubling conversation (obviously intended to be heard by anyone present) while seated in the waiting area of an auto tire establishment. The cable news channel ‘talking heads’ were discussing President Trump’s twitter commentary about the looming crisis in North Korea. Two men (approximately my age) were offering strident verbal responses. They laughed out-loud as they underscored Mr. Donald Trump’s remarks about having a bigger nuclear button and arsenal than that of Mr. Kim Jong-un. In a word, they found a macabre sense of humor in what is potentially a dangerous and deadly situation. After listening (rather reluctantly) to their discourse for a long while, I offered my own perspective: “Perhaps this situation will not seem humorous to any of us if we are engaged in a military action with North Korea and if multiplied thousands or millions lose their lives, especially if our grandchildren are called upon to fight and die in a such a war.”

They looked at me with utter contempt and disdain, and then continued their discourse about the considerable capabilities of President Trump and why he is “the right man” for leadership in our nation and world. They virtually ignored me, and they seemed oblivious to the likelihood of destruction and death.

What is terribly troubling to me is the casual and cavalier way in which many of our LEADERS AND CITIZENRY speak of America’s place in the world and of the impending possibility of nuclear war. I cannot process, or even begin to comprehend, their seeming lack of concern. And, I am equally troubled by those in the so-called “Religious Right” who daily co-sign ‘blank checks of support’ for any comments or decisions made by our President.

Things seem to be rapidly spinning out of control, so now I must speak. Admittedly, I am not a psychiatrist; I am a minister of the gospel. However, I am positive that PEOPLE OF FAITH can no longer sit idly by and watch our nation falling headlong into international disrepute and global danger. The world is now confused about our identity and our intent, and so are we.

My friends, please do not respond to this devotional with any knee-jerk political viewpoint, parroting the mantra of one side of the aisle, or the other. These statements are not designed to be an opportunity for division; neither do they constitute a call for the impeachment of our President. Time, circumstance, and constitutional law will likely resolve any issues of stability, competency and integrity. In the meantime, we CHRISTIANS MUST KEEP OUR EYES OPEN AND OUR PRAYERS FLOWING, as required by God’s Word:

I Timothy 2:1-4
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Fellow believers in Christ, this is my fervent prayer: “Father, in the name of Jesus, please bless America. At the same time, Heavenly Father, please bless every nation. Endow our world leaders with understanding, wisdom, grace, mercy, integrity, humility and love so we may live together in peace on the planet that You allow us to steward. Grant our families, our children, and our grandchildren both the will and the way to exist in harmony and in tranquility. We humbly ask these blessings in Your name, and for Your sake. Amen.”

Please join with me in heartfelt prayer for the sanity, safety and stability of our nation and world.

Sisters and brothers, be continually blessed, and please (above all else) MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO MEET OUR SOON COMING KING. Maranatha!

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